Showing posts with label rush hour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rush hour. Show all posts

19 January 2016

Urban Ballet

Copenhagen Rush Hour
One person's urban chaos is another's urban ballet. Rush hour in Copenhagen.
Copenhagen Rush Hour

Cycle Chic Copenhagen_19

Cycle Chic Copenhagen_9

27 January 2014

My Favourite Snowstorm Photos

Copenhagen February Traffic - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
It's always hard to make a favourites list when you have seven years of archive photos. It's snowing out there in Copenhagen this morning (-18 C with the windchill, by the way), so here's a (long) selection of my favourite snowstorm photos.

80% of Copenhageners cycle all winter. In a snowstorm, that will drop further, but there are still a wonderful amount of bicycle users going about their business on bikes in the city.

Over at you can read about how a modern city prioritizes snow clearance for bicycle traffic in the Ultimate Snow Clearance Blogpost. Here, you can see how Copenhageners just get on with it. As my mother would say, it's "put a sweater on" weather today.
Walk or Ride - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Walk or ride. It's your choice.
Double Winter - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen Snow Chatting - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Cycling is sociable, even in the snow.
Traffic in Snowstorm - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen A Copenhagener
Sometimes the snow catches up with the snow clearance but it is a temporary situation. The plows are coming soon.
Snowstorm Upright - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen Snowstorm Crowd 02 - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen

Evening Flow 3 - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Morning traffic in a headwind.
Copenhagen Snow Cycling Left to Right 01 - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen Snowstorm Dapper - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Nighttime winter cycling.
Snowstorm Tailwind - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen Overtaking - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Sometimes you have a tailwind. Sometimes not.
Copenhagen Winter Cycling - The Bridge Winter Traffic
Morning rush hour on the world's busiest bicycle street, Nørrebrogade.
Snowstorm Headwind Mobile Chat - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen Snowstorm Multitasking - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen
Multitasking on a bicycle in the snow.
Snowstorm Headwind 03 - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen Snowstorm Hoody - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen
Your closet is filled with cycling clothes.
Snowstorm Coolicious - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen Afternoon Traffic - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Little changes in the snow. Still stuff to transport. Places to go, people to see.
Green and Lean - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Viking Biking.
Snowstorm Rushhour - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen Copenhagener3
Morning rush hour on Hans Christian Andersen Boulevard at left and Nordre Fasanvej, at right.
Snowstorm Warm - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen
Cycling is just walking with wheels.
Snowstorm Evening - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen Viking Biking - Viva Copenhagen
Heading home in the evening.
Snowstorm Handsome - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Dapper on a Friday night.
Snowstorm Calm and Cool - Winter Cycling in Copenhagen
A pillar of calm in a world of chaos.
Copenhagen Snow Glance - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen Copenhagen Winter Warmth
Rise out of the saddle, or don't. It's up to you.
Afternoon Chat - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Always time for a conversation on a bicycle.

9 July 2013

Let's Get To Work

On my way to work I happened to cycle past the busy Queen Louise's Bridge and thought I had some time to snap other Copenhageners on their way to work. My boss thought otherwise.

Most Danes go abroad or retreat to their summerhouses during the first three weeks of July...but not this hard-working bunch!
This businesswoman shows us exactly how to rock up to work looking elegant and put-together...I, er, can totally say the same for myself.
Back in black? There are just some trends that never die out. This look tells us why.WOMAN TAKING A BREAK BY THE BRIDGE
Time for a cheeky fag...(cigarette, not gay man) WOMAN ON WAY TO WORK
'Mum-on-the-move' look.

Been working at Copenhagenize for over a week now and if I may say so far, so very very good. But now I must get back to work! Oh wait, that's this.

Over and out!

K.E.G x

15 November 2011


Eight Forty Three_2
Yesterday morning, on the fifth anniversary of the first photo, I went down to the spot where I took that photo. Back in 2006, I was on my bicycle heading to work at Danish Broadcasting, but yesterday I just stood on the sidewalk to take a couple of photos at 08:43.

I wasn't aiming to take an identical photo, just a photo. Here's what rolled past my lens.
Eight Forty Three

On the occasion of Cycle Chic's birthday, our friends around the world were all out at 08:43 in their respective cities, to take a tribute photo. Have a look at their blogs to see what they captured.

- Lodz Cycle Chic, Poland
- Sydney Cycle Chic
- Budapest Cycle Chic
- Berlin Cycle Chic
- Cardiff Cycle Chic
- Lisbon Cycle Chic

Eight Forty Three_1

For good measure, we documented the moment. :-)
Eight Forty Three_3

1 September 2011