Showing posts with label rio cycle chic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rio cycle chic. Show all posts

21 March 2012

Rio de Janeiro Bike Share

Rio Bike Share
Just got home from some Cycle Chic related activities in Rio de Janeiro. The city has recently launched a bike share system and it's a massive success. 50,000 subscribers, which is brilliant in a city that is already lightyears ahead of most cities in the Americas regarding reestablishing the bicycle on the urban landscape.
Rio Cycle Chic
No surprise that Rio came in at #18 on the Copenhagenize Index list of Bicycle Friendly Cities last year.
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Many of these photos were taken on a Sunday, when the bike lanes along the Copacabana and Ipanema beaches get a whole lot wider what with the three lanes of traffic that are closed to cars and opened to bicycles, skateboarders, rollerbladers and people just walking casually along.
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The system was so busy that there was a queue at many stations as people waited for bikes to be rented so that other bikes could be parked.

There are, however, many people using the bike share bikes during the week for short trips around the city.
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Rio Bike Share Cycle Chic

27 July 2011

Rio America

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Rio Cycle Chic in the form of a cool, American urban planner living in the city.

26 July 2011

Bicycles and Skateboards

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Another wonderful thing you see all the time in Rio de Janeiro is the handy combination of skateboards and bicycles. Friends pulling each other along to speed the journey.

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One of the distinct trends we hear at Cycle Chic have noticed - not just in Rio but in many of the cities we visit - is that skateboarding has become very trendy among the female demographic. Skater girls are taken to the streets, bike lanes and sidewalks of many cities more than ever before.
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Like we mentioned in the previous post, skateboards are used for fun and recreation but they really serve as transport when rolling along the beachside bicycle lanes.
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As always, we have a Flickr set featuring this subject. Bicycles and Skateboards from around the world.

25 July 2011

Rio Bike Surf Skate

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The bicycle infrastructure in Rio de Janeiro is well-used by the cycling citizens of the city. For commuting, certainly. For going to the shops and running errands, absoultely. But this is also a city defined by it's coastline. And a coastline with waves means... surfing.
Rio Surf Transport
I've never seen so many people on bicycles carrying surfboards. Some had metal hooks attached to their bikes to carry their board, but most just rode along the cycle tracks carrying them.
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Or whatever else they may need for a trip to the beach. Like a chair and a parasol.
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There are also countless combinations of bicycles and skateboards - and like this photo, a boogie board, too.
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There is a skate culture but it was really fascinating to see how the skateboard has gone mainstream and is, in many cases, regarded as transport.

23 July 2011

Rio Cycle Chic Bike Ride

When I was in Rio de Janeiro last week I was picked up by bicycle at the airport and rode all the way into town on bike lanes. THAT is a sign of a cool city.

The next day my friends put on a fantastic Cycle Chic bike ride to celebrate the launch of Rio de Janeiro Cycle Chic. A 12 hour affair starting at five in the afternoon, we were around forty or so people at the peak. We rode along the bike lanes parallel to the iconic LeBlon, Ipanema and Copacabana beaches before heading around the bay to the monument commemorating the founder of the city where I gave a short speech about Cycle Chic and what it is all about and what it can achieve. After beers - and wonderful snacks provided by the bicycle-oriented La Biciclette Bakery in Rio - we moved on to various bars and nightclubs. A cracking event true to the Cycle Chic spirit. Rio is ready for Cycle Chic.

Here are some beautiful photos from the ride from our photographer, as posted on Sydney Cycle Chic.

We'll be posting some more shots from the city quicksmart.

Marcio in Rio

Rio Marcio
Here's a friend of ours, Marcio. I went to the beach with him in Rio de Janeiro last week. Cool guy, cool vintage bike.

Marcio has a cool surf brand called Garage7, making cool shorts and t-shirts.

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But we mostly love him for the way he just straps his shoes on the back rack for the ride back home- :-)

8 July 2011

Brazil Bound

Off to Brazil today! Looking forward to it. This photo from one of our Brazilian readers, Marcia, is just what I need to send me on my way! Looking forward to hooking up with Marcia and other readers in Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro!