Showing posts with label mini bicycles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mini bicycles. Show all posts

31 January 2012

High and Dry


That clothes drying rack isn't going to walk home by itself, now is it?

Or that big, heavy box filled with secrets?

21 July 2011

Meanwhile, Back in Copenhagen

Yep, we're travelling alot with Cycle Chic at the moment. The brand and the movement is growing from strength to strength. Not least since the Cycle Chic Bloggers Conference we are planning some major advancements in the Cycle Chic network and brand. The core network is strong and motivated and despite the fact that there are certain individuals out there - with blogs and even companies - who are exploiting the Cycle Chic name for profit or personal gain without ever having had the courtesy to ask us for permission - The Imposters - we are geared for making Cycle Chic bigger and better. United we stand.

Once in awhile, we get to hang out in our beloved Copenhagen. Which is always brilliant.

Contemplating Parking
Contemplating a parking spot - in exquisite style - on a residental street.
Smiling. For no particular reason. The best kind of smile.

9 March 2011

Mini Bike

Mini Bike
What a cool little "mini-bike" - which is what we call this retro (1960's) design in Danish. They've been all the rage here in Copenhagen for the last couple of years.

12 January 2011

Low Suns

Continuing the recent moody theme, here's a couple of shots featuring the low winter sun of Copenhagen.

Sometimes the morning sun lends a bit of magic to the everyday commute, letting the wet bike lane glow and reflect the cyclists as they roll on through the city.

Low Winter Sun
Low afternoon sun casting long shadows.

20 September 2010

Mini Bikes Galore

Mini Bikes 4ever
One bicycle style trend that doesn't seem like it's fading is the fashionable fascination with vintage mini-bikes. These 'mini bikes' came onto the scene in the 1950's. They were a reply to the booming car culture. Most of them were foldable - nothing fancy like modern folding bikes, just fold them in two - in order to fit into trunks of cars and/or on trains. They were never a massive hit in Northern Europe.
Oh So Chic
A couple of years ago I noticed that young fashionistas were riding them again. Out of the blue. The trend continues even today. Retro, vintage bikes once relegated to use at summer cottages are now chariots of cool.
Where they all came from I'll never know. The summer cottages of the nation must have been scavenged in the search for these bikes. Although several were spotted at a flea market near Mauer Park in Berlin a month ago. Roughly €35 will get you one.
Or just graduate from university, like my friend AK recently did, and you'll get one as a present, like she did.

16 September 2010

13 September 2010

13 November 2009


Copenhagener on a vintage mini-bicycle. The preferred ride of the young and fabulous this year. The garages of summer houses all across the region have been trashed in the search for grandma/grandpas old mini-bicycles from the 1950's and 1960's.

A chosen few have acquired one.

19 August 2009


Here is a small guide to going to demonstrations or public concerts at the Town Hall Square (Rådhuspladsen) in Copenhagen:

1. See if it's something for you.

Mini Bike Buddy
2. Look for your friends.

3. Park your bicycle.

4. Hang out with the one you love.

La Jeunesse
5. Make more people come over.

Cargo Lane
6. Leave. If with a cargo bike, make a peloton. The more, the merrier.