Showing posts with label vintage cycle chic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage cycle chic. Show all posts

28 June 2014

CPH Classico – Bicyles & Vintage clothes in the streets of Copenhagen

Copenhagen Classico

Last Sunday, CPH Made and Recycles (a bike shop which restores iconic old bike frames) organized for the first time the Copenhagen Classico - a bike race... or let's say a fast pace bike parade. Indeed, the point of the Copenhagen Classico was to pay a tribute to the stylish cyclists from the good old days.

Copenhagen Classico

The dress code: Retro looks for these ladies...

Copenhagen Classico

Copenhagen Classico

... vintage race outfit for this man....

Copenhagen Classico``

.... and stylish urban outfits for them.

Copenhagen Classico

For the occasion, policemen took out their outfits and motorcycles of yesteryear. Each detail counted for this event taking place for the first time in the Danish capital.

Copenhagen Classico

19 February 2014

Portraits of cyclists: Mads - « an old lady told me I was wearing beautiful pink socks »


« I cycle everyday in Copenhagen and I’m also a race cyclist. I’m really into cycling and so far, I have owned 17 different bikes and I’m only 23. »

« Do you remember a story that occurred while you were riding in the streets of Copenhagen? »
« My trouser is ridden up and people can see my socks. One day, I was standing at a traffic light and an old lady told me I was wearing beautiful pink socks. Actually, it happened a couple of time. » 

Mads - Portrait

Mads - Shoes

More pictures of Copenhagen every day on Byliv in CPH.

28 October 2013

Enter the Headwind

There's a storm warning for Copenhagen and parts of Denmark today. Here's a little prequel. While many parts of Denmark are hilly, the central area of Copenhagen is rather flat. What many people don't understand is that wind is a major factor. On a windy day, cycling into a headwind, it is equal to cycling up a hill with a 6% grade. And hills end. Wind doesn't.

Today, the storm strength winds will transform Copenhagen into the Pyranees. We will, however, just get on with it.
Superdad Headwind

Stormy Headwind

Langebro Ascent Headwind


Rainy Day2


All Hail Springtime

Danish Bicycle History - Wind
It's nothing new, of course. Wind has always been a factor in Copenhagen, as the vintage photo, above, attests.
Center For Traffic
Make sure your bike is not free-standing today, unless you have a proper kickstand.
The Wind Man
Some people are more prepared for the wind than others.
Human Battery - Bullitt with Wind Mill and Solar Panels

8 January 2013

Vintage Cycle Chic & Design

Cycle Chic Nineteen Forty Seven
Found this last weekend at one of Copenhagen's better flea markets. A vintage Danish magazine - Familiejournal (Family Journal) - from September 1947. Lovely vintage Cycle Chic. There was no article inside the magazine about cycling. It was just a lovely cover shot showing daily life. In September, too. Heading into fall, but the bicycles roll on.

Danish Design x3: Chair: Ole Wanscher. Bike: Larry vs Harry. The Lulu: Mikael & Susanne. #copenhagen #thelulu #design #danish #bike #cargobike @larryvsharry
Found me a vintage designer chair by the Danish designer Ole Wanscher, too. Now I'm going to have to find some more of the same. Simply because it fits so well on the Bullitt heading home and The Lulu fits perfectly on it, too.

2 January 2013

Go Out

Go Out
Great ad from 1953 for Woman's Day magazine. And why not a great slogan for this new year? Go Out. By bicycle. With your children.

Rio Cycle Chic_11
History doesn't really repeat itself... it just keeps on going. Rio de Janeiro in this case.

Bucket Boy
And Amsterdam here.

27 November 2012

Vintage, Dapper Bicycle Style

Dapper Bike Messengers in Copenhagen
Those were the days, indeed. Bicycle messengers in Copenhagen were always dressed splendidly back in the day. A far cry from their modern brakeless, gearless and perhaps reckless counterparts.
Bike Messengers on City Hall Square in Copenhagen
Uniforms for bike messengers in official service, like the telegraph companies, were de rigeur for decades. For more wonderful photos of Copenhagen's cargo bike and bike messenger history, pop over to

Manitoba Archives, Winnipeg Streets
And the style parade doesn't stop there. Here's a wonderful shot from Winnipeg on May 4, 1918, on the occasion of a bicycle parade. Thanks to Dustin in Winnipeg for this one!

16 February 2012

The Questioning City (we know the answer)

Brilliant flashback to Cambridge, UK in 1959. Splendid shots of cycling scholars, complete with pipes on occasion.

We like the question posed at 0:26: "And you, on the bicycle. What will you be?" What will you aspire to?

20 January 2012

Stylish Times - History Repeats Itself

Vintage Copenhagen Bicycle Culture
Nothing like some vintage photographs from Copenhagen to hammer home how stylish cycling was - and is.
Vintage Copenhagen Bicycle Culture
Complete with our favourite moment in time - the launch. Propelling the bicycle into motion.
Vintage Copenhagen Bicycle Culture
Conversation cycling - cycling in cities should be sociable and cyclists should be able to ride side by side.
Vintage Copenhagen Bicycle Culture
On the beach, too.

8 January 2012

Best Decorated Bicycle 1900

Leela McAdam nee McCabe - winner of the best decorated bicycle for the 1900 Fourth of July parade in Lompoc stands outside her home at 137 South J Street.

A lovely decoration job indeed. Vintage Cycle Chic.

For more lovely vintage bicycle photos from Los Angeles, check out this post over at

14 September 2011

Tour de Fashion

We always look forward to the excitement and inspiration surrounding New York Fashion Week, and this year is no exception. A little something called Tour de Fashion, where you can borrow a designed-by-designers bicycle for free, though has got us a little extra buzzed about this year's fashion week. Here is an example of one of the bicycles, designed by Diane von Furstenberg:
Just for fun, we wanted to see if the designers' themes for the runway are apparent in the bikes.
Rebecca Taylor3
They are. Two lovely designs from Rebecca Taylor. Snakeskin, shades of cream and lavender, and a bit of floral for her Spring 2012 Collection.

But what really got us double-shot-of-espresso ready to go this morning was the most recent post from Tour de Fashion. The one where you can read this:

"New Yorker Elizabeth Marquez smiles for the Tour de Fashion camera as she tells us how she plans to buy her own bike once Tour de Fashion is over. We knew she looked familiar…she’s ridden the TDF bikes four times and counting. She had never ridden in NYC before this week and now she’s hooked."

Brilliant. Beautiful. If any of you lovely readers have bicycle photos from fashion week, and want to send them to, we would love to see them.

6 July 2011

Vintage Copenhagen Cycle Chic

Cyklende på Strøget
If there's one thing nicer than riding a bicycle, it's doing with someone you fancy.
The shot is from the Royal Libary in Copenhagen and their archives and was taken by photographer Sven Türck (1897-1954). There's no date on it, but by the looks of the cars, we're probably in the 1930's.

Apart from the fact that this street - Strøget - is now happily a pedestrian street, nice to see that little has changed.

22 February 2011

The Original Hipster

Vintage book cover from 1944, from a series of Danish books for boys featuring Flemming.

Funny thing is... if he grew a moustache and flew to New York, The Sartorialist would take a photo of him.

Vintage Dog Transport

Retro Dog Transport
Vintage photo given a slap on the ass with the firm but loving Photoshop hand.

Can any Copenhageners out there help me place the photo? What street?

31 January 2011

Canadian Cyclists

The Coles sisters on a bicycle trip from Montreal to Ottawa, QC-ON, 1916 1916, 20th century
The Coles sisters on a bicycle trip from Montreal to Ottawa, 1916.
Members Of The Chinook Bicycle Club
Members of the Chinook Bicycle Club, between 1894-1900

19 January 2011

17 January 2011

Cycle Chic - Cycling Fashion in 1936

Vintage cycle chic from 1936 showing off the latest fashions - on a bicycle of course. As we always says, Cycle Chic is as old as the bicycle itself.

Via the always brilliant Curitiba Cycle Chic.

And here's a little bit extra home footage from the 1940's.

10 December 2010

The Bicycle Girl - 1897

113 years ago, a newspaper article appeared in the Milwaukee Journal about The Bicycle Girl. It was August 14, 1897. An article singing the praises of The Bicycle Girl. All over the world at this time similar articles were being written about the great numbers of women taking "to the wheel". It was an exciting and alluring development, sure, but it was also something that caused great - and positive - societal change.

One of our readers, Cream, sent us the text. It appeared on the Milwaukee Bicycle Collective.

Read the article for yourself. History is repeating itself. After forty years of the bicycle being branded as a largely male-dominated sport or recreation, we're returning to an age where the bicycle was an accepted, respected and equal transport form for Citizen Cyclists of both sexes. These are interesting and exciting times. Just as they were in 1897.

The Bicycle Girl in Milwaukee

"The Milwaukee bicycle girl is all right. She is of all sorts, all sizes, all ages, and all good looking. Sometimes she is very handsome. Bright, vivacious, interesting, wide-awake, and generally “up to snuff.” The Milwaukee bicycle girl is something Milwaukee is proud of.

Sometimes she uses the wheel as an accessory to show off a handsome costume; generally she uses it to get about town. Mostly she loves to ride and knows how. And she is not scarce. You can find her anywhere and everywhere. She rides to business in the morning. She rides home again in the evening. She does much of her hopping a-wheel. She takes long trips to the park and into the country. Of course she likes an escort, but if she doesn’t find one handy, why she can go it alone and do it up brown. She is to be seen at all hours of the day—and night, too, for the matter of that. She rides a good deal at night. When she has no male escort for a night ride she gets a female escort. That is the rule. There are exceptions, of course, but you can’t go by exceptions.

Ting-a-ling-ling! My, how she whizzes by! Nothing meek about her. She knows the rules of the road, knows what her rights are and knowing, dares maintain them. She is not bold or immodest. Far from it. It is not known that she is given much to flirting. She does look a bit roguish and—well, wicked isn’t just the word but it’s the only one in the language—yes, a little bit wicked at times. Graceful! Of course she is graceful. She rarely humps herself over her handle bars. She doesn’t look well that way and she knows it.

She mostly has a very graceful and easy seat and carries herself a-wheel with the air of one knowing all about it. She rarely gets flustrated. Down Wisconsin street, through the narrow and often crowded funnel of a thoroughfare over the bridge, she sails along up Grand avenue, barely missing the hubs of passing vehicles, but she does miss them and it is not often she dismounts to make the passage.

Out in the parks where the road is freer she can get up a good bit of speed. She likes it, too, and her eyes sparkle with pure delight and her face flushes to rosy color with the healthful exertion. And even little accidents are a rare thing.

Her costume? Well, she is diversified in that respect. Generally it is the short skirt and high boots, with a natty hat. Sometimes she breaks through the conventionalities and wears a costume that no man would dare attempt to describe, but that all men turn and look at. But not often. Her modesty is a safeguard. She never dons anything immodest. But in the matter of costume she is as varied in her moods and choice as an April sky. Watch her from any prominent street corner almost any time of day—as there is little doubt you have already done it there is any poetry in your soul. Here she comes in brown—a soft chocolate brown— hat, skirt, waist, shoes and all. Even her hair and eyes are brown. Pretty? Certainly and as trim and neat and clean cut as—what sort of comparison can one make? None.

Then she rolls by in a gray suit. It is hard to tell which one prefers. She is charming in both. And here she is in a blue. And that seems to be about right also. It’s hard to choose. And this next one. A natty shirt waist and black skirt, and the trim figure goes by with the glint of the wheels in the sunlight and nothing is fairer.

The bicycle girl is not a dozen years old yet, and she is one of the great institutions of the country. How she has forged to the front! Take her off the streets and out of the parks and an element that gives much of the color and life we love to see would be gone. And would it not make a difference in color of her cheek and the brightness of her eye? Has she not found health and a better physical and mental development, as well as pleasures she never dreamed of before she rode the wheel? God bless the bicycle girl."

The Holy Antonius' Last and Greatest Temptation
Danish cartoon from 1899, originally entitled Wheelwoman, which indicates that it came from the US or UK. The caption reads: "The Holy Antonius' Last and Greatest Temptation". :-)

8 December 2010

Vintage Cycle Chic - Paris 1945

Our friend Richard over at the US bike blog Cyclelicious spotted these vintage Cycle Chic shots in the LIFE magazine archives. Brilliant stuff. They were taken by photographer Ralph Morse in Paris, 1945.

As we all know by now, elegance on bicycles is as old as the bicycle itself. Citizen Cyclists of both sexes have used the bicycle to get around - in style - for more than 125 years.

Cycle Chic is just the name (and now trademark) I gave to the genre. It is, however, wonderful to see shots similar to the ones we've been taking for over four years dating from Paris just after the war.

Now, the bicycle is back.

History is repeating itself.

The world will be a better place.

26 November 2010

Sidecar Cycle Chic

Copenhagen Kids Bicycle Transport 1935
I mentioned this photo to a friend and then thought I'd slap it up here on Cycle Chic. Bicycle with sidecar in Copenhagen. 1935. Timeless, classic Cycle Chic for father and son.

Courtesy of Copenhagen Museum.