Showing posts with label other blogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label other blogs. Show all posts

6 June 2013

Copenhagen Blonde - New Guest Writer

Copenhagen Blonde
New stuff coming up here on Cycle Chic. Our good friend Copenhagen Blonde is going to be guest blogging each Friday with shots of Copenhageners and recommendations for what to do and see in Copenhagen the coming weekend.

Copenhagen Blonde_1
Always seen cycling about Copenhagen on her Velorbis, The Blonde blogs all about Copenhagen life over at her Copenhagen Blonde blog. Be sure to check it out and follow her articles each Friday right here at Cycle Chic. We're happy to have her on board.

Copenhagen Blonde_2
And keep an eye out for her bicycle on the streets of Copenhagen.

6 March 2013

Polish Bloggers Cycle Chic

This is quite brilliant. Quite amazing. Quite humbling.
It's a collage from the cool Polish fashion blog Szafa Sztywniary. While our Polish friends in Krakow, Warsaw, Lodz, Torun and Wroclaw have been waving the Cycle Chic banner high and proud, this collage features Polish bloggers - by and large fashion bloggers - who have all taken a photo involving the bicycle.

What a splendid collection of photos. Szafa Sztywniary got the others to contribute to the collage. Cycle Chic is steadily moving into the mainstream. Thanks to you all. I'm humbled.

And here's a funky Polish animation film featuring a cool cat on a cool bike:

4 July 2012

Ten Cent Designer Cycle Chic

Ten Cent Designer_5
Everyone has a favourite blog and we're no exception. Cycle Chic managed an impromptu photo shoot with The Ten Cent Designer whilst on a trip to Calgary last week. After a cracking dinner and drinks at National Beer Hall, we shot some shots in the evening prairie light.

Ten Cent Designer_4

The Ten Cent Designer is prolific on Instagram and Twitter and her blog is chock full of interior design brilliance as well as delicious recipes - especially if you're a celiac.

Ten Cent Designer_3 Ten Cent Designer_2
But for now we're back in Calgary in the balmy, summer air.

Cycle Chic The Book
And, of course, a copy of Cycle Chic - The Book fits well in her bag.

11 April 2012

Sao Paulo Cycle Chic - Sunglasses

One of our favourite Brazilian fashion and style blogs - Sunglasses - turned three the other day. Happy Birthday!

I met Karina (above) in Sao Paulo recently and we went for a few cool bike rides.
Checking out the Ciclofaixa on a Sunday - where the streets are closed to cars and opened up for cycling, rollerblading, walking, you name it.
Karina _2
And then there was the World Naked Bike Ride, too. A bit too sub-cultural for my liking, but with good friends it was fun.

8 June 2011

Montreal Cycle Chic J'♥

Montreal Cycle Chic_20
So. I just returned from a cracking week in Montreal. I can see that Mary and Andreas have been taking good care of you here on Cycle Chic.

Montreal, apart from being one of the most brilliant cities on the planet, is also a hotbed of Cycle Chic. I'm going to start the Montreal Cycle Chic series with these photos that put the Share into Bike Share. A couple on the corner of Bernard and du Parc we're getting rolling on the city's Bixi bike share bike.
Montreal Cycle Chic_19
I was staying around the corner from here and lovin' every moment of it. The best thing about the week, from a Cycle Chic perspective, was the launch of the Montreal Cycle Chic blog at Bar Waverly last Thursday. Great party with great friends. Canada's largest cycling organisation, Vélo Québec, is behind the intiative and they have enlisted six to document Cycle Chic in the city. It's also a sign that Cycle Chic is becoming an effective form of bicycle advocacy.
Montreal Cycle Chic_18
Get ready for a wild Montreal Cycle Chic ride this week.
Montreal Cycle Chic_17

3 April 2011

Noa Cortes from New York Cycle Chic

A moving, brilliant portrait of Noa Cortes from New York Cycle Chic. Defining everything Cycle Chic is about and everything it should be and everything I've always wanted it to be.

Thanks, Noa.

16 August 2010


As seen on Cycle Chic's new favourite blog - A soulful and yet tragically hip selection of musings and photographs.

9 April 2010

Win "Cycling Shoes" from Christian Louboutin

Red Below
Splendora has a competition where you can win five pairs of Cycle Chic's favourite 'cycling shoes' - all red-soled wonders from French designer Christian Louboutin.

Style With a Tailwind
Louboutin heels at a red-light.
Raleigh Meets Louboutin
The photo above and below are from an earlier post about a strange trend in Copenhagen. I've often seen Louboutin heels on beat up old Raleigh bicycles.
Louboutin and Raleigh

Copenhagen Cycling Shoes awaiting a bicycle.

4 February 2010

Nothing Personal

Strangers in the Snow
Copenhagener A: Nothing personal. I'm not ignoring you. I just don't know you and, besides, I'm trying to cross the street.

Copenhagener B: Whatever.

I got asked once if cyclists wave at each other in Copenhagen, like they apparently do in other places. Ever tried to wave at ten thousand people on a morning commute to work? Nah. Me neither. :-)

In other non-related news, there's an interview about Cycle Chic on the hot trend website The Inside Source. Check it out before your other Facebooking Twitter friends stumble upon it and Dig it.

13 December 2009

Kids and Bicycles

Family Cycle Train
My mate Marc from Amsterdamize took this cracking shot and I just had to add it here, right away. Brilliant Cycle Chic.

And this one of Marc's reminded of this one I took in Paris on my last visit:

Paris Kids
Which made me remember La Rochelle, where I had just arrived from, and one of our summer holidays on Ile de Ré a few years back where Felix sat on the kid seat on my bike and, as a rule, slept all the way home from the beach. Six kilometres each way.
Felix on Ile de Ré

Which made me think about this year's summer holiday on the island of Bornholm:
Bornholm Daddy Felix2

And now I miss summer.

EDIT by Lars:
Seing this subject Mikael, I just have to throw in this one from today:
One plus Three
I can´t help smiling when I look at the three little girls in front just having a great time.

31 August 2009


Velorbis Opera
Copenhagen Design Week is in full swing. A design week in a design capital offers up a slough of interesting lectures and events about sustainability, design and architecture.

I'll be getting around to some of them on one of my two bicycles. The Velorbis Scrap Deluxe, above, as seen with our newish Opera House in the background.

I Like My Bike
Then there's the Bullitt from Larry vs Harry, which I use to pick up my kids from daycare and school.

Both bicycles are fine examples of modern Danish bicycle design.

If you're in town, be sure to check out the Copenhagen X website in Danish, or English or their daily blog in Danish. All URLs where you can get the lowdown on sustainability, design and architecture in The Sustainable City.

22 August 2009

What Are They Looking At?

Morning Rainbow Bridge
Langebro, or Long Bridge, is the main bridge over Copenhagen's harbour and around 20-25,000 cyclists cross it each day in both directions.

Personally, I find water to be an important factor when I travel to and from work. If I don't pass by a body of water, whether a coastline, a harbour, a lake or just a pond, something is lacking.

Bridge.Glance.Copenhagen Glamour Glide
All of these Copenhageners are crossing Langebro and they are all glancing to the right. Just like I do. Just like many people do. For no reason other than looking at the harbour. A sub-conscious desire to see the aesthetic qualities of... water. The different colours, the different seasons, the different reflections.

It's quite a nice feature on a morning commute.
So what are these Copenhageners looking at?

For the better part of about six months I stopped in the middle of the bridge and took a photo or two of the harbour. Almost every weekday. So this is what they're looking at:

Nothing to do with water, but be sure to read Velo Chic NYC's blogpost entitled Cycling 40 miles in heels... no problem!"

10 August 2009

28 June 2009

Change Your Life, Ride a Bike

What a perfect combination. Two of my favourite readers/friends have teamed up to co-author a blog called Change Your Life, Ride a Bike. Adrienne, pictured above and Meligrosa from Bikes and the City blog, below, are your hostesses with the mostesses on a fine intiative.

They wish to highlight how the bicycle has changed peoples' lives in some way.

"We look forward to sharing our stories, and even more, to hearing yours! Please, please, please send us your bike of change and life stories! Why do you ride? Where has riding taken you? How do you tackle the challenges of where you live to keep riding? Did you meet your spouse on a bike? Did you use one to get away after sneaking out of the house at night? Share your adventure with the rest of us."

Be sure to check out the blog. It's quite lovely and remarkable. And be sure to send in your own testimonial to the bicycle.

19 June 2009

Cycling in Skirts and Dresses - The Cycle Chic Guide #3

We might as well get it over with. It's high time to tackle it. Answering that question of questions about our cycling culture. Here's the Cycle Chic Guide to Bicycle Commuting #3:

How do you ride a bicycle in a skirt?!

I think we've been putting it off for so long because it really is a strange question to ask Copenhagen women. In a way, it's like asking a peroxide blonde, Texan, trailer-trash mamma "How can you shoot a gun in that NRA t-shirt?!"

"Y'all just do it, bubba. Now git off my lawn."

Being a male of the species - and not a Scottish or Fijian one at that - I don't consider myself an expert on the subject. In order to answer the question I figured I'd ask the experts. The cycling women of Copenhagen. Every one of them has tried it at some point. But as there are roughly 250,000 of them each day on our bike lanes, I figured we'd narrow it down.

So... I asked a few of Cycle Chic's favourite Danish fashion bloggers. Cycling Copenhagen women with their style on fire and their bicycle basket filled with shopping bags.

First up, Susanne from Modlerstyle. Designer and stylist, too.
Queen. Victoria.
Wifealiciousness... in a dress... on a bicycle.

"How do I cycle in a skirt?! I just cycle... in a skirt! If it's a long, loose dress, it's obviously easy. If it's a tight skirt, I just pull it up a bit and cycle with my knees a bit closer together - one is, after all, feminine. I'll get to where I'm going either way."

Um... okay. That seems pretty straightforward. Already I'm feeling silly for asking the question.
Cycle Chic Guide to Cycling in a Skirt
Very airy.

So what does the always charming Marie, from Marienade have to say? Surely there is more to it that all that?

"I live dangerously - so I put on a dress. Mount my bicycle. Start pedalling. And let the wind decide if my knickers will be introduced to the world."

Uh... that was pretty simple. Casual. Just as straightforward. Which is how I suspect the whole art of riding a bicycle in a skirt or dress is. Brilliant! Thanks, Marie.
Cycle Chic Guide to Riding in Skirts
Devil may care, but why should you?

Let's see what Mr & Mrs Cycle Chic's favourite fashion blogger has to say. Bloggerella will surely provide us with some insight.

"How to ride a bike in a skirt? First things first - you need to be wearing a skirt. So step away from the spandex. Put on a skirt and preferably a pair of heels and hop on your bike heading for work.

There are, however, some pitfalls to be avoided. If like me, you're not into excessive thigh flashing, keep in mind that short and tight skirts tend to ride a bit up while pedalling along. And a usually decent wrap-around skirt can, with one little puff of wind, burst the thigh-flash-o-meter.

That being said you can take all the precautions and still be revealed by a single gust. In that case do a little damage control and hold on to the skirt Marilyn Monroe style."

Okay. Maybe now we're getting somewhere. And when Bloggerella refers to Marilyn Monroe style, here's what she means:
Cycle Chic Guide to Cycling in a Skirt
The fine art of casually placing a hand in your lap while riding. It makes you appear frightfully cool and it serves a anti-wind gust function.

Let's hear from the eternally cool Acie at Agurkeliv.
Copenhagen Cycle Chic Guide to Cycling in Skirts
Acie from Agurkeliv on her bicycle.

"Loving short skirts... and cycling, too. I was 4½. It was summer. It was yellow - my new bike. My new bike without training wheels. It was love.

The kind of love that I would later develop for short skirts, dresses and high heels too. However, the love for my bike never faded - as time passed and I got older it changed in size, color and style. But I always loved it. The same goes for my skirts and dresses – they changed in size (...dammit!), colour and style (some would say that they just got shorter and shorter...). But I always loved them too.

Cycling in short skirts is sort of like walking in high heels. To those who are not used to it, it’s scary, a little strange and considered unnecessary. To those who do it every day, it’s nothing.

When I ride around Copenhagen in skirts I always I always have one hand free to ensure that the skirt doesn’t move too far north. Constantly pulling the skirt down is, however, not necessary. The hand is a safety option. Insurance. Like having a pair of back-up flats in your purse.

In most cases the skirt will stay where it’s intended, if you make sure to ride with your knees pointing slightly inwards. And as is also the case with walking in high heels it’s a matter of practice. It’s about daring to try!"

Thanks, Acie! So, another great bit of advice from yet another Copenhagener who knows what she's talking about. She mentioned the 'hand in the lap' move and the 'knees in' tip, too.
Cycle Chic Guide to Cycling in a Skirt
Get your knees in, Mother Brown.


Last but certainly not least, let's give the podium to Kia from the splendidly named Fierce og Fattig på SU! blog. That translates as Fierce and Broke on Student Subsidies!

"Cycling in a skirt in Copenhagen is rumoured to be a challenge. I cycle often around Copenhagen in skirts and dresses and my mantra is simply "Just do it." If you're 'unlucky' you can comfort yourself by thinking that you probably made a lot of men's day. It comforts me when a gust of wind suddenly causes more men to find me extremely interesting.!

Thanks, so much Kia! We appreciate your point of view.

So there you have it. Seems all quite simple, really. Of course, at the end of the day, this post is a bit superfluous. About 8 and a half minutes after the Safety bicycle was invented about 120 years ago, there was a woman riding it in a skirt. And then another one. And so on.
Cycle Chic Guide to Cycling in a Skirt
History repeats itself or history never stopped doing it?

Which begs the eternal Cycle Chic question... if it's normal and has been normal for over a century, why are people out there trying to sell you "cycling clothes" and all sorts of crap you don't need?

Anyway, here's a unique Copenhagen angle to the Cycling in Skirts and Dresses question. The advantages of cycling on a cargo bike are many, and Copenhageners, if anyone, have discovered that. There are about 30,000 cargo bikes in the city. Demographically, it is mostly families who have one. But the cargo bike provides the Supermums of Copenhagen with an added feature. If you're wearing a short skirt, you are conveninently placed behind the cargo bay, which is handy if you're the type who worries about wind gusts et al.
Cycle Chic Guide to Cycling in Skirts
Cargo bike protection.

As you all may have noticed I have quite a few photos of people cycling in Copenhagen. For this post I went through my Cycle Chic set on Flickr to look for illustrative photos of Copenhageners cycling in skirts. I found... um... over 250. Including photos from Paris, Japan and other countries. I probably missed some but I wasn't really concentrating. Nevertheless, I put them in an independent set. You can see it in a slideshow right here. Make a cup of coffee, lean back and be inspired. Photos tell the story.

If you're pressed for time, I narrowed the 250 down to a Director's Cut of my favourites. 42 in all, also viewable in convenient slideshow format for your viewing pleasure.

And ladies, let's hear from you about riding in skirts or dresses!