Showing posts with label supermum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supermum. Show all posts

7 November 2016

Friendly Exchange on a Cargo Bicycle

Every moment in the urban landscape is different. Every second we can admire something special and unique if we pay attention. We spotted a confident, beautiful woman trasporting on a cargo bicycle with an adorable, young passenger enjoying a snack. It was noon on a fall day, they both spotted the camera and acknowledged it with a smile. 

Nice, instant exchange between strangers sharing the urban space. 


Happy Cycling!

1 November 2016

Cycle Chic Polaroids

Motion in the urban landscape.

In an urban world where people travel on two wheels without metal shields blocking out oxygen or interaction, the urban landscape is much more raw. We are all exposed to one another. Our emotions, scents and priorities can be received from a mile away. Who we are is shared with all who spontaneously or intentionally moves next to us in the public space. Cycle Chic is about capturing this rawness, the simplicity of what people do on the streets, accompanied by their bicycles of course. We thought an accurate way to project the uniqueness of danish society was through Polaroid pictures, a raw medium that cannot be edited, duplicated or forgotten. Here's a set of four 600 film polaroid photos shot in a chilly, autumn afternoon with a 1988 Cool Cam. 

Kid in the back, no problem!

Three wheels and three humans. That's one neat, cosmic cargo bicycle!

Number 200. 
She's holding her new born close and pushing the oldest on the cargo bike, beautiful.

Happy Cycling!

21 January 2016

Cargo Bikes and Kids

Copenhagen Rush Hour
Even with 40,000 cargo bikes in Copenhagen, most cargo bike action involving kids takes place in the neighbourhoods, where families live close to the schools. 26% of all Copenhagen families with two or more kids have a cargo bike. It's the Copenhagen version of the SUV.

There are cargo bikes with kids in the morning rush hour however. Here are a few of them. Just a kid reading a book on their way to school.
Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

9 August 2013

All Aboard!

Throw your best friends in your Christania bike and ride on!

Copenhagen mums are just too cool for school.

The lucky ones who get to balance on the bicycle back rack whilst their friend does all the hard work! Oh the easy life...

And this is why I love Christania bikes!

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

23 July 2013

Adjusting Hugh & Saturation

Adjusting Hugh and Saturation
I rode out to the airport in Copenhagen (which is no big deal) this morning, to meet this fine British chap, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. He was arriving from the UK to film a tv show about Copenhagen and Denmark and we thought it rather appropriate if we adjusted him immediately to Copenhagen life and saturated him in our bicycle-frienly city from the word go.

We chucked his bag in my Bullitt and he hopped onto a Velorbis and we cycled into the city centre - past Christiansborg (which the whole planet seems to know as Borgen, thanks to the television series), where I took this shot. I filled him in on all the aspects of a mainstream bicycle culture (which really is a non-culture), planning liveable cities with the bicycle as the most powerful tool for change, as well as the finer points of Cycle Chic.

2013-07-23 12.59.18
We rolled casually through the city, hardly breaking sweat as we pedalled and chatted and I delivered him to his hotel.
Riding Bikes to Airport in Copenhagen
It was almost orchestrated when we were leaving the airport and we saw this Copenhagen family arriving with their bags on bicycles, ready to head off on a summer holiday.

For Hugh, it was the perfect arrival in this fine city. Easing him into the city from the airport, down the cycle tracks that gradually grew more and more busy with bicycles as we got closer to the medival city centre. And all on a gloriously sunny day.

Welcome to Copenhagen, Hugh!

8 August 2012

Dublin Cycle Chic

Dublin Cycle Chic_3
Copenhagenize was recently in Dublin on business.  Between meetings there was plenty of time for seeing the streets and people of Dublin.
Dublin Cycle Chic_2
Pretty certain this girl is riding the same bicycle as the gentleman in the first image.  Coincidence? Funkalicious new leopard print bike share bikes?
Dublin Cycle Chic_15
Looks like baskets beat out front racks in Dublin.
Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 05
This shot from an earlier trip to launch Dublin Cycle Chic. Here you can see a film from the fashion show.  Chances are you'll be seeing a few more photos like the one above as today kicks off Copenhagen Fashion Week.

24 March 2012

Long Johns

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 1972
The traditional Long John bicycle has a long history of heavy use in Denmark and Copenhagen.

The original Long John bicycle was a Danish invention by Morten Rasmussen Mortensen in 1929. Nowadays a modern fleet of offsprings has taken to the streets. Including the already iconic Bullitt, from Larry vs Harry.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0062

The beauty of the Long John is the ability to carry large, heavy loads and still be highly manoeuvrable.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0600

Longs Johns became very popular in Denmark with many makers churning out Long Johns for transport and delivery.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2285

Today the main cargo seems to be children!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2011 - 3792
Happy Cycling!

11 February 2012

Chauffeur Driven

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3544
Lots of Copenhagen families have invested in Cargo Bikes and Long John's or just an extra seat to to take their children - and all their assorted gear - for a ride.

Below: Enjoying the good life.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3601

Cabin comfort.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3533

Crashed out - and ready to go home from the party - Dad looks like he could use a ride too!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3574

An extra seat also goes a long way.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3568

Happy cycling!

22 December 2011

Rain Reign

Rainy Cargo Bike
We've been lucky this late-autumn. Not so much rain to speak of. But there have been days where the skies opened.
The Purpose of Fenders
If you've ever wondered why fenders are standard on bicycles in mainstream bicycle cultures... here's an illustration.
Rainy Day
Wind, combined with rain, isn't our favourite weather.
Lift and Roll
Rain or not, that magical moment when the bicycle user propels the bicycle into motion is still our favourite.

23 May 2011

Four on the Floor

Four on the Floor
Evening light. Frederiksberg neighbourhood. Perfect.

4 May 2011

Copenhagen Lego Cycle Chic

Citizen Cyclists 001
If we lived in Toy-penhagen, this is what this blog would look like. Citizen Cyclists riding through the city.
Citizen Cyclists 006
Man in a suit complete with mobile. Supermum with her kid and her coffee. Flowers decorating a bike.
Citizen Cyclists 012
The elderly (with baguettes), a doctor, you name it.
Citizen Cyclists 010
Businessman with briefcase. 50% + female ridership. Etc.
Citizen Cyclists 004
One-handed riding. Yep... it's all there. All we need is for LEGO to make stilettos and mini-skirts... :-)
Citizen Cyclists 007

15 March 2011

Family Values

Copenhagen Crowd
Lovely little vignette of life in Copenhagen. Mum and kids on the cargo bike. Dad with a coffee. Out for a Sunday outing.