Showing posts with label zebra crossing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zebra crossing. Show all posts

6 March 2012

A Shadow of our Future Selves

Aerial Shadows
Living in a Nordic city, you get to experience wild shadows throughout the year. Okay, shadows are perhaps not "wild" but the length of the shadows is one of our surest indicators of season. The longer they get, the closer to winter we are or, as is the case right now, the shorter they get, then spring is on the way.
Traffic by Felix_6 Traffic by Felix_7
As is so often the case, we sit down to write a blogpost and then it morphs into a larger theme.

Looking through our archives we realised that shadows have featured prominently over the past five years. Aren't shadows lovely? And when combined with the very aesthetic bicycle, all manner of visual pleasure is to be had.

Bikeshadows, Bikeshadows Father and Son
The shot at left gives you a good indication of the length of winter shadows in northern climes. A person on a bicycle is as long as a truck in the late afternoon. You either chase your shadow or it follows you like a puppy.

Longshadow Chasing Dual Shadowism
Onesome or twosome? Twosome or foursome?
Cyclist Shadows
Sometimes your shadows are so long they wrap around the world and you can see the end of it just ahead of you on the cycle track.
This is a rather famous photograph, taken during the Second World War by the photographer Tage Christiansen. He has always been a source of inspiration for me, not least because of his bicycle shots. It's hard to say what time of year this photo was taken but it's either early spring or late autumn, based on the length of the shadows.
Raw Urban Bike Overtaking

Cyclist Red. Lines.
Aerial cycle chic with shadows.
Sideways Shadows Dizzy Springtime
Left Turn Topsy Turvy Copenhagen
Shadows make the world topsy-turvy.

Cyclist Shadow Cyclist Afternoon Cyclist Shadows 3 Cyclists
Nobody says shadows have to lie down on the job.
Night.Bike.Light.Copenhagen. Nordic Evening_1
Nobody says that you even need daylight.
Bicycle Freedom

Here's a photoset with all our shadowy photographs featuring bicycles:

16 March 2011

Royal Library

Zebra Crossing Royal Library
I went to the Royal Library to see some exhibitions last Sunday. I saw some bicycles, too. What a surprise.
Zebra Crossing Royal Library 2


Gliding Royal Library

9 September 2010


Cycle Stride
Sure, people riding bicycles is cool, but the mere art of walking one has certain qualities, too.

10 July 2010

Minimalist Cycle Chic

Reducing Cycle Chic to it's most minimal form and using the graphic wayfinding markings on the urban landscape as a canvas.

Aerial Couple

Aerial Cycle Chic3

And this one from Barcelona:
Barcelona Cycle Chic Aerial Motion 5

9 July 2010


Cool Evening Couple
Cool evening couple.
Zebra on the zebra crossing.
Hey Cool A Pocket!
Hey, cool! A pocket! You discover the most amazing things whilst cycling.

30 January 2010

Acceleration Nation

Accelerated Heartbeat
Acceleration Nation is perhaps a misleading title. Achieving great adrenaline-generating speeds is rarely the goal. You're heading off to the cinema, to work, to a café, for gods sake. But the bicycle needs to be set into motion and often standing is a lovely way to do it.
Real Man on Real Bike
Accerlating on proper, upright bicycles still allows you remain upright. You find yourself pulling on the handlebars rather than leaning forward as the bicycle is propelled forward and your centre of gravity is stable. Plus it just looks nice.

7 December 2009

Girlfriends con biciclette

Friday Night Girlfriends
Friday evening. Two girlfriends wait to cross.
Friday Night Girlfriends2
Smiles and laughter. A good sign that the evening will be a blast.

8 November 2009

Cinematic Sunday

I was thinking the other day about how to capture, photographically, the afternoon light on a cloudy Nordic day in winter. That strange, labourious light that slowly suffocates the day.
The temperature here is about 4 C. With the wind chill we're pushing -10 C.
It's a Friday afternoon and the streets are filled with life, despite the best efforts of the encroaching darkness.
Winter can do nothing to stem the desire of homo sapiens to converse.

7 October 2009

Snack Stop in Paris

Paris Stop and Snack
Brilliant. Sums up cycling in Paris. Waiting patiently for pedestrians to cross while snacking on a sandwich.

Spent a few hours Velibbing around the city today. What a treat. Bicycle lanes all over the place and bicycles using them. Amazing to see. All just regular citizens in regular clothes. Both on the Velib bikes from the bike share system, but on their own bikes as well.

3 March 2009

Taking Stock & Shadowy Characters & a Film Festival

Taking Stock
Just walking a bicycle is elegant and aesthetic. That's the Stock Exchange, from 1624, in the background.
The Anatomy of a Bicycle Lane
Moi, cycliste.


Enter the Ninth Annual Bicycle Film Festival! This annual event's looking for films with a bike-related theme. Any style's acceptable: animation, experimental, narrative, documentary and music videos are all a go.

The Bicycle Film Festival travels to over 20 cities around the world, including Paris, London, Tokyo, New York -- and Sydney.

Last year, more than 100,000 people attended the festival. The BFF is a lot of fun and includes rock shows, block parties, film screenings, and art shows.

The Bike Film Fest is expected to be a huge success in 2009. All cities have been selected and dates for NEW YORK are June 17-21. All other dates will be set within the month.

Get your entry in by the deadline!

Pass the word. Print the poster and put up at your office and/or local cafe.

Thanks, Brendt Barbur - Founding Director, Bicycle Film Festival