Showing posts with label theme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theme. Show all posts

2 August 2009

The Urban Dressing Room

Sweater On
When the bicycle is such an integral part of your life as it is in Copenhagen, you find yourself doing everyday things on or near your two-wheeled transport tool. Stopping at a red light is the perfect time to take your cardigan out of your basket and slip it on if the weather takes a chilly turn.
Jacket Off Jacket On *
Or while you're waiting for a friend outside the train station, adjust your fashionable layers by removing your sweater and putting your jacket back on.
Rain Change
The chap on the right is using his red light moment to slip on a jacket as a slight rain starts to fall.
Things to do at a red light
Or you can just hop off your bike at the red light, remove your jacket and secure it with your bag on the back rack.
Bornholm Rolling Jacket Removal
Nobody says you have to been stationary. Danes can do pretty much anything on bikes as this lady shows us. Taking off her jacket while riding through the countryside.
The Sun
And nobody says that you have to put the jacket on the back rack or in the basket. If the heat of the summer gets to you, just hang it on your head.

1 August 2009

Bicycles and Shopping Trolleys

Now we've had a lot of themes over the years here at Cycle Chic, but we've missed this one until now. Bicycles and Shopping Trolleys. Together at last.
Cycling Shopaholic
The classic Copenhagen shopping trolley transport form.
Party Prep
The bike lanes are wide so that we can share with people in the process of that all important activity - getting beer home.
Borrowing the Bike Lane
Or tables.

11 March 2008

Copenhagen Musical Bikes

A girl and her cello, originally uploaded by Rune Johnsson.

A splendid photo by fellow Copenhagener Rune. The photo is copyrighted.
I was organising my folders containing cycle chic photos and I saw a little theme. Copenhageners transport their musical instruments by bike. I thought of Rune's photo above and then found some more.
Musicians in Silhouette

Guitarists cycling along the harbour in the sunset.
Red and Red and Red *
Posted before, but appropriate again.

I'd seen this chap below a few times around town on his converted Long John. Took me ages to figure out what he rigged it for. Then I saw him one day carrying a massive bass, leaning against the front rails. In the photo on the right, I'm guessing that it's a horn instrument or a violin being transported through the sleetstorm.
Cool Long John Sleetstorm Musician

The aforementioned cello and musician in a different season.