3 September 2012

Fiery Mantles

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0012

Red hair is the rarest natural hair color in humans. No wonder it’s eye-candy to so many people.

And maybe one reason a fair share of Danish girls like to color their hair red.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 8173

Fits the Copenhagen scenery perfect.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0117

And can be a real wake up call at times!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2157

While most red haired men seem to go along with their natural color.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2684

Happy Cycling!

2 September 2012

IKEA Cycle Chic

Trip to IKEA
The Cycle Chic kids packing the Bullitt (or being packed onto the Bullitt in the case of Lulu) on an IKEA visit yesterday.

Read all about the ease of cycling to and from IKEA in Copenhagen over at Copenhagenize.com.

1 September 2012

Sailor Stripes

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0001

The navy started it. The French perfected it. Sailor stripes is a fashion evergreen.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2276

Simple and yet so very elegant.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2462

Fresh as a morning breeze.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2224

Just cap it off with a sailor’s beanie!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7822

Happy Cycling!

31 August 2012

Cycle Chic Moscow

Summer streets#8
Been a while since we've been in Moscow. Luckily, one of our Russian readers, Ivan Ivanov, is on hand to fill us in on the urban cycling scene in the city. Thanks, Ivan!
summer streets#3

summer streets#10

summer streets#1

In Moscow metro after "Velo night" "Knitted" Bicycle on Pokrovka street

Bicycle parking near "Ciferblat" cafe

summer streets#7

summer streets#6 summer streets#5

summer streets#2

Moscow Velo Night

On bike path constr. site

Summer park#2

30 August 2012

Cycle Chic Voyage, New York, NY

Manhattan Bridge Morning 2
Summer holiday, at last.  While Mikael headed off to Croatia, I'm taking a few weeks and spending them in New York.  Most of the trip will be in upstate New York, but I am so so very excited to spend the last few days in New York City.  After working at Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize, the way I perceive cities has changed.  Drastically.  It happens to all of us. 
NYC Bikes Cycle Chic
So, I've got my Cycle Chic shades packed, my restaurants and theatres scouted out, and I am ready.  Ready for Manhattan Bridge Mornings, Brooklyn coffee shop afternoons, and some fantastic summer nights out.
NY Taxi

29 August 2012

Things Are About to Change

Finnish Nokia employs a spot of Cycle Chic in this teaser ad for something. Shot in Helsinki, by the looks of it.

Tour of Frederiksberg

Tour of Denmark (2)
Felix and his buddy Kasper get it on the action.
Felix and Kasper_1
It was a friendly race.
Tour of Denmark Ice Cream
That ended with ice cream.

28 August 2012

Tour of Denmark

Tour of Denmark  Fans
Last weekend the Tour of Denmark took over the streets of Frederiksberg.  The race is quite an entertaining one to watch as the riders whip past every seven to eight minutes, doing 10 laps before making a sprint for the finish.  Above, the peloton, and Lulu-Sophia cheering them on.

A few highlights from the day...
Tour of Denmark _5 Tour of Denmark _6
Tour of Denmark_5
Tour of Denmark _4Tour of Denmark Espana
Champions of the bike lane :)

27 August 2012

TED x Copenhagen Team and their Bicycles

TED x Copenhagen Team 2012 - By Bicycle
Photo: Rasmus Quistgaard

With my work at Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize I'm honoured and privileged to meet amazing, inspirational people all over the world.

It's even better when you get to meet them and work with them right here at home in Copenhagen.

I spoke on stage at the TED x Copenhagen conference in 2010 about the Culture of Fear and the preparations for this year's TED x Copenhagen are in full swing up to the big day on September 18th, 2012.

The theme this year in Copenhagen is Movements. Social movements that are changing the world. Check out the line-up on the TED x Copenhagen website and look forward to seeing the talks when they are online. They will be fantastic. It's a brilliant array of important topics.

I'm honoured to have been asked to be the host for this year's conference and I'm looking forward to it.

It's a TED x Autumn for us. Apart from me hosting the day in Copenhagen, Mary Hudson Embry - Director of Planning at Copenhagenize Consulting will be giving a talk about the Copenhagenize movement. In addition, I'll be speaking at the TED x Zurich conference in October about Bicycle Culture by Design.

For now, the focus is on making the TED x Copenhagen 2012 a fantastic day. And with such an inspiring group of people, it is guaranteed to be.

And let it be known that the TED x Copenhagen team uses bicycles when they need to get around their city. It's a no-brainer. It's 2012, after all.

Lift Off!

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 4816

Getting your bike into motion is maybe the most tricky thing to learn when you learn to bike. And the elegance with which you take off is the hallmark of the proficient rider.

Simple kick above and side stand below.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 5683

Directly onto the pedals.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 4814

Standing kick off.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0527

Another side mount.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2012 - 3282

Happy Cycling!

26 August 2012

Waterproof Dog

2012-08-25 17.05.29
Just when I thought I'd seen it all in Cycle Chic/Social Documentary of Urban Cycling. After six years, it's tough to see something new, but yesterday, this gentleman rolled past.

Check that out... handlebar-mounted mini umbrella for his dog in the basket. Fantatsic!

25 August 2012

Paris Cycle Chic in Copenhagen

Paris Cycle Chic in Copenhagen
These two Parisiennes, Virna and Omar, are leaving Copenhagen tomorrow. Which is regrettable. They have been guests at Casa Cycle Chic, renting out my guest room through Airbnb.com and riding around the city for five days on my guest bicycles. It's always regrettable to see guests leave.

I've been hosting guests through Airbnb since last year and it's been fantastic. I grew up in a home where the doors were never locked and friends, family and neighbours waltzed in unannouced and made themselves at home. That's the kind of home I try to create for me and my kids and Airbnb has helped inject a splendid amount of cosmopolitanism into our humble home.

Most of the guests who visit know me through Cycle Chic or Copenhagenize.com or the company, but there are also others who end up here for whatever other reason. When I tell my kids that guests are arriving, they ask where they're from and look forward to meeting them. The kids are bilingual, so it's great for them to practice their English, too.
Paris Cycle Chic in Copenhagen
When Virna and Omar were leaving, The Lulu - aged 4 - announced that she missed them already. I take that as the ultimate accolade for any guest who visits. Virna and Omar enjoyed playing with Lulu and they got the biggest hugs from her when they left.

2012-08-25 17.47.37
And not only that, they were kind enough to buy a present for me from the bookshop at the Danish Design Center. Perfect for my many work-related journeys with Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize. Merci! You're welcome back anytime.

This is what the internet does. Bring people together. I experience it every time I travel, meeting people who read this blog and who thank us for it. It strikes deep in the heart each and every time.

Now I have the chance to welcome guests here at home and that just doubles the joy.

Monumental Motion

Monumental Motion Ljubljana_8
Cycle Chic and Copenhagen's bicycle culture has gone walkabout with my "Monumental Motion - A cycling life in the capital of Denmark" photo exhibition.

Monumental Motion Ljubljana_4
These three photos are from the world premiere in Ljubljana, Slovenia last autumn, but the exhibition, in collaboration with the Danish Foreign Ministry, is scheduled to travel the globe for another year or so.

Over at Copenhagenize you can see more about the Monumental Motion exhibition. As well as read about minor diplomatic crisises and tales from car culture.
Monumental Motion Ljubljana_5