Showing posts with label norway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label norway. Show all posts

2 April 2009

Global Cycle Chic Guest Photos

Dottie from Let's Go Ride a Bike

Here is an update with guest photos sent in by our readers. This one gets a space all its own:
Dottie from Let's Go Ride a Bike.
My fanciest cycling duds yet. :) I wouldn't have attempted this, if I hadn't seen all the women on your site.

Thanks, Dottie!

Here's a pile of lovely guest photos that I haven't had time to post. Wonderful stuff. Thanks for sending them in.
New Orleans: Jillian from Button McSweet. San Sebastian: Raquel from Gratis Total. Belgium: From Cycle Sevilla: From Martin. Stockholm: Fra Great Britain: Shit, sorry! Can't remember! London: From Cyclodelic.
Copenhagen: From Hugo-Andres. USA: From Norway: From Per. Budapest: From Cycle

7 March 2009

From Bergen to Poland via Austin and Vancouver

The Norwegian singer Silje Nes, from Bergen, has a wonderful press photo. Cycle Chic to the max, even though 'to the max' is a mad retro expression. Check out Silje's Myspace. Even though Myspace is rather last century, Silje is definately now.

Cracking delicious funkaliciousness from, believe it or not, Austin, Texas. From a travel article in the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen.

As ever, you've seen it here first. Coming soon to other blogs near you. Thanks to one Norwegian, Per, who wrote about Silje in Dagens Næringsliv and another Norwegian, Morten, for the Austin photo. Morten is the head of the Icelandic Cyclists Federation.

Here's a shop window for a Canadian clothing company Le Chateau, as seen in Vancouver by Lisa:

A little splash of Cycle Chic on the West Coast of Canada. Every little bit helps towards normalizing urban cycling.

And on the booming Polish Cycle Chic front, Lodz Cycle Chic have a correspondant in Copenhagen at the moment. Check out the Lodz angle on Copenhagen Cycle Chic here. And a warm Cycle Chic welcome to another blossom on the Cycle Chic flower - Wroclaw Bicycle Chic. We're blowing you kisses across the Baltic Sea.

Add Wroclaw to Warsaw Cycle Chic and Krakow Cycle Chic.

Boy, do I ever need to set up a Cycle Chic blogger conference. Not so much chat, just a lot of good wine, cocktails and dancing. What a party that would be. Marc from Amsterdamize will foot the bill.

18 January 2009

Celebrity Cycle Chic

It's been a while since we have featured some celebrity chic. Here we have the Canadian actress Ellen Page looking absolutely smashing in true Copenhagen Cycle Chic fashion.

And Cycle Chic's international audience may not be acquainted with the Norwegian author Per Asbjørn Risnes Jr. but I am since he is a mate of mine. This photo of him and his daughter was a publicity shot for one of his books, 'Verdens beste pappa' or The World's Best Dad. He writes for the Norwegian version of Financial Times, Dagens Næringsliv. Besides all that, it's just a cool photo.

Addendum: A comment spurred me to include info about the bike seat, above. They're widespread in Denmark and Holland and in Denmark we call them bulldogs. When the kids are younger you can strap their feet in. When they get older there's a bar you slap onto your frame so their feet can rest on them.

The seat on which they sit is detachable so you don't have to ride with it when the kids are not on the bike with you.