Showing posts with label slow motion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slow motion. Show all posts

26 April 2009

Nothing to Do With Bicycles

Sorry. Allow me a little aside here. This post has nothing to do with bicycles, although we're leaning towards The Slow Bicycle Movement. I spent the first three months this year directing a science tv programme for kids and we had a high speed camera at our disposal. Strangely, a high speed camera takes really slow pictures. 2000 frames per second in these films I've added here.

On our last day of shooting, we all played with the camera. Above, two different balloons are popped over my head.

Then we tried something different. The first balloon we called The Perfect Balloon - like the Perfect Storm - because the bastard didn't break. The second attempt was a success - largely because I put a screw in my mouth.

Just figured I'd add them here, simply because I think they're a laugh and simply because I don't have a Slow Motion Water Balloon Blog. And never will.

Regular programming will resume very shortly.