29 February 2008

Guest Photos: From Everywhere.

This whole guest photo thing is really snowballing. It's wonderful to recieve so many photos from around the world. Thanks to everyone who thinks of us and sends them along.
For those of you out there who use Flickr, I've started a group - Cycle Chic Global Pool - to which you can add your photos. That makes it easier for me to blog them. Don't despair if you don't use Flickr, just mail them along to us. Right then. Here goes. A super slough of global cycle chic:

Like so many others, I turn frequently to your blog to see the latest of your inevitably smile-inducing pictures and commentaries on Copenhagen's chic and sane cycling culture. Thank you for sharing the simple joys of daily life on your city's streets and beautiful blue bike paths.
Tom [in Tuscon, USA]

From Lisbon, passing thru London on her way to happiness. The only thing comparable to cycling is watching a girl on a bicycle. Isn't it? Thanks for the photos you give us all. Best regards, Humberto.

Dear Chic Copenhagen Cyclists: Here is a picture of my freind Gypsie, who works at Aaron's Bicycle Repair, in Seattle. She usually rides a beautifully customized all red XtraCycle, but here she shows how a European bag and bike can add some style to an already enchanting ensemble. February in Seattle is treating us pretty well. Val.

Here come some cycle men from Japan! Picture is taken in April 2007.
With best regards, Alo, Estonia.

I must say the site is absolutely astounding. I was in Copenhagen in November and absolutely fell in love with the city because of the people and the mass bike culture. This is a picture of my wife who cycles with me pretty much everywhere. The picture was taken in October, there is snow everywhere now. Edmonton has a wonderful network of MUPs that follow the river valley that twists through the city itself. It makes it quick to travel from residential areas to the University or Downtown core by bike. It also connects to the velodrome! My commute is significantly quicker by bike than car, even in -25C weather.

Keep the information and great pictures coming, it is starting to be seen in the student population at the University. Fixies are disappearing and lovely girls and boys are seen dressed nicely on useful city bikes.
Cheers! Samuel

28 February 2008

The Winter That Never Was

We're probably speaking too quickly, but this winter hasn't seen any great amount of snow. It's warmer than ever, it hardly rains - how dreadfully uneventful. There's nothing like a dump of 50cm of snow to put our cyclists to the test. It may still fall, but until then we'll glance back at some wintry photos from last year.
Brunette in the process of overtaking blonde on the upwards climb to the middle of the bridge over the harbour. On a stormy, sleety day. Fortunately the slush spit up by the cars didn't make over onto the bike lane.
Winter Straddle
One of the many ways to wait at a light. The Copenhagen Straddle. Feet firmly on the ground. Looking solid, grounded and at one with one's self.
Winter Kickstand
The light is green but when 50-60 bikes are in front of you, waiting to continue on, you don't get to move right away. And remember... you don't need fancy gear in the winter... just be your old stylish self.

27 February 2008

Cycle Chic Wallpaper

It's been a while since we chucked a wallpaper up onto the blog. So we're doing it now.
1024 x 768 and all that.

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes to Stockholm

Stockholm Cycle Chic18
We are not content with merely providing a portrait of Copenhagen Cycle Chic. Where possible, we snap shots of cycle chic in other European cities. This time Stockholm. It's a groovy town, no doubt about it. Similar to Copenhagen in many ways. While the number of cyclists is nothing like Copenhagen, there are wonderful bike lanes throughout town and the cyclists you see are just getting on with it. Regular clothes, no fancy gear. Just using their bike for transport.

It's quite a hilly town but it was pleasing that this was of little concern to the cyclists. Up they went, putting a bit of extra muscle into it.
Stockholm Cycle Chic01

Stockholm Cycle Chic02

Stockholm Cycle Chic04

Stockholm Cycle Chic06 Stockholm Cycle Chic16 Stockholm Cycle Chic13 Stockholm Cycle Chic03

26 February 2008


Composure doesn't come any cooler.


It got cold again today. The first pair of earmuffs I've seen for a while, but she wore them well.

24 February 2008

Bike Lane Shadows

Bike Lane Shadows, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

A splendid marriage of an old Raleigh, a pair of shoes by Christian Louboutin, the blue bike lanes of Copenhagen and a bright, winter Nordic sun.

A Blaze of Red

A Blaze of Red, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

What a cool bike moment to capture, methinks.

Boot For Thought

Boot For Thought, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

Steady as she goes, captain.

The Retrovelo Balloon Bike

We just posted another 'Bikes We Like' bit over at Copenhagen Bike Culture Blog, this time about Retrovelo and their fantastic Balloon bikes. We thought it fitting to post a photo from their groovy catalogue here. Read all about why we love them - here.

23 February 2008

Forward Motion

Forward Motion, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

Copenhagen bike culture isn't just waiting at traffic lights. The forward motion is interesting, too.

Bridge of Sighs

Bridge of Sighs, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

Up over Knippel's Bridge they go. Off to work or school. A constant cycloflow of busy, chic Copenhageners.
Important cogs in the lifeflow of this fine city.

Denmark Land of Smiles and Peace, Apparently

Retro tourism poster from the 1950's [we think] promoting Denmark as a tourist destination. Using that quintessential icon of Danishness - Woman on Bike. Once again, once again... it's not just us. We are merely continuing a century long tradition with this blog. The child's seat in the artwork is still in use today. Great to have the kid up front as opposed to sitting on a plastic contraption behind you.

And while we're on this retro journey, here's a film still from Hitchcock's 'Topaz', filmed in Copenhagen and, not surprisingly, featuring a girl on a bike.
Hitchcock in Copenhagen

22 February 2008

Right Turn Shortly

Right Turn Shortly, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

Another photographic analysis of the casualness of a right turn signal on the bike lanes of Copenhagen.

21 February 2008

Parallel Canal

Parallel Canal, originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

Copenhagen cyclist flowing along the bike lane next to a canal.