Showing posts with label publish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label publish. Show all posts

17 November 2012

Cycle Chic Calendar 2013 - Out Now!

For the fifth year running, the Cycle Chic Calendar 2013 is out! We're pleased to present this calendar and hope it can get places in time for Christmas... and January 1st.

This year the calendar features Cycle Chic photos from Copenhagen (no surprise) as well as Montreal, Rio, Sao Paulo, Vitória (Brazil), Amsterdam, Budapest, Zagreb, Dublin and, Berlin.

We've even chucked in a velomobile in a moment of craziness! But the guy is the most dapper chap ever to grace a velomobile and he rides past our offices every day. If that's not crazy enough for you, we even feature a tall bike and drop handlebars!

Enjoy. It's available over at

17 November 2011

Cycle Chic Calendar 2012

The Cycle Chic Calendar 2012
So, it's that time of year again. Time for the annual Cycle Chic Calendar. This year we've chucked in 13 months - from Dec 2011 to Dec 2012. If memory serves, this is the fourth year in a row we've published a calendar.

Thanks for all the emails asking about when the calendar would be coming out - we've been a bit behind schedule this year - but we're pleased to launch it today. It's available over at

We'll be explaining all about what The Cycle Chic Republic is in the coming weeks. We're looking forward to sharing it with you - all of us international Cycle Chic bloggers.

The Cycle Chic Calendar 2012

21 November 2010

Cycle Chic Calendar for 2011

It's time. For the third year running we've whipped together a Cycle Chic Calendar. Here's the 2011 version. Available for purchase [and in time for Christmas] over at

Above is the cover and here is a selection of some of the months:

Cycle Chic Calendar 2011 Cycle Chic Calendar 2011

Cycle Chic Calendar 2011 Cycle Chic Calendar 2011

Cycle Chic Calendar 2011 Cycle Chic Calendar 2011

Cycle Chic. The Calendar. For 2011.

11 June 2010

Copenhagen Cycle Tracks Guide Book

Copenhagen Cycle Tracks
The guide book is now available for purchase online RIGHT HERE, BABY!

A few months ago three friends and I decided that what visitors to Copenhagen needed was a decent guide book. Not one written by a tourist who passed through the city for a week and published in foreign countries, but rather one written by locals. An insider's guide to all the nooks and crannies you don't hear about in Rough Guides, Lonely Planets and brochures from the tourist information office.

We launched Copenhagen Cycle Tracks a week ago and we're well pleased. The book is a collaboration between Cycle Chic and Baisikeli Bike Rental. The latter is a development agency that sends used Danish bikes to workshops in Africa and if you're ever in Copenhagen, this is where you rent your bike. Got it?
Cycle Tracks 2010

The book is written by me, Henrik Smedegaard Mortensen, Kristine Baas and Simon Post. I did the art direction and took most of the photos. Each of us have chipped in with personal recommendations, identifiable with a colour code. Want to see which beach Mikael recommends? Look for the red boxes. Keen to see which bars Kristine fancies for a night out dancing? Look for the purple. And so on.
Cycle Tracks 2010
It is available from Baisikeli, the tourist information office and selected hotels and youth hostels. It costs 35 kroner - cheaper than a pint of beer.
Copenhagen Cycle Tracks
In a way it's a bicycle guide to the city, but then again, not really. The bicycle is the preferred transport form so it's kind of silly to write a bicycle guide. We have a page with cycling tips, but other than that we're expecting people to use the bicycle to get around to the 121 exciting places. When in Rome, as they say.
Copenhagen Cycle Tracks
To celebrate the launch of the book we went for a bike ride with 50 friends last night. I'll blog about it shortly.

If all goes according to plan we'll do it again next year, complete with mobile phone apps and a website.

28 November 2008

The Cycle Chic 2009 Calendar

Cycle Chic Calender 2009
So I figured I'd whip up a Limited Edition Cycle Chic Calendar for 2009. A photographic extravaganza of our cycling life in Copenhagen. Month by month, season by season, you can follow Copenhageners in their endless, rythmic cycle of life.

You'll recognise the photos from the blog, of course, and they are all accompanied by the same kind of pseudo-poetic texts. Not to mention inclusion of selected important events in the life of the city. For example:
February 14 - Charlotte picks up her bike from the shop. New tyres.
March 25 - Mads flirts with Sofie on the bike lane at the red light by The Lakes.
September 8 - Anne-Marie skips classes to squeeze in one last day at the beach.

And so on.
Cycle Chic Calender 2009
The calender is available for online purchase from It measures 34.29 cm x 48.25 cm, comes with coil binding and is printed on Gloss White paper (100# weight).

When you click over to you can see a preview of the pages and zoom in and out and stuff. Let it load, sometimes it's slow.

Oh, and I called it a Limited Edition because it only helps you keep track of dates for 12 months from Janauary 2009 to Decemeber 2009. Which, considering the fact that it's been 14 billion years since the Big Bang, is a rather limited amount of time.

Treat yourself, buy it as a Christmas present for someone you fancy or just shrug and not bother and keep visiting the blog each day. Whatever works for you.

19 October 2008

Shameless Self-Promotion for New Book

There has been talk of a 'blook' [book + blog = blook] based on the Copenhagen Cycle Chic blog and while it is well on the way, it is a larger undertaking than I first anticipated. Choosing a publisher, selecting photos, writing text. All exciting and yet time-consuming.

I was playing around with some self-publishing websites to see what they had to offer and I suddenly decided upon a theme for a photo book. I have many photos of zebra crossings [crosswalks to some] on Flickr and I have now gathered the best of them in a book of 135 photos of zebra crossings from 10 countries.

"Stripey Streetness - Zebra Crossing Moods" is the title, taken from a group on Flickr that I started for the purpose of providing a showcase of the best shots from around the world featuring these stripey zones.
New Book: Stripey Streetness
"A splendid photo series about the zebra crossing as an instantly recognisable symbol in the urban landscape. 130 photographs from 10 countries celebrating that striped zone created in order to keep people out of harm's way by providing safe passage across city streets. Painted bridges that guide the bustling masses of pedestrians through a city.

The zebra crossing is not a destination it itself but it is an important tool in getting yourself from A to B. It funnels all types of people together into one space, for a few brief minutes of togetherness. We are strangers but while waiting for the light to change and for those dozen or so steps through the zone we are in a flock.

This photo series shows city life and city people framed within the zebra crossing. People coming and going and waiting. All of them telling us stories with their body language. Wide strides or short steps. Hunched shoulders or head held high. The zebra crossing becomes a stage on which people around the world are brought together

Most of the photos are taken in Copenhagen so there is ample opportunity to see a splash of cycle chic. The book is available online at Just in time for Christmas... :-)