13 August 2012

Cycle Chic Postcard – Beijing

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 8263

When I lived in Beijing (1994 to 99) there were masses of bicycles in the streets. Private cars were virtually non-existent. Not so today. The bikes are all but gone.

Instead hundreds of thousands of private vehicles flood the streets. While the – excellent – Metro sweeps up a large part of the remaining commuters (alas - no bikes allowed here).

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 8280

It’s a pity because it was plain to see it coming. I remember discussing traffic planning with Beijing officials. They complained about having “too many bicycles”. My reply? “Just wait until you have too many cars…”.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 8249

The situation will not change any time soon. But there’s still hope. First, because nearly all Chinese still learn how to bike. Second, because the Chinese are actually pretty smart urban planners – they have noticed the surge in urban cycling elsewhere.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 8234

But most importantly, the City’s extensive bicycle infrastructure remains widely intact. I hope that the cyclists come back before cars are allowed to encroach on all that precious space.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 8268

Happy Cycling!

11 August 2012

Sunset Boulevard

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7733

Sunset is the golden hour for pictures. And the timing can not be better for binning a few cycle chic scenes on the way home from work. Enjoy!

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 6939a

On the lookout for a lover?
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7422

Waiting at the crossing.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 6881

Relaxed homeward stride.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7412

Happy Cycling!

10 August 2012

Bike Shares Around the Republic, Part I

Barcelona Cycle Chic_12
Barcelona's bicing
We did a tour for a wonderfully attentive and sharp group of visitors from Washington, D.C. earlier this week.  From the Summit Foundation's Sustainable Cities program they were researching and experiencing, well, sustainable cities.  Bike share systems of course play a role and got us thinking, what is it, in the simplest explanation, that makes bike share such A Good Thing.
Fashionable Tourists
Copenhagen's City Bike
Boiled down to one easy phrase, it redemocratises the bicycle.  It brings the bicycle back to the city's residents.  It boldly reintroduces the bicycle as urban transport. This is one of the key points in Mikael's keynote, "Four Goals for Promoting Urban Cycling," and features in much of our work at Copenhagenize.
Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes To Paris
Velib in Paris
Business men and women, Chic'sters, hipsters, going about their daily business with a little two-wheeled help.  No wonder we like it so much.
Dublin Cycle Chic_25
Montreal Cycle Chic_9Montreal Cycle Chic_8Montreal Bixi Transport
Moving people and furniture.  One Montreal Bixi at a time.

9 August 2012

Copenhagen Hats

Human Details 01
Sometimes hipster, often elegant or dapper, occasionally sassy.  Whatever the mood, hats add a certain element of flair to any ensemble. 
Hat Phone Electronic Device
Cool Evening Couple

8 August 2012

Dublin Cycle Chic

Dublin Cycle Chic_3
Copenhagenize was recently in Dublin on business.  Between meetings there was plenty of time for seeing the streets and people of Dublin.
Dublin Cycle Chic_2
Pretty certain this girl is riding the same bicycle as the gentleman in the first image.  Coincidence? Funkalicious new leopard print bike share bikes?
Dublin Cycle Chic_15
Looks like baskets beat out front racks in Dublin.
Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 05
This shot from an earlier trip to launch Dublin Cycle Chic. Here you can see a film from the fashion show.  Chances are you'll be seeing a few more photos like the one above as today kicks off Copenhagen Fashion Week.

7 August 2012

Copenhagen Summertime

Beach Bicycle Parking
Some of you may have noticed that Mikael hasn't been the one posting the last few blog entries. Because the lucky dog is on holiday in Croatia.  So, while he's gone, we're taking advantage of Copenhagen's own little seaside escape. 
Beach Bicycle Parking
The beach is close, but not central to the city, so bicycles (and the metro) are the most popular way to get there.
Copenhagen Swimmills
Beachside bars with signs that read 'open when the sun is shining', vendors selling fresh green peas and ripe cherries, and gently rotating wind mills create a pretty warm landscape to complement the city's otherwise Nordic Cool attitude. Not bad Copenhagen, not bad at all.

6 August 2012

Classic “T”

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2270

The classic white T-shirt is a winner every summer. Feels good – looks great. What’s not to like?

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7658

Goes with almost anything.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7938

Slick and cool…
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7830

…and stylish simple
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2232

Happy Cycling!

4 August 2012

Super Sized Cycles

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0351
New York is famous for being the city of super sizes. I'm sure the bikes over there are even larger than ours, but Copenhagen also has its share of over sized bikes.

The happy bar tender above is celebrating that Friday night is finally over - and now his party can begin! The cycle taxi below not only carries Copenhagen's largest cycling canopy it also has an array of gps, music and other gadgets to go.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2011 - 3681

Some shops have found out that cargo bikes work well in the city centre. Here an adapted cargo bike for a window repair shop.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0496

Yep, four seats across this impressive cycle taxi. Must be the broadest bike in town.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2228

Sometimes only the sky is the limit!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 5339

Happy Cycling!

3 August 2012

Friday Night Lights

Vienna Cycle Chic-007
Vienna Cycle Chic
We're going out tonight. There is a 50% chance of clear skies, and a 100% chance that either way, we will be getting there by bicycle.
Vitoria Dora-004
Vitoria Cycle Chic
Copenhagen Nights
Copenhagen summer night
Knippels Bridge Jumping 2
Copenhagen summer night/morning, bridge jumping into the canal

2 August 2012

Good Design

I Have Allens Keys
There is something relaxing, visually pleasing, satisfying even, about objects that are organised nicely and neatly.  Probably why we are fans of the photo blog, Things Organized Neatly.  So, we set out to find examples of bicycles organised neatly.  Something like this...
Cycle Chic Photo Shoot with Jopo Bicycles from Finland
Photo shoot for Jopo Bikes.
or this...
Sao Paulo CEU Paulistano_20Sao Paulo CEU Paulistano_10
Bamboo getting ready to be made into bicycles in Sao Paulo.
Occasionally the City of Copenhagen does a nice job cleaning up and organising the bikes for us.  Not least with their Bicycle Butlers.
Hej Cyclist Here is Your Bicycle_1
One of the closest every day sights we found, was this arrangement at a Copenhagen train station.  Adequate, efficient, and typical Scandinavian minimalism.
Copenhagen Parking
More often than not, it's slightly more chaotic, bicycles ending up like a heap of stuffed animals.  Loved, well-used, lost, sometimes forgotten.
Copenhagen Fashion Week 02
Do you have examples of good design? Design that encourages order and aesthetics and would organise all these bicycles neatly.  We'd love to see it.

1 August 2012

Art and Elegance

Exquisite red light posture.
Strasbourg Cycle Chic-001
Cykelsupersti Inauguration-005
We've always thought of it as an urban dance, not least with our project, The Choreography of an Urban Intersection, but these guys gracefully set into motion an urban bicycle ballet.