Showing posts with label seattle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seattle. Show all posts

2 February 2012


Christine was working with us at Copenhagenize Consulting for a month or so. She's from Seattle and is heading home after wrapping up her fellowship here in Copenhagen. She travelled the world looking at bicycle friendly cities and countries and was a brilliant addition to the Cycle Chic / Copenhagenize team. She'll be sorely missed. Check out her blog - Shift - for bicycle-related goodness.

16 September 2009

The State of Washington

Our friend and photographer Derek from Washington State has a couple of new photos to share. Cycle Chic perfection, as always.

Derek has been nominated as the best wedding photographer in his region, and you can cast your vote in his favour over at this website.

17 June 2009

Ymer Dress

Went to a little street party last Saturday in the cosy Nansensgade quarter of Copenhagen. The groovy shop Ymer Dress was celebrating their new website and, not least because it's summer, it was a good enough excuse to slap some tables out on the street, get a DJ and let the vibes, tunes and beer/cider roll in the neverending light of a Copenhagen June evening.

Here's Kristine, owner of the shop. She has a cool old three-wheeler covered in bamboo parked outside. I got her to mosey on down the street a bit to a splash of sunshine and photographed her there. Yes, the tyres are flat, but the bike is cool, as is she, as is the shop. What a cool little party it was. Perfect warm-up to heading out on the town. Thanks for the beer!
Ymer Dress
Ymer Dress should definately be on your shopping hit list if you're visiting Copenhagen. It's at Nansengade 38.

Regarding our post about The Good News and The Bad News About the Cycle Chic Movement, here's a couple of sensible pieces.

Our friends at Cycle Chic Belgium posted about an article in a Belgian newspaper about the Cycle Chic movement - Copenhagen Cycle Chic was mentioned, bien sur. The paper interviewed two women who ride each day.

As Stefan at writes on the post:

Some folks still don’t get the idea of cycle chic, I guess. And that is that there really is none. It’s just normal. Nothing special. Both the cyclistas interviewed in the article however do get it. They both say they would never visit such a specialised store. One even says: ‘I think it’s typical that cycling gets commercially exploited (…) but I don’t need it.’

Good girls! And a good message to end the article, so all is good.

And on the other side of the Atlantic, the Bike2Work2Live2Bike Blog has this post about suitable cycling clothing. His local bike shop has a mannequin in regular clothes and a little sign reading "This is Appropriate Cycling Clothing" attached to it.

Some people, at least, get it right. For appropriate cycling clothes, open your closet.

30 September 2008

Ode To A Bicycling America

What I wore annnnd ze new bicyclette!
Atlanta, Georgia - by San Smith - check out her blog!

The very, very best thing about this blog - and the other one - is the people we've met. It's a pleasure to cybermeet like-minded individuals who share our love of personal style, fashion and bicycles. In that order.
Birthday Date
Santa Monica, California - by Madness Riviera.
We get so many lovely guest photos sent in or added to our Flickr group so why just chuck a little montage up with photos from a few of our American friends.

Fashion-wise there will always be differences in style on both sides of the pond, but we're loving what our friends and acquaintences are doing for Bicycle Chic in America.
Venice Beach, California
I lived in L.A. for a while back in the late-80's and every weekend was spent either surfing or hanging at the beach. Venice Beach was a favourite spot. Even back then Venice Beach was bicycle heaven. Some good things never change.

New York:
NYC Bicycle Commuter, 5th Ave. @ 58th St. NYC Bicycle Commuter, West Side Greenway @ 72nd St.
La la
You know cycling has arrived [or rather returned] when the citizens of big cities get into the saddle. First Paris and now New York. Sure, it is far from perfect, but it's happening. And when it happens in cities like Paris and New York, it will spread. Wonderful.
Read our series about Paris for more info about the rebirth of their bike culture.

Seattle & Portland:
Seattle Velocoture white electra and heels

Sacramento, California:
Amanda's other whip.

Thanks for all the photos. There are so many more and we'll keep posting the, but for now this is our Ode to a Bicycling America.

27 April 2008

Guest Photos from Washington State

Guest Photo from Derek from
Here are some more splendid photos from one of our regular contributors - about time we calld him a foreign correspondant - Derek, from Washington State. Check him out at Thanks for the photos, Derek! Keep spreading the Cycle Chic.
Guest Photo from Derek from
Guest Photo from Derek from

5 April 2008

Saturday Guest Photos

Another splendid photo from Derek at, documenting, as ever, the shockingly chic bikes and ladies in his life.

Another splash of style.

This is one of the only lycra photos you'll ever see on this blog. Taken by a French acquaintance, Guillaume Reguer, it's a great unicycle shot. Sorry about the lycra. Seriously. Really sorry. It won't happen again.

Pirelli bike tyre advert French magazine
Once again, it's not just us.

29 February 2008

Guest Photos: From Everywhere.

This whole guest photo thing is really snowballing. It's wonderful to recieve so many photos from around the world. Thanks to everyone who thinks of us and sends them along.
For those of you out there who use Flickr, I've started a group - Cycle Chic Global Pool - to which you can add your photos. That makes it easier for me to blog them. Don't despair if you don't use Flickr, just mail them along to us. Right then. Here goes. A super slough of global cycle chic:

Like so many others, I turn frequently to your blog to see the latest of your inevitably smile-inducing pictures and commentaries on Copenhagen's chic and sane cycling culture. Thank you for sharing the simple joys of daily life on your city's streets and beautiful blue bike paths.
Tom [in Tuscon, USA]

From Lisbon, passing thru London on her way to happiness. The only thing comparable to cycling is watching a girl on a bicycle. Isn't it? Thanks for the photos you give us all. Best regards, Humberto.

Dear Chic Copenhagen Cyclists: Here is a picture of my freind Gypsie, who works at Aaron's Bicycle Repair, in Seattle. She usually rides a beautifully customized all red XtraCycle, but here she shows how a European bag and bike can add some style to an already enchanting ensemble. February in Seattle is treating us pretty well. Val.

Here come some cycle men from Japan! Picture is taken in April 2007.
With best regards, Alo, Estonia.

I must say the site is absolutely astounding. I was in Copenhagen in November and absolutely fell in love with the city because of the people and the mass bike culture. This is a picture of my wife who cycles with me pretty much everywhere. The picture was taken in October, there is snow everywhere now. Edmonton has a wonderful network of MUPs that follow the river valley that twists through the city itself. It makes it quick to travel from residential areas to the University or Downtown core by bike. It also connects to the velodrome! My commute is significantly quicker by bike than car, even in -25C weather.

Keep the information and great pictures coming, it is starting to be seen in the student population at the University. Fixies are disappearing and lovely girls and boys are seen dressed nicely on useful city bikes.
Cheers! Samuel

15 December 2007

Guest Photo: Seattle, USA

Another wonderful photo from the hand of Derek Pearson in Olympia, Washington State. The title is 'Sisters'.
Thanks again for thinking of us, Derek. Groovy winter bike wear worthy of Copenhagen bike lanes.

Check out Derek's bicycle site Bike Rubbish here. And be sure to check out his professional photographer site here.

29 October 2007

Guest Photo: USA - "US Girls Ride, Too"

This waltzed its way into our inbox with the subject reading, "US Girls Ride, Too".
A wonderful photo from our good friend and photographer Derek Pearson in Olympia, Washington, USA.
The photo features his wife and she, he tells us proudly, rides to work every day.

A great photo, Derek, and thanks for sending it along to us. Great to see some quality Cycle Chic from your side of the pond. A cool bike, too.

Check out Derek's bicycle site Bike Rubbish here. And be sure to check out his professional photographer site here.