Showing posts with label nihola. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nihola. Show all posts

21 January 2016

Cargo Bikes and Kids

Copenhagen Rush Hour
Even with 40,000 cargo bikes in Copenhagen, most cargo bike action involving kids takes place in the neighbourhoods, where families live close to the schools. 26% of all Copenhagen families with two or more kids have a cargo bike. It's the Copenhagen version of the SUV.

There are cargo bikes with kids in the morning rush hour however. Here are a few of them. Just a kid reading a book on their way to school.
Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

Copenhagen Cargo Bikes

26 July 2012

Cycle Chic Super Cargo Dads

Svajerløb 2009: Kid Transport
It's quiet in Copenhagen at the moment, during the three weeks of summer holidays. The numbers of bicycle users heading to and from work are still mind-blowing to visitors but it is clear to those of us that live here that most of the nation are holidaying at home, in their summer houses or off travelling.

Beach Bicycle Parking Beach
Cargo bikes and Copenhagen are like a hand and a glove. With 40,000 cargo bikes in the city you're certain to see them everywhere. In the summer holidays the pace slows. Kids don't have to be transported off to kindergarten or school but cargo bikes still fulfill an important role. There are still beaches or museums to be visited, playgrounds to be explored.

Denmark is one of the countries in the world with the greatest level of gender equality. It's not just in business or politics - out of the eight polictical parties, four have female leaders, including the Prime Minister - but in everyday life. A simple phrase from other societies like "soccer mom", for example, seems rather odd and archaeic. We're just soccer parents.

We hear, however, the same thing from cargo bike brands and bike shops. When a young family is discussing getting a cargo bike, it tends to be the mother who calls the shots regarding brand, accessories, etc. Nevertheless, the bike becomes The Family Bike when it rolls out of the shop, as you can see in this article. Superdads just getting on with it. Rolling kids around the city.

Given our involvement in the European Cyclelogistics project, we have cargo bikes on the brain at the moment here at our offices. So here goes.

Beach Transport Rearranged Long John
At left: Here are my kids napping on the way home from the beach on our Bullitt.
At right: My boy and two friends on our old Longjohn.

Men Cargo Biketastic

Four Kids in a Box Traffic Moment

Priorities Dronning Louises Bridge 032 - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen
Christiania Bikes in action.

Nihola Yellow

Ice Cream Cargo Copenstyle

Istedgade Nihola Five Wheeler

Nihola Bikes do their thang.

Ljubljana Cycle Chic_47 Montreal Nihola
In Ljubljana and Montreal, too.
Copenhagen Cyclists

Svajerløb 2009: Dad
Child Transport Bullitt Family
Bullitts from Larry vs Harry.

Kids Outrider Come on Mum
A no-name brand at left and an Winther Kangaroo at right. The flag reads "Go, Mum!" and they were riding alongside his wife as she ran the Copenhagen Marathon.
Copenhagen SUV - Triobike in Motion
The iconic Triobike.

Svajerløb 2009: Spectactors
Bakfiets from the Netherlands.
Push It - Cycling in Winter in Copenhagen Something Borrowed Something Blue
Sorte Jernhest (means Black Iron Horse). The one on the right is available for residents to borrow from various locations around the city.
The Joy of Cycling
Then again... kids are doin' it for themselves.

11 February 2012

Chauffeur Driven

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3544
Lots of Copenhagen families have invested in Cargo Bikes and Long John's or just an extra seat to to take their children - and all their assorted gear - for a ride.

Below: Enjoying the good life.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3601

Cabin comfort.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3533

Crashed out - and ready to go home from the party - Dad looks like he could use a ride too!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3574

An extra seat also goes a long way.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 3568

Happy cycling!

8 December 2011

Cycle Chic & - Match Made in Heaven

Readers may recall the post about Cycle Chic's film shoot with from a while back. We're pleased to finally be able to present the film we made in collaboration with Muuse.

We shot it out at Amager Beach in Copenhagen a couple of months ago. It was a chilly day but we are pleased that the film has a hint of summer to it.

For us at Cycle Chic, Muuse is the perfect playmate. Not only are we good friends socially and professionally, the whole concept of Muuse is appealing to us. The fashion industry is hopelessly unsustainable. Big companies produce piles of clothes and, if they don't get sold, they are shredded and thrown away. Muuse features top young designers and customers can order the outfits on their website. When a certain number of orders are reached, Muuse puts the outfit into production. Ethically and locally.

The designs chosen for the film are all harmonious with the bicycle and go hand in hand with the inherent aestheticism of the two-wheeled machine. Bike geeks will bang on about goofy "cycling clothes" with reflective bits and pieces or "urban cycling trousers" (we've been riding bicycles for a century without needing them) but we'll just send you to this blogpost for our point of view about this. And while we're at it, this little film explains why we prefer to be citizens who use bicycles to get around instead of "cyclists".

Anyway... these outfits are haute couture, sure, but we love them for their flowing fabric movement. Bicycles, by their very nature, create a movement of air around us. Designs that accentuate and compliment this natural flow of air add to the appealing nature of seeing Citizen Cyclists on bicycles. Not surprisingly, we filmed the bicycle shots from a Nihola cargo bike. And thanks to Velorbis for loaning us the bicycles used by our model.

The designs used in the film are by Linda Vasel, Nathalie Fordeyn and Laura Baruël - three designers collaborating with

Muuse Meets Cycle Chic_27

Director: Mikael Colville-Andersen / Cycle Chic
Cinematographer: Theis Mortensen
Model: Maria Bloch-Jørgensen

13 October 2011

Cycle Chic Meets

Muuse Meets Cycle Chic_8
Cycle Chic has teamed up with our friends at to make a film combining Muuse's brilliant fashion with Cycle Chic's eye for bicycles. We headed out to one of the many beaches around Copenhagen last Friday to shoot and here are some of the still photos from the day. Thanks to Velorbis for the bicycles, too.
Muuse Meets Cycle Chic_6
It was a brilliant day. A little chilly, if you ask us, but our model Maria is a viking and she put on a brave face. We wrapped her in fur and blankets between every take and took good care of her. Most of the shooting featured many of Muuse's creations from their talented designers but we always included some classic Cycle Chic bicycle ridin'. Of course we did. We couldn't live without it.

Muuse Meets Cycle Chic_1 has also written about the behind the scenes action from the film shoot over at their blog.

Muuse Meets Cycle Chic_7

Muuse Meets Cycle Chic_19

Muuse Meets Cycle Chic_16

Muuse Meets Cycle Chic_39
It goes without saying that when we did the mobile shots, we used a cargo bike from Nihola. Mikael rode the trike and Theis, the cinematographer, sat in the box.

Right then... we'd better get started editing the film. Keep your eyes on this space. It's coming soon. Well... kind of soon. Soonish.