Showing posts with label sandals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sandals. Show all posts

26 April 2009

Friday Afternoon in Copenhagen

King's Garden 1 of 3
The King's Gardens. Springtime in all its glory. Copenhagneners have been hanging out in these gardens in the city centre since the early 1700's.

After an afternoon on a blanket with the one you love, it's time to move on. Perhaps a cracking Friday night awaits. Roll up your blanket and put it on your back rack. A light summer dress over your bikini and gladiator shoes are perfect for cycling.
King's Garden 2 of 3
Off you go, along the safe, separated bike lanes. Heading off into the weekend with the one you love.
King's Garden 3 of 3
Stopping for red lights need not be an irritation. You can exploit the wait by leaning in close to the one you love.

Although if you wish to stay in the King's Gardens, you can always order cocktails that arrive by bicycle.