Showing posts with label sure sign of spring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sure sign of spring. Show all posts

11 May 2016

Spring is in the Air

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2016 - 155

Yes. I Know. Its already been Spring everywhere else. But in Copenhagen its a novelty so our cyclists are making the most of it. Above: Classic White T with the sun in her hair. Below: All Black with white shirt.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2016 - 154

Easy wear, sunglasses and a smile! Does anything look better?
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2016 - 153

A few keep to their senses and have jackets ready for morning and evening. I'm sniveling myself after braving it in short sleeves over the weekend.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2016 - 152

Testing the summer gear.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2016 - 151

Happy Cycling!

27 April 2012

The Cycle Chic Republic - The Legs

Copenhagen, DenmarkFirst Bare Legs of 2009
Here it is. The next collective installment from the good women and men of the Cycle Chic Republic. Celebrating spring when we cast off the fabric shackles of winter and let the sunshine embrace us. It's all about legs.

Dismount 02 of 04

Strasbourg, France





Thessaloniki, Greece



Lisbon, Portugal





Caracas, Venezuela


instagram yo bici

Vienna, Austria

Cycle Chic Old School

vienna cycle chicnice back

Gdansk, Poland




Budapest, Hungary


Sydney, AustraliaJane in Bondibikes on bourke streetbondi boys on bikes 66635yr cycle chic anniversary photo 9422IMG_0787 _Snapseedbourke street bliss 2super chica

27 April 2011

15 April 2011

Flash of Light

Spring Sunshine 31
Spring is so far sporadic. Flashes of sunshine replaced by clouds. But my goodness when it shines, it lights up the lovely people with whom I share this city.

Spring Sunshine 17 Spring Sunshine 16

Spring Sunshine 55

24 March 2011

The Gloves Are Off

Narrow Street Glide
Yesterday was brilliant. Really the first springlike day. Sat outside a favourite café for lunch with Mary. In bright sunshine, with no jackets on. We had a beer to celebrate the first day of spring. Look at these photos. No gloves on! Bring on the spring!

28 May 2010

Bicycle Culture Anthropology

Checking Him Out
It's springtime. Something we love here at Cycle Chic. Something that everyone loves, not least the Nordic peoples. It's time to crawl out of hibernation and embrace humanity in the sunshine and light. To understand just how important the light is to us here in Copenhagen, be sure to read this post about Lux.

Above you see one of the very surest, anthropological signs of spring, from just the other day. Someone checking someone else out. It's one of the added bonuses of bicycle culture. You are elbow to elbow with your fellow citizens on the cityscape. Surrounded by humanity, without glass and steel barriers on four wheels to restrict your view or your sense of community.

Bridge Glance
We've had several photos with this very human, anthropological theme over the past few years, and I figured I'd put them all into one post.
To look or not to look
Peruse our shots of women checking out men and men checking out women. This being Copenhagen, we're certainly open to men checking out men or women checking out women, we just haven't captured those human moments of yet.
Glance Summer Glance
Denmark is regularly selected as one of the happiest countries in the world. Every year, some journalist equates this rating with the fact that we ride bicycles and 'riding bicycles makes you happy'. That may be true in some sense, but I believe that a main factor of this happiness is because we live in cities where we, the people, are not hidden away in cars, peering at each other through rear-view mirrors. We are one with the urban landscape. We define it with our prescence on bicycles, exposing ourselves openly to our fellow citizens and to the city at large.
Summer Glance * Sometimes You Cant Help Looking

Taking home the flowers
One of the greatest tools for creating truly liveable cities is the bicycle. Encouraging citizens, through safe infrastructure, to ride. The health benefits are enormous, the benefits on pollution reduction and fewer traffic injuries are as well.

But what also happens is that the social fabric of the city is woven tighter. Stronger. In richer colours and with finer thread.
You return to where cities use to be before car culture and the motorization of society. Places inhabited by people. With people present on the streets. As pedestrians or on bicycles. From cityscape to humanscape.
Masculin Feminin
