Showing posts with label streetstyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label streetstyle. Show all posts

16 February 2015

Icons of Chic

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2014 - 0481

Some people are impressively iconic by nature and can inspire us all. Above: Red Mini with matching head phones. Below: The essence of cool!

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2013 - 1345

White, silver and gold flowing freely.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2014 - 0451

Larger than life full contrast!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2014 - 0280

The Easy Life.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 9151

Happy Cycling!

10 March 2014

Copenhagen Eye Candy

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2013 - 1270

Copenhagen's cycle culture is probably our biggest attraction. Every Copenhagen street corner will surprise you with amazing eye candy. Grab a bench or steal a seat at a Café and enjoy the rolling Cat Walk.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2013 - 0126

Yeah. The boys can too!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2013 - 1269

Happy Cycling!

28 September 2011

Ljubljana Cycle Chic

Ljubljana Cycle Chic_55
From his first day in Ljubljana, Mikael excitedly told us about the understated capital city and all of its bicycle culture. Sure, we understand 10% modal share and separate cycle tracks, but what we didn't realize, until seeing photos later, was that he meant cycle chic culture. Full style-over-speed ahead, cycle chic bicycle culture.
Ljubljana Cycle Chic_78
Skirtguards, umbrellas, wicker baskets- we see it in the accessories.
Ljubljana Cycle Chic_29
Ljubljana Cycle Chic_4 (2)
Monumental Motion Ljubljana_18
Ljubljana Bicycle Life_8 (2)
Ljubljana Cycle Chic
Ljubljana Cycle Chic_12
We see it in the people too- in their poise and in their movements as they ride easily through their city. Keep it up Ljubljana, you're lookin' good.

30 August 2011

Dutch Style

Amsterdam Cycle Chic - Poise
Today, Cycle Chic is going to Amsterdam and are looking forward to a little dose of Dutch style over speed.
Why Not
Side Saddle

14 July 2011

Catwalk to Copenhagen: Paris Couture Week

Armani Privé
The first of our Catwalk to Copenhagen images from Paris Couture Week, Fall 2011: Armani Privé.

The pair of photos above is are our translation of runway couture to street style. Having been at the Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize headquarters for six months now, the Cycle Chic concept and the photographs are engrained in my memory. Nearly every runway photo I see provokes a Cycle Chic photo, so this sneak peak post and the posts to come tomorrow feature the runway shot on the left and the street style shot it brought to mind on the right.

31 August 2009

Russian Cycle Chic & Australian Rant

Russian Cycle Chic
Welcome to Monday. Welcome to Cycle Chic, Russian Style. From the groovy website.
Katya, 23 years
She bought a cheap toy bicycle by Stels, painted it and named it Joddy.

Russian Cycle Chic
Masha, 23 years
She bought it for exactly one and a half thousand rubles. She uses the basket for books and all kinds of fruits and vegetables. She tried to carry her dog, Otiko, in it but he likes to run alongside. She notices that car drivers pass her winking and smiling more often than boys on the street. She dreams of a retro bike cruiser with a feminine frame.

And yes, Cycle Chic is itching to get back to Moscow.

On the other side of the globe, in Melbourne, a journalist is quite fed up with lycra and 'cyclists'. She just wishes she could cycle to work without having to put up with the 'hobby' cyclists:

I cycle to work on my poverty-pack hybrid in my work clothes, cruising along at a leisurely pace as the lycra brigade whizzes past with audible groans of disgust at my clear lack of cycling style.

If I dare get in their way with a wobbly start at the lights, the verbal abuse would make your hair curl.

I just smile politely and totter along like a happy little tortoise, invariably catching up to the lycra brigade at the many sets of lights between home and office.

But for maximum effect you really have to read her whole article right here. She certainly doesn't cut any corners but she is witty and sharp about it.

Interestingly, this is something we here at Cycle Chic are noticing more and more in the chatter on the internet. A kind of backlash by people who cycle in regular clothes on normal clothes against the fetish cyclists in their 'gear' who tend, in certain regions, to dominate the public image of 'cyclists'. And, in a way, shouldn't it be the general public who dominate the scene as it is them who are re-mainstreaming cycling after a break of 40 odd years? Nothing wrong with anyone who fancies joining a cycling club or anything like that. But cycling has always been a democratic pursuit and it is for the people at large - for the benefit of society.

Read more about how this is just History Repeating Itself on our sister site,

10 March 2008

Street Fashion Aarhus -

We read about this wonderful streetstyle blog in the Sunday paper. [Street Fashion, translated] is a streetstyle blog from Denmark's second city, Aarhus.

Since we get so many fashion-oriented visitors, we figured that we'd plug a groovy site that you normally wouldn't get to see. It's all capital cities out there in streetstyle-website-land.

Inevitably there are some photos on their cool site featuring bikes. This is Denmark, after all. They're the most appropriate choice of images with which to plug the site.