9 October 2008

Copenhagen Cycle Chic International Roundup

New York Times - Ruby Washington
Photo: Ruby Washington
The New York Times has a little slide show they call A Field Guide to the New York City Bicyclist wherein they feature five cyclists from the city. One wears lycra, but behold the others! Thanks to the readers who fired off the link to us.
New York Times - Ruby Washington
Photo: Ruby Washington

Karlskrona Cycle Chic
A little splash of Copenhagen Cycle Chic as seen in lovely Karlskrona, Sweden. Thanks, Joel!

A bit of Berlintasticness from Der Spiegel.

Springfield Cycle Chic
Thanks to Andy for this fine example of Springfield Cycle Chic!

Bike Girl Posse
I've had this photo on my harddisk for ages and ages. I think it's a publicity stunt for The Bicycle Film Festival.

GQ Taiwan
GQ's Taiwan magazine have a cool print edition with loads of my photos this month and here's a little online teaser for their Scandinavian design feature.

Sleek, Black Autumn

The sleek look of the Copenhagen autumn. Black tights and leggings in boots are all the rage on the bike lanes of the Danish capital this year.
Autumn colour
The skirtguards of the city sigh a lonely sigh and resign themselves to waiting for the flowing, billowing skirts of the next distant summer. Although with a secret hope that the winter will be cold so that the cyclists will don long coats that require protection.
Bike needs repair though #2
And a broken chainguard is of little concern. It's just a bike. The most important thing is YOU on the bike.
Photos by Lars D. Terkelsen.

The Green Wave in Copenhagen from Copenhagenize on Vimeo.

Here's a cool little video I shot the other day. One of the main streets leading to the city centre features 35,000 cyclists each day. We have a Green Wave where if you cycle 20 km/h you'll hit green lights all the way. Have a look at the fantastic flow of bikes in the morning rush hour.

The music is Danish. The first track is a group called Ibens. The song is "Jeg savner min blå cykel" or I miss my blue, blue bicycle. An ode to the bicycle of childhood/youth. The second track is Tue West with "Sæt dig bag på min cykel" or Get up on the back of my bike... and enjoy it.

Urban Legend Fashion Show

Momentum Magazine's Urban Legend Fashion Show at the Interbike Bike Fair is now viewable as a film. Rocking and two-wheeled rolling.

8 October 2008

Stripes and Things

Stripes in the Bike Lane
Stripes on a bike lane. When there is construction, the bike lanes are always taken into consideration.

Leggings are very popular at the moment. Seen here with wellingtons, a vest, a beret.

Autumn Shadows
I love the impossibly long shadows of the Nordic autumn.
Different Forms of Transport
And leaves are starting to line the streets.

7 October 2008

Hello Yello and a Coffee Cup

Yellow Wall
The Yellows of the Copenhagen Autumn.

Red Light People
Fallen leaves are lining the streets.
Copenhagen Bike Bell
Saw this bike bell in one of the bike sheds at our flat. What a lovely little thing.

6 October 2008

Springtime Autumnal

It's autumn. There's no doubt about it. Or is there? Certain visual signals in the city are confusing. The sun is shining and the temperature is the same as in April. Colourful flowers on bike baskets, as above, are a century-old tradition but they send your mind into springtime.
City Scene
Then there's this shot. This is confusing. Brightly coloured flowers on a city square. The chairs stacked up could be a sign of the start of the outdoor serving season - indeed that is one of the surest signs of spring in Copenhagen. The cafés start stacking chairs outside waiting for the first mild day. The girl's outfit is certainly springlike. Skirt and stockings, as though it's the first day she shed her jacket, which is in her basket.
Rainy days. Definately springtime.

All very lovely and very confusing.

A Girl and a Bicycle By The Lakes

Lakeside Vision
She appeared quite unexpectedly, pushing her bike along, heels crunching on gravel. Eyes squinting as she enjoyed the warmth the sun provided. A whole world of emotion inside her head and all around her like an aura.

[I took this photo almost two years ago. I had completely forgotten about it and then I dreamt about it last night. So I thought I'd post it.]

Double Up

What a gentleman.
Two girlfriends, both holding a delicious cup of coffee, pedal off down the street.

In other news, the cool online mag .city cycling selected The Slow Bicycle Movement as website of the month! Cool!

5 October 2008

Sunday Yawn

Copenhagen Yawn
It's Sunday. It's cloudy and rainy. What can possibly be more appropriate than a couple of cycling photos featuring yawns.
Paris Bike Culture - Cycling Sociably
This photo is from Paris. In other countries the cyclist next to you at the light is often panting, sweating and pumped with adrenaline.

In many European cities, the pace is casual and relaxed and a yawn is quite acceptable and often a requirement. :-)

4 October 2008

Automotive Sensory Deprivation

Driving in a car has so many sensory limitations.

You never get to regard peoples' hair at a stop light. You don't get to experience the scent of peoples' shampoo, perfume or cologne at a red light or as they pass you on the bike lanes.

You never hear fingers drumming gently on handlebars as the cyclist next to you enjoys a song on their mp3 player.

Coffee to Go
You don't get to smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee to go.
Collective Traffic
You miss out on overhearing the passionate discussions of children as they flow through the city.

You can't hear the crunch of teeth on a fresh, autumn apple.

3 October 2008

Orange You Glad I Posted This?

She had stopped for a car, in the middle of a cheerful mobile phone conversation, and had to get rolling again. That's why homo sapiens have elbows. She got back up to speed without even blinking. Don't try this outside of Copenhagen or Amsterdam. :-)
Blue on Blue Shopping
A lesser-known drawback to a Copenhagen cycling life. You have to go out of your way to find shops that put their goods in coloured bags that match your bicycle. But the good news is, you get to shop more!

Here's a bit of Cycle Chic from Minnpost.com - in Minnesota, USA. An interview with Anna Lee who is Cycle chic hero for riding in heels and dresses.

"Look — that lady's bicycling in heels," said a middle-aged guy as he watched Lee pedal in ruby-red pumps.
Go Anna Go!

2 October 2008


Riding and Walking Tall
Serious Heels.
Seriously small dog.
Curious Glance
Seriously big dog.
Seriously wide bike lane. Read why it's suddenly wider on copenhagenize.com.

1 October 2008

Carry On, Copenhagen

Two Way Street
Classic Copenhagen street scene, including bikes and a cargo bike ridden by a Supermum in heels.
Blue on blue
City Hall Square one day. Blue on blue with a poncho-clad Supermum.

For more about Danish cargo bike culture, I have an article online at The Los Angeles Times right here.

30 September 2008

Autumnal Tuesday

The cape lives on despite being sooo last year. We don't mind at all when it looks this splendid. The bow in the hair completes the classy outfit.
If you're wondering, the heavily-laden bicycle in the middle, up front, is a postman. Four panniers and a bag on the front rack.
The Royal Danish Post *
As seen here, too.

The sun is shining and, although the air is cooler, there are some Copenhageners that haven't quite made the jump to autumn just yet. Luckily.

Ode To A Bicycling America

What I wore annnnd ze new bicyclette!
Atlanta, Georgia - by San Smith - check out her blog!

The very, very best thing about this blog - and the other one - is the people we've met. It's a pleasure to cybermeet like-minded individuals who share our love of personal style, fashion and bicycles. In that order.
Birthday Date
Santa Monica, California - by Madness Riviera.
We get so many lovely guest photos sent in or added to our Flickr group so why just chuck a little montage up with photos from a few of our American friends.

Fashion-wise there will always be differences in style on both sides of the pond, but we're loving what our friends and acquaintences are doing for Bicycle Chic in America.
Venice Beach, California
I lived in L.A. for a while back in the late-80's and every weekend was spent either surfing or hanging at the beach. Venice Beach was a favourite spot. Even back then Venice Beach was bicycle heaven. Some good things never change.

New York:
NYC Bicycle Commuter, 5th Ave. @ 58th St. NYC Bicycle Commuter, West Side Greenway @ 72nd St.
La la
You know cycling has arrived [or rather returned] when the citizens of big cities get into the saddle. First Paris and now New York. Sure, it is far from perfect, but it's happening. And when it happens in cities like Paris and New York, it will spread. Wonderful.
Read our series about Paris for more info about the rebirth of their bike culture.

Seattle & Portland:
Seattle Velocoture white electra and heels

Sacramento, California:
Amanda's other whip.

Thanks for all the photos. There are so many more and we'll keep posting the, but for now this is our Ode to a Bicycling America.