Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shopping. Show all posts

11 December 2016

The Market Experience on a Bicycle

In Copenhagen, going to the market is easier and more fun than anywhere else in the world simply because you can do it on your bicycle.   

Park right in front of where you want to go because urban cycling includes a couple easy stops along the ride. Show up wearing sweatpants, white trainers, and a purple, blanket scarf because you might stop at the next shop on the way...

Arrive making a scene.
Don't hide yourself or your stuff in the back of a pickup truck... Lock your vehicle and grab your black, leather tote from the frontal display of you bicycle we like to call a basket.

Exit quickly, though.
Place all items in your available compartment , in this case, a portable, fiber basket would do just fine, and continue your journey with your bicycle. Or I should say your -never ending- journey with your bicycle...

Happy Cycling!

3 December 2014

Holiday Shopping Season

It's that time of year. For a lot of different things. We can certainly question the the all-powerful consumerism that is ever-present in our society, but that may be subject matter for another blog.

The fact is, people have stuff to buy in December. Lots of stuff. Christmas trees are among that stuff and over at you can see how THAT gets done by bicycle. Then there are presents, food, you name it. It all needs to be transported around. From A to B and on to C. In Copenhagen, a lot of that is done by bicycle, too.

The weather doesn't always work with you when you cast yourself headlong into the shopping frenzy, but a bicycle gets the job done.

Bicycle baskets serve their purpose on shopping expeditions.

Although a strong shoulder is functional as well.

A kids seat provides extra load capacity for the bigger stuff you need to get home.

The strap on the kids seats comes in handy, too. Then there is the back rack found on virtually every bicycle. That's what it's there for.

You don't always need to ride the bicycle when hungry guests are on the way,

Front racks are booming in popularity, meaning bigger stuff is coming home with you on your bicycle.

You get to contemplate your purchase all the way home, which may be a good or a bad thing.

You can, of course, plan early for the holiday season, starting your shopping in the summer.

For more info on transporting stuff by bike, visit

16 January 2014


Viking Biking_2
Snow doesn't mean you stop shopping for groceries.

18 September 2013

Portraits of cyclists: Sara - "I used to cross the French border everyday with my bike"


"I think it's nice to live in a bicycle-friendly city. I bike along the lakes. My husband advised me to take the straightest way, but I prefer enjoying the scenery view."

"Do you take care of your bike?"
"No, not at all. It has been standing outside for ten years now."

"Do you have a specific memory related to your bike?"
"I lived in France but I worked in Geneva where I was an intern. I used to cross the border everyday with my bike."

Sara bag
Filippa-K - chic outfits ... also made for cyclists.

More pictures everyday on Byliv in CPH

2 September 2012

IKEA Cycle Chic

Trip to IKEA
The Cycle Chic kids packing the Bullitt (or being packed onto the Bullitt in the case of Lulu) on an IKEA visit yesterday.

Read all about the ease of cycling to and from IKEA in Copenhagen over at

27 November 2011

Eyes in the Back of My Head

Eyes in the Back of My Head
When a bicycle is your primary form of transport, strange things appear on it. Like these LEGO storage heads I found on sale at a supermarket here in Copenhagen and rode home with on my Velorbis. I like having eyes in the back of my head.
Eyes Front
But it's also important to keep your eyes front. :-)

15 February 2011

10 January 2011

Early Morning Moods

Early morning Copenhagen. 8 AM. There are few things that appeal to me more than someone riding a bicycle casually with one hand. It aptly sums up our slogan Style Over Speed, as well as the philosophy of the Slow Bicycle Movement.
Window Shopping
And there is always time for window shopping at the red light.

22 December 2010

Time for Shopping

Window Shopping
Even in the cold there is still time for window shopping... glancing at shop windows as she rides past.
Bundled Up Nicely
And once you've done the shopping, the bags get home by bicycle.

8 August 2010

Melbourne Bicycles

Denmark House
Here's some of the bicycles I spotted in Melbourne. Staring, of course, with the Christiania Bike two-wheeler cargo bike in the lobby of the Denmark House building.
Melbourne Mannequins 01
There were loads of shops with bicycles on display. Another sure sign that the bicycle is hot... again.
Melbourne White Bike
And loads of lovely bicycles on the streets.
Melbourne Bikes2
Many were used as adverts for nearby shops.
Melbourne Bikess

Some were just plain cool.
Melbourne Bike Display Hotel Olsen Kronans for Guests
The Olsen Hotel, where I stayed, had free Kronan bicycles for guests to use.

28 July 2010

Gentlemen Cargo Bike Cyclists

Cargo Cool and Casual
Looking dapper is not a prerequisite for riding a cargo bike. But we don't complain if you do.
Hat Cargo

Cargo Shopping

6 March 2010

Muda Nashi

Wifealiciousness and I were heading for the Zoo with the kids the other day when we spotted Nanna on the other side of the street. Waving ensued and Nanna crossed over to say hi.

Nanna has one of the coolest luxury second-hand shops in the city. Muda Nashi, which means Nothing Wasted in Japanese. It's located at Godthåbsvej 11A, in Frederiksberg.

Muda Nashi

10 February 2010

Carry on, Copenhagen

Winter Transport
Whatever the weather, you still have to shop and eat.
Winter Carrying

Bike Usage

29 January 2010

Paint by Numbers in Style

Copenhagen Winter Cycle Chic
Listen. Regardless of the snow and the sub-zero temperatures, sometimes you just have to buy paint and buckets and brushes and rollers. As this Copenhagener demonstrates a couple of days ago when yet another snowstorm rolled over the city. My friend Theis Mortensen, intrepid photo correspondent, captured this little slice of Copenhagen Bicycle Life for Cycle Chic.
Copenhagen Winter Cycle Chic
The temperature was -5 degrees Celcius with a wind chill that took us down to -15.
Copenhagen Winter Cycle Chic
Nothing stops the style or the bicycles in Copenhagen. Or the painting, for that matter.

And please, wherever possible, endevour to ensure that your clothing matches your bicycle. Thank you.

16 December 2009

Disarming Glances and Warm Scarves

Eye Contact
Before you jump to conclusions and assume that this Copenhagener is cross or angry, consider the fact that she just may be glancing to her right.

Consider also that the steely glare of Nordic women may appear cross to other cultures, but when you know it [all too well] you are aware that it may contain a dozen different emotions and expressions. It is disarming and quite fantastic.
Wintry Chic

19 August 2009

Double Time

Summertime is double time in Copenhagen.
Copenhagen Double
Mostly it's on cargo bikes, but when you need to get somewhere and have a friend, there's only one way to go.
Carry on in Copenhagen
And if you don't have a friend handy, just carry some massive bags from a toy shop.

27 July 2009

Shopping, Chewing, Bikini'ing

Shopping for A Chair
Shopping for chairs, con biciclette.
Chewing Gum
Bikini Days
Homeward bound after a day on the beach.

17 June 2009

Ymer Dress

Went to a little street party last Saturday in the cosy Nansensgade quarter of Copenhagen. The groovy shop Ymer Dress was celebrating their new website and, not least because it's summer, it was a good enough excuse to slap some tables out on the street, get a DJ and let the vibes, tunes and beer/cider roll in the neverending light of a Copenhagen June evening.

Here's Kristine, owner of the shop. She has a cool old three-wheeler covered in bamboo parked outside. I got her to mosey on down the street a bit to a splash of sunshine and photographed her there. Yes, the tyres are flat, but the bike is cool, as is she, as is the shop. What a cool little party it was. Perfect warm-up to heading out on the town. Thanks for the beer!
Ymer Dress
Ymer Dress should definately be on your shopping hit list if you're visiting Copenhagen. It's at Nansengade 38.

Regarding our post about The Good News and The Bad News About the Cycle Chic Movement, here's a couple of sensible pieces.

Our friends at Cycle Chic Belgium posted about an article in a Belgian newspaper about the Cycle Chic movement - Copenhagen Cycle Chic was mentioned, bien sur. The paper interviewed two women who ride each day.

As Stefan at writes on the post:

Some folks still don’t get the idea of cycle chic, I guess. And that is that there really is none. It’s just normal. Nothing special. Both the cyclistas interviewed in the article however do get it. They both say they would never visit such a specialised store. One even says: ‘I think it’s typical that cycling gets commercially exploited (…) but I don’t need it.’

Good girls! And a good message to end the article, so all is good.

And on the other side of the Atlantic, the Bike2Work2Live2Bike Blog has this post about suitable cycling clothing. His local bike shop has a mannequin in regular clothes and a little sign reading "This is Appropriate Cycling Clothing" attached to it.

Some people, at least, get it right. For appropriate cycling clothes, open your closet.

13 June 2009

Stop in the Name of Shop

Stop in the Name of Shop
Ah, the freedom of the bicycle. Riding along the safe, separated bike lanes in the rain she spotted something in a shop window that tickled her fancy. Hand up, coaster brake gently to a stop and in under 20 seconds she was inside the shop.

It's no secret that bicycle lanes are good for businesses anywhere. Not only are cyclists better shoppers according to studies, bicycle infrastructure also serves to increase property values and the profit margins of businesses along the routes and the streets are transformed into lovelier urban spaces, encouraging not only more bicycles but more pedestrians, too.

11 December 2008


Tempo Nuit - Rouge
Saturday nightaliciousness. Two friend head out for a night on the town. The town is already painted red for them.

Christmas Shopping
Oh yes, oh yes. It's December. Shopshopshop. And take it all home on your bike.

Cycle Chic Man With Cycle Chic Calendar
Mr Cycle Chic with his Cycle Chic calendar. I ordered one for myself, of course. Even though I've seen these photos a million times before, it was such a thrill to see them printed on the calendar in such good quality. I think I might have giggled but I'll deny that in no uncertain times if asked. Get your 2009 Cycle Chic Calendar here.