Showing posts with label momentum magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label momentum magazine. Show all posts

3 April 2014

Fort Worth Bicycle Fashion Show

Copenhagenize Design Company was in Fort Worth, Texas last week, attending Bike Texas' Texas Trails and Active Transportation conference. The good people from Momentum Magazine were there, too, and they put on a great Cycle Chic fashion show for the attendees. Showing cycling as normal, stylish and accessible to the 99%.

I kicked off the evening with a talk about the history of bicycle marketing and how lessons learned a century ago can apply to the modern situation.

The models were both locals as well as a number of conference attendees and it was a great event with a cool DJ providing the tunes. The clothes were sponsored by a local store and the bikes were of a great variety.

It was great to be a part of it.