Showing posts with label stockholm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stockholm. Show all posts

3 September 2010

Poznan Stockholm

Cycle Chic continues to blossom and grow. The latest buds on the rose bush are Poznan Bicycle Chic, out of Poland. What is it with Poland?! Poznan's arrival on the scene puts the number of Cycle Chic blogs in Poland up to eight. Kocham Cię, Polska! Especially when you do stuff like this.

Dawid, from Poznan Bicycle Chic sent me these photos from the blog. Welcome!

Just across the Baltic Sea you have Sweden. While cities like Malmö and Lund in the south have inherited the Danish bicycle culture and embraced it, cities farther north like Gothenburg and Stockholm are still rising to the challenge. My friend Elin has decided to do something about that in the capital. She's launched Put The Fun Between Your Legs and is doing her utmost to capture Cycle Chic Stockholm. Wonderful!

27 August 2010

5 April 2009

Round the World Cycle Chic

Thanks to Raquel from Gratis Total - the Spanish fashion blog, our intrepid correspondent, for her latest installment of Iberian Cycle Chic. This time from San Sebastian.

Thanks to Rhys, in Manly, Australia, for these photos of bicycle culture in his town. Featuring his Danish girlfriend on the left.

The very latest shots, hot off the bike lanes, from our friends Witold and HuBar at Lodz Cycle Chic in Poland.

Thanks to our reader, Will, for these cracking shots from Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

And thanks to Kristoffer for these great shots of our neighbours in Stockholm.

2 April 2009

Global Cycle Chic Guest Photos

Dottie from Let's Go Ride a Bike

Here is an update with guest photos sent in by our readers. This one gets a space all its own:
Dottie from Let's Go Ride a Bike.
My fanciest cycling duds yet. :) I wouldn't have attempted this, if I hadn't seen all the women on your site.

Thanks, Dottie!

Here's a pile of lovely guest photos that I haven't had time to post. Wonderful stuff. Thanks for sending them in.
New Orleans: Jillian from Button McSweet. San Sebastian: Raquel from Gratis Total. Belgium: From Cycle Sevilla: From Martin. Stockholm: Fra Great Britain: Shit, sorry! Can't remember! London: From Cyclodelic.
Copenhagen: From Hugo-Andres. USA: From Norway: From Per. Budapest: From Cycle

1 December 2008

Stockholm Cycle Chic & Practical Chic

Javisst! A spot of Stockholm Cycle Chic. Thanks to Paul for recording the life of Cycle Chic in the Swedish capital. By Swedish standards, Stockholm lags behind Sweden's third largest city, Malmö, with regards to the number of people on bikes but the numbers are increasing. Greater Stockholm has about 700 km of bike lanes and paths.

Here is an earlier post about Stockholm Cycle Chic from a visit I made earlier this year. Tak så mycka, Paul!

Practical Chic

Here's Jill Keto, from her blog Practical Chic - Surviving the Recession in Style. A little splash of Copenhagen Cycle Chic from 'over there'. Classic Copenhagen basket and cracking outfit.

27 February 2008

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes to Stockholm

Stockholm Cycle Chic18
We are not content with merely providing a portrait of Copenhagen Cycle Chic. Where possible, we snap shots of cycle chic in other European cities. This time Stockholm. It's a groovy town, no doubt about it. Similar to Copenhagen in many ways. While the number of cyclists is nothing like Copenhagen, there are wonderful bike lanes throughout town and the cyclists you see are just getting on with it. Regular clothes, no fancy gear. Just using their bike for transport.

It's quite a hilly town but it was pleasing that this was of little concern to the cyclists. Up they went, putting a bit of extra muscle into it.
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