5 December 2009

Individual Style

All Going On
I'm loving the style, the individualism and the whole shebang on this Copenhagener.

4 December 2009

Bird's Eye Cycle Chic and Climate Satire

I found this photo deep in my Flickr photostream. I like it. Maybe not ooh-la-la chic, baby, but it's a cool angle on a regular citizen and his bicycle. Where's he going? Where's he coming from? So many untold stories. I like that.

On a completely different note, the UN Climate Conference is about to kick off here in Copenhagen. Optimism for a good deal for the planet is waning and our politicians are unlikely to make any firm commitment. Cynical? Perhaps. Realistic? Perhaps.

Copenhagen Climate Conference T-shirts
If you're on the cynical side, we've prepared a series of tongue-in-cheeky t-shirts that are perfect for those who enjoy the time-tested "I told you so" angle. Climate Conference Reality Check T-shirts and Coffee Mugs. Check them out in our online shop. Choose President or Prime Minister, depending on where you live. Or see some of the designs over at Copenhagenize.com.

3 December 2009

Sonja Rykiel, Hennes and Mauritz and Bicycles

The mainstreaming of the bicycle continues. This time at a fashion show in Paris launching Sonja Rykiel's new collection for Swedish behemoth 'cheap and cheerful' chain H&M. Bicycles, bicycle, bicycles.

Thanks to: Erik.

Friendly Tempo

Five Friends
The bicycle is everywhere in Copenhagen. Here's five friends moving slowly along the bike lanes, chatting and enjoying each others' company. One of them doesn't have a bike and everyone adjusts to his speed. Talking is more important than hurrying along.

Here's a similar shot, with a similar mood, from a while back.

2 December 2009

The Art of Red Gloves

Red Glove
Reg gloves. There's something about them. They don't send such a loud signal as red heels, but the elegance is more subtle and refined.

I took this shot the other day and then seemed to recall I had some other shots of red gloves. Presto... a theme was born.
Elegance on Wheels
This is one of the more iconic Cycle Chic shots from a couple of years back. Such poise and grace only intensified by the red gloves.
Blue and Green Classic, Classy, Copenhagener* Copenhagen Chilling Warmth*
Some other shots feature red driving gloves, red wooly mittens and red stripey mittens.
50 kroner
If you look hard enough, you may be able to find a red version of these handwarmers. The black ones cost 50 kroner [$10] around Copenhagen.

1 December 2009

Fragment of Clarity

The Sense of a Cyclist
Urban Cycling is transport. It's a quick and enjoyable way to get around your town. It's a transport form that requires a bicycle and the clothes in your closet.

But it can also be a wistful, fleeting glimpse of poetry. A fragment of clarity quicker than your breath catching in your throat. A longing for focus, detail and extending a magical moment. And then... zip... it's gone.

30 November 2009

Cycle Chic Inspiration

Variation on a Kickstand *
Who doesn't like to be an inspiration? Thanks so much to Wytze, who sent us a mail. He has completed his graduation project which involved designing a ladies bicycle.

I just wanted to let you know your blog inspired me during my graduation project. As a tribute I made this picture I attached. Thank you for all your nice fotographs, they reminded me to focus on style not only on features.

Thanks so much, Wytze. And what a groovy bicycle you've designed. It's viewable here in the Graduation Project - The Movie! :-)

Friday Night in the Big City

Nightime Copenhagener
Friday evening at an intersection near me.

Sydney Cycle Chic

Urban Cyclist Project 93
Been awhile since we had a spot of Australia Cycle Chic. Here's a shot from the Cycle Chic group on Flickr by Velovotee taken in Sydney.

If you're down under and looking for restored vintage bicycles, check out our friend Lucy's eBay page to see if you can find your dream bicycle.

29 November 2009

Fukuoka City Cycle Chic from Stephen Crawford

Just can't get enough. Here's another installment of Japan Cycle Chic from my mate Stephen Crawford, the photographer living in Fukuoka City, Japan.

The perfect respite from a cloudy Sunday afternoon.

The stylish cyclists of Japan are, in my opinion, second only to their counterparts here in Copenhagen.

Go Nippon! Thanks Stephen.

28 November 2009

We Approve

Cycle Chic Advert for the bespoke British company Stephens Brothers.

"Let's just say, Prince William would approve" is the tagline.

Who gives a toss if he does or not. It's pure speculation. Cycle Chic approves. That's a fact.

Where Are The Bikes?


I just realized that the actual bike content is extremely subtle on some of my recent shots. But since you are here in the first place, I can safely assume that You, dear reader, have no problem in mentally constructing the "whole" image.

Nuit de Caramel

I still don´t know how the background turned out so uniformly brownish tones. But I love photographic surprises. A Caramel Night.

27 November 2009

Swiss Style In More Ways Than One

A Swiss designer by the name of Thomas Neeser converts bicycles into design icons. He started his work as his diploma project from the Zürich University of Art and Design and now people bring their old bikes to him to have them morphed into something even more lovely, like the bicycle above featuring the Swiss model Zoe Scarlett.

We blogged about the bicycles over at Copenhagenize.com and reserved the Cycle Chic shots for you on this blog.

Read about the bicycles here or visit Thomas' website - in German - at www.fretsche.ch.

Monkey Warfare

Here's a classic Cycle Chic sequence from a wicked cool film Monkey Warfare that I saw tonight. A Canadian writer friend, Taras Grescoe was in town last week and our cinema talk led to him mentioning this film. Wham, bam, eBay and there you go.

Needless to say I loved the cycle chic sequence. Most the film takes place on bicycles in Toronto though.

Here's the trailer.

26 November 2009


Parking #1
The other day I came across two incidents of rather stylish bike parking. Or perhaps it wasn´t just the parking...
Parking #2