3 April 2008

A Hub of Copenhagen Cyclists

If we can say 'a pod of whales', 'a memory of elephants', 'a murder of crows' why not 'A hub of Copenhagen cyclists'?
Simple Elegance.
Casual Stance
Yet another casual cyclist stance.
Funk is the new Punk
Funk is the New Punk.
Age, Style and Grace
Age is no reason to stop cycling.
Solid Stance
Solid heel stance.

Copenhagen Cycle Chic online boutique is now open

2 April 2008

Iconic Copenhagen

Iconic Copenhagen
This photo sums up everything that is good and right and casual and elegant and stylish about Copenhagen bike culture.

Style over speed, indeed.

She was waiting for a girlfriend on the city hall square.

On occasion, certain shots with an iconic quality pop up.
My personal favourites:
Interesting Things to Look At. * Elegance on Wheels * Green Light Go * Classic Copenhagen * Cool Cycle Chica * Flow * Overtaken Shortly * La famiglia * Fashionista on Wheels * Short Cut * Yellow Means Caution *

1 April 2008

Daily Musings from Copenhagen

A Flash of Springtime
The surest sign of spring is the sight of bare legs. My wife and I and some of our friends have a contest each year to see who spots the first pair. Nighttime doesn't count, since bare legs are always a part of the night life, so it has to be during the day. This shot doesn't count, but it signals that we're getting close. Our eyes are peeled.
On the stretch of street outside our flat it far between the the traffic lights. Cyclists usually get spread out. Perfect for solo shots. But once in a while you get lucky.
Copenhagen Supermum
Today's Copenhagen supermum. Two bags of groceries hanging on the handlebars, kid on the back, basket filled with school bag and what have you. And just a run of the mill bike. No bells and whistles, just transport.
I love this wall near me. A waterfall in the summer and every night it is lit up with embedded lights.
Two Bikes
It's really hard to take pictures of anything in Copenhagen without a bike in the background.

Cycle Chic Pour Homme - Dapperliciousness

Danish Dapperliciousness
Don't worry, the focus of this blog remains intact. We just thought we'd post a couple of cyclists of the male variety to highlight a bit of dapperliciousness.

This chap, above, is a poster child for individual style. Just the fact that he's riding one of the retro 10-speeds, with the curvy handlebars of my distant youth, is retro coolaliciousness. Then there's his clothes, cap and the coloured tape on the bike. What a sight.

And from outside the Hauptbahnhof in Zurich, ubiquity_zh on flickr snapped this dapper gentleman getting ready for the lovely bike lanes of Zurich.
Mounting bike

31 March 2008

Quintessential Danishness [and a wallpaper]

It's hard to explain if you've never been here but this shot is textbook Danishness.

Not Copenhagenness - a modern European capital with all the trimmings - but the whole essence of Danishness. That national sensation that exists just under the skin. A national-romantic and idealistic image of what a nation is, sure, but it is almost always makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Each country with a long history has their own, unique and simple sensation. This photo is, for me, quintessential Danishliciousness. Stormy seas and wind turbines are Danishness, too. As are the bike lanes on this blog. But this shot is special - because of the rolling wheatfields and the sea - but mostly because of the bike and the girl on the bike.

Made better by the fact that it's Wifealiciousness on that bike, in that wheat field, heading towards that sea in the background.

Taken on the 'Sunshine Island' - Bornholm, just south-east of Sweden in the Baltic Sea.

And I think it appropriate to remember that Danish women and men have been cycling daily down this lane since bicycles were invented.
Wallpaper 1280x800

Monday is Wallpaper Day
Or so I declared last week.



30 March 2008

Cycle Chic in Calgary & Geneva

Vic from The Lazy Randonneur blog sent us this great shot of Cycle Chic in Calgary, Canada.

"Here's a picture of my friend Sarah test riding Dahon folding bikes in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. She bought the pea green Dahon D7 and rides it fashionably around downtown getting to and from one fabulous moment after another. I enjoy your blog - keep up the good work... Vic"

Thanks, Vic. What a great photo of Cowtown Chic. We like Calgary. They have the legendary Danish-Canadian Club on 11th Ave. Some of the best Danish food outside of the Kingdom. You have to be a member, but that just means you have to meet a Dane [and get them to buy you lunch...]

Here's a little taste of Cycle Chic in Basel, Switzerland, by nchenga at Flickr. Basel is a great cycling city. Built on the steep banks of the Rhine it's more than hilly and yet 23% of all trips are made by bike, on a well-developed network of bike lanes. Just one of many cycling cities that disprove the "you only ride alot in Copenhagen 'cause it's flat..." myth.

And this little pearl below is a great photo from Geneva, taken by Stephen. Personalising your bike in creative ways is the best part of bike culture.
grass bike

[I feel a Swiss theme coming up... stay tuned]

29 March 2008

Christian Louboutin Meets Raleigh of Nottingham

I am quite baffled. Whenever I happen to see a pair of shoes by Louboutin, they are always treading the pedals of a beat up old Raleigh. One of life's great mysteries.
Raleigh Meets Louboutin
Louboutin and Raleigh
Louboutin and Raleigh

Bad Day at Copenhagen Cycle Chic

Not every shot is perfect in the life of Copenhagen Cycle Chic.

Copenhagen Friday

Copenhagen Blue
She was a bit cheeky the way she lingered halfway into the intersection, waiting for the light to change.

Profile of a Copenhagner
Waiting patiently for the light to change, with funky mittens to keep her fingers warm.

Magical Moment
Green light. Bodies spring into action. Muscles tense. Machines propelled forwards.

I'll never get tired of this moment.

Cycle Chic in Vietnam

Guest photos from Vietnam
Many thanks to Al, from Philadelphia, USA, for sending us these shots from Vietnam.
"I love the blog and I was looking forward to having a chance to send these to you. My wife and I recently returned from a trip to Vietnam, including a bike tour around the Mekong Delta.

Although much of the country's transportation has converted from bikes to scooters (25million scooters and counting), there is still some great cycle culture. The school kids mostly bike home from school and, as I understand it, adolescent girls often have these fantastic white silk school uniforms (younger girls do not, and not all schools seemed to require this outfit) and they are a vision.

The girls in these pictures were within a few hundred yards of the road turning to dirt and I presume they were just going to continue on their way -white silk clothes on dirt roads... Two of these girls are also demonstrating a common way of riding with a friend -just sit on the rack and many of the rack-riders help pedal by placing their feet on the outermost edges of the pedals.
thanks, Al

We'll do the thanking, Al! Thanks for these lovely shots.
Guest photos from Vietnam

28 March 2008

A Thursday in Copenhagen

Cycle Chic in Red and Green:
Cycle Chic in Red and Green

Once again, squint your eyes and it's 1952 on the City Hall Square. I love the fur cuffs.
Timeless Cycle Chic

Another Copenhagen supermum propelling her bike forward off the lights.

Over at Copenhagenize.com, we've just blogged about these beautiful, custom-made, bespoke bike baskets from the able hand of David Hembrow:

Poised, elegant

On my way home yesterday without my camera when I saw this girl. Was just cursing my luck when I remembered I had my phone. The wonders of modern technology.

Daily Dosage

Smile to yourself
I find it charming when people smile to themselves.
Style Over Speed
Style Over Speed. Forever.
The Power is Mine

27 March 2008

Casual Copenhagen

Casual Copenhagen Cyclist
A cyclist completely at ease with herself and her role in the life of this city.

I've noticed a few funny groups on Facebook regarding bike culture:
From Sweden - My Bike Was Stolen In Uppsala / I Stole A Bike In Uppsala.
"Let's all just work this mess out." Thieves and the thieved. Together at last.
From Denmark: [translates as:]Hey! Is there a sign on my bike reading 'Trash Can'?
For people who get tired of their baskets getting filled with trash.

Just your average Copenhagener.
Here's a great historical quote on cycling in the Take Back the Bike Culture category:
The whole nervous system is highly benefited by bicycling. The rider must constantly use the senses of hearing, seeing, and feeling in order to avoid collisions, direct his machine, and keep his equilibrium. This exercise, therefore, is in a high degree apt to draw the mind away from its usual pursuits and cares of daily life. It is highly exhilirating and promotes sociability, since it is both pleasanter and safer to ride in company than alone. In women it is apt to overcome the impulsivenness and whimsicality which render so many of them unhappy. ...Bicycling is no longer a mere fashion that may fall into disuse and give way to a new one. It is a wholesome and inspiring exercise, and has provided of practical value as a means of rapid locomotion.
--Dr. Henry J. Garrigus, in the January Forum, from Public Opinion, 30 January 1896

The Copenhagen Framework
I whipped up another poster. For those who love bike frames. Available at our Online Boutique, as always.

26 March 2008


Sometimes, for whatever reason, you can only muster up one bike between two friends: