Showing posts with label skirtguard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skirtguard. Show all posts

19 October 2015

All We Want For Christmas...

Oh goodness. We just found what we want on our christmas wish list.
Check out these bicycles from Ascari Bicycles.

13 May 2013

Low Tech Security

Dont Steal This Bike
In a world obsessed with often useless technological gadgets, some people prefer the ol' skool, human touch.

From left:
"Fingerprint reader" (on the wheel lock)
GPS Surveillance
Neighbourhood Watch

Don't Steal Me
On this one, the owner was a little less humourous. She wrote: "Next time, don't touch my bicycle. If you do, I'll see red. Thanks."

28 September 2011

Ljubljana Cycle Chic

Ljubljana Cycle Chic_55
From his first day in Ljubljana, Mikael excitedly told us about the understated capital city and all of its bicycle culture. Sure, we understand 10% modal share and separate cycle tracks, but what we didn't realize, until seeing photos later, was that he meant cycle chic culture. Full style-over-speed ahead, cycle chic bicycle culture.
Ljubljana Cycle Chic_78
Skirtguards, umbrellas, wicker baskets- we see it in the accessories.
Ljubljana Cycle Chic_29
Ljubljana Cycle Chic_4 (2)
Monumental Motion Ljubljana_18
Ljubljana Bicycle Life_8 (2)
Ljubljana Cycle Chic
Ljubljana Cycle Chic_12
We see it in the people too- in their poise and in their movements as they ride easily through their city. Keep it up Ljubljana, you're lookin' good.

3 May 2011

The Grass is Always Greener...

Greener on the Other Side
Just moved flats and so there are new bicycles to look at in the many bike sheds. This is nice. A splash of green summer non-chalantly placed on a back rack. For no other reason than it looks nice.
Lovely Detail
And lovely little angels drawn on a black skirtguard.

15 September 2010

Skirtguards - Handmade with love in the Netherlands

We here at Cycle Chic have secretly coveted these handmade skirtguards for a while now but it's time to let the world know. A Dutch company called Simeli crochets these skirtguards ("jasbeschermers" in Dutch and "frakkeskånere" in Danish) for your lovely upright bicycle. Above is the Ella model/pattern.

Here's the Nelleke model/pattern and, if you look to the left, you'll see a keychain hanging from the bike lock. Simeli does those, too!

Beautiful stuff. It's worth mentioning that crocheted skirtguards are as old as the bicycle itself. Women quickly figured out how to protect their flowing skirts from the wheel back in the late 1800's. Brilliant that Simeli is making them con amore again. - The site is in Dutch but easy to figure out. You're looking at about €49 for a lovely jasbeschermer.

4 June 2010

Beauty Bicycles from Sweden!

Here's a vintage ad for Swedish bike brand Monark, from the 1950's. The Swedish nickname for these upright ladies bicycles was 'beauty bicycles' or 'beautycyklar'. Doesn't that fit perfectly with Cycle Chic?! Wonderful.

Check out the lovely skirtguard on the first bicycle featured. When the lady at 0:20 walks out of the back, they compare the lines of her jacket to the lines of the bicycle.

This is vintage Cycle Chic. This is how it used to be. This is how we're making it again. We're loving it.

30 March 2010

Cycle Chic Guide #9 Personalising Your Bicycle

Full On Copenhagen Style
Springtime is upon us. Freed from winter clothes, accessories get to shine. Here in Copenhagen, our bicycles are just tools that we use to get around. We don't give them names or fetishize about them, we just use them. However, if you going to spend half your life on your bicycle, you may as well personalise it a bit. We see the bicycle, above, quite often around Copenhagen and it is the ultimate personalised example. Simply gorgeous.

I suppose this isn't really a How To Guide but more of a source of inspiration from the cyclists of Copenhagen to you. With love.

There are different reasons to personalise your bike. To make it look a bit nicer, to make it match your personal style, to hide the rust, to make it less attractive to thieves. Whatever the case, the sky is the limit and only you can make it your own. In Cycle Chic Guide #8 we covered funky bike seats, so we'll leave them out here.

Off we go then. We'll start with a timeless classic:

Flowers on Baskets and Other Bits of Bicycle
Almost Spring Says the Optimist
Flowers on baskets are almost as old as the bicycle. After the invention around the 1880's of the Safety Bicycle - the design we know today that liberated women and the working classes and provided homo sapiens with the fastest and most effective urban mobility boom in history - baskets were among the first bicycle accessories to appear. Women carried baskets already and it wasn't a quantum leap to start putting them onto the handlebars. Later came back racks and pannier bags but baskets were first.

It's difficult to pin down when women started decorating their baskets with flowers but by all accounts we're still in the late 1800's. I adore the fact that this most simple and elegant personalising detail lives on even today. Many flowers are plastic but here in the spring I've seen several examples of real flowers or pussy willows branches adorning baskets.

Bike Boat Flower Box Decorative Cycle Chic for Kids Personalised Bikeness Flowery
You're not restricted to the baskets, of course. The back rack is just as suitable, as well as the steering rod and the rest of the bike. And flora on baskets is not a seasonal issue. In the autumn, why not decorate the basket with leaves like our friend, Klara, with her lovely pink bicycle?
personal style Bike Rack Flora

Painting The Frame or Stickering It
Kazi Kazi
The whole damn bicycle is personalisable. Is that a word? Who cares. Armed with stickers, paint or even tinsel, you can go crazy.

Christiania Sticker Cargo Susanne's Bicycle
A classic Christiania bike stickered ad libitum and a hand-painted bicycle belonging to a girl named Susanne, apparently.
Personlise Tilda's Cykel Passion Amour Desir
Paint zebra stripes on your fenders, let the world know that it's your bicycle (in the middle photo Tilda has written "Tilda's Bicycle" on the frame) or get creative with stickers, like in the last photo on Marie's bicycle. She used kitchen labels and some other stickers on her frame.

Bicycle Bells and Horns
Teapot Bike Bell
Bells are another way to leave your mark on your bicycle. Bells are required by law in Denmark, so you have every reason to get one. Like this teapot bike bell, above.

Copenhagen Bike Bell Teapot Bike Bell
Coffee, tea or me, baby?
Gorgeous Bikealiciousness Argh
Stockholm Cycle Chic13 Ding
Ding Squawk Bicycle Bell Thing
Husqvarna Bell Old Bell
There are loads of bells out there but there are also squeaky toys and horns. These are all adult bicycles, by the way. You can also go old school with a vintage bell like the old Husqvarna one at bottom left or the lovely, rusty one on the bottom right.

Decorating Your Skirtguard
Dont Steal This Bike Don't Steal Me

Decorating your skirtguard is an obvious choice. It's like a canvas waiting for an artist. In the Cycle Chic #4 we covered Do It Yourself Skirtguards, but here are a couple of amusing examples from the streets of Copenhagen. On the skirtguard to the left the owner has highlighted the hi-tech features on the bicycle; Fingerprint reader, Theftproof, GPS Monitoring, Neighbourhood Watch.
On the bicycle to the right it reads, "Next time, don't touch my bike. If you do, do it nicely. Thank you."

Decorating Your Chainguard
Personalised Chain Guard Swedish Bike Beauty
Chainguard decoration is one area of bicycle personalisation that it often overlooked. Putting funky fabric on is one way to do it, but you could also paint it wild. Chainguards used to be gorgeous back in the day, like the vintage Hermes bicycle and brand chainguard to the right. Sweet.

Baskets for Animal Transport
Animal Ride Shopping Basket Dog
You need a basket for your dog. Nick a shopping basket from a supermarket or dig up a cool, old wooden crate.

Trashing Your Bicycle - Quite Literally
Use Your Bike Or Others Will Use it For You Rolling Bikes Gather No Trash
Of course, if you don't personalise your bicycle, and leave it too long without using it, your fellow citizens will personalise it for you. At no extra cost. Rolling bicycles gather no trash, as the old saying goes.

Homemade Advert
Here's a unique way to personalise your bike for a practical purpose. This bike basket is covered with plastic-covered sheets advertising various pieces of furniture for sale.

Go Hard or Go Home
Swedish Bike Beauty
We started this post with a timeless elegant classic and we'll wrap up with a funkalicious example of personalising your bicycle. Spotted in Malmø, Sweden, just across the bridge from Copenhagen. Plastic grass beneath your ass, funky painted bell, colourful tape on the handlebars, you name it. Go hard or go home.

Frame Stickers Official Cycle Chic Frame Stickers Style Over Speed 2 Frame Stickers Style Over Speed Frame Stickers Approved by Cycle Chic
Alternatively, you're always welcome to visit the Cycle Chic Online Boutique at where various items, including our ever-popular bicycle frame stickers are on offer.
Cycle Chic Frame Stickers for Your Bicycle