Showing posts with label valentines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label valentines. Show all posts

14 February 2013

You've Got Heart

I Heart Copenhagen
Today is the day of hearts, and we don't want to be left out. A quick serach for "heart" in our photo archives gave us these shots. Although every day is heart-y in Denmark when your coins are decked out with them:

I Heart Bike Culture
Big ol' heart on Nørrebrogade, the world's busiest bicycle street.
Hearts and Tattoos
Hearts under your bum.
Heart Shaped Bell and Condom
Heart-shaped bell and condom from a Belgian campaign Velove from a few years back. "My bike loves me", it reads.
Barcelona Heart Street
A lovely street in Barcelona.

Copenhagen Bike Love - Tall
And we couldn't forget this shot, now could we?

Have a love-filled day.