Showing posts with label ottawa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ottawa. Show all posts

29 May 2011

Montreal J'♥ - and Ottawa, too

Montreal Head Badge Velo sport
Montreal here I come.

I'll be visiting Montreal this coming week as a guest of Vélo Quebec. First thing on the agenda is my talk at Auditorium de la Grande Bibliothèque on Wednesday, June 1st where I'll present my template for how cities can promote cycling effectively, postively and with concrete results.

Here are the details, also available on Vélo Quebec's website:
Mercredi 1er juin, 10 h 30 — entrée libre
Wednesday, June 1st, 10:30 - free entry
Address: 475, boulevard de Maisonneuve Est

The rest of the week is chock full of Bike Week events, including Cycle Chic events like a photo shoot, a press conference for the launch of Montreal Cycle Chic and participating in the bike rides Le Tour la Nuit and Le Tour de l’île de Montréal.

Although on Friday, June 3rd, I'll be in Ottawa to give my talk. This time the hosts are Cycling Vision in Ottawa and I'm looking forward to it, too.

Here are the details about the Ottawa leg:
Friday, June 3, Noon
Address: Cartier Place Hotel, 180 Cooper St (east of Elgin)

Looking forward to meeting readers of both Cycle Chic and in both cities!

1 June 2010

Ottawa Cycle Chic

The Kiss
Some lovely shots from my friend, Joel, in Ottawa, with the Parliament buildings in the background.
Cute Couple
Tomorrow - June 2, 2010 - there will be a Best Dressed Commuter prize at the Commuter Challenge / Clean Air Day event in the Canadian capital.
From the National Archives
Sepia tones, but that wicked cool Bullitt cargo bike betrays the old school mood.

14 January 2009

Vélo Vogue Cycle Chic Fashion Show in Ottawa

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes Global - Ottawa, Canada
A quick little plug for a Vélo Vogue fashion show that will be held in Ottawa this Saturday, if anyone is in the neighbourhood. The photo above is a repost of a guest photo from Chris, taken in Canada's capital city.

Tall Tree Cycles are the host of the fashion show this Saturday, 17 January 2009. You can read more about it, and Cycle Chic, in this article in the Ottawa Citizen. If you get photos of the event, you know where to send them.

21 June 2008

Global Cycle Chic Guest Photos

Velorbis Press Photo -
Time for some guest photos sent to us from around the world or posted in our Flickr group. Copenhagen Cycle Chic goes global. Thanks for thinking of us and keep the guest photos coming!
Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes Global - Berlin, Germany
Constantin sent in this photo of his wife, Verena returning from her 10 km [each way] daily ride to work. She rides a 1998 replica of the first mountain-bike, "THE
KLUNKER" by Gary Fisher. With style, selbstverständlich.
Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes Global - Ottawa, Canada
Putting the Oh! back into Ottawa. Thanks to Chris. The lady is riding a fine Skeppshult bicycle from Sweden.

And here's some Global Cycle Chic photos from our Flickr friends:
First uploaded photo: May 15, 2005 · 3 years ago  it's my Flickr birthday!
The 10 Cent Designer in Calgary, Canada. Calgary seems to be doing just fine in the Cycle Chic department. Note: guest photos with cowboy hats will NOT be blogged. :-)
Style over speed
Montrealcykler in, quelle surprise, Montréal. Proprietor of the Montreal Cykler blog.
La la
Michael from NYC and the Drunk and in Charge of a Bicycle blog. It's not Michael in the photo, it's one of his roommates on her new Velorbis Victoria.

La Meow in the States. Vintage Queen of the Internet! :-)
Foux de fa fa
Elinor Zach in NYC.
Bicycle Women
JanneM in Osaka.

24 May 2008

Guest Photo Saturday

Ottawa Cycle Chic
As always, thanks to everyone who sends guest photos in to Copenhagen Cycle Chic. It's wonderful to see images from around the world. We've had a bit of a backlog so we made a little montage du monde.

But first, above, a smashing image of Ottawa Cycle Chic, from Rachelle and her fiancé. Wonderful stuff!

City of Wells Cycle Chic from Nigel
The latest installment in the Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes Global series. Nigel and his kids slapped a sticker on a lamppost near the Bishop's Palace in the City of Wells - England's smallest city. Thanks, Nigel!

Guest photos may 2008
A bevy of global cycle chic images, in one easy png file! Thanks to everyone!
Vienna Cycle Chic
And a bit of Eurofunkaliciousness from Milo in Vienna to wrap up the proceedings.