Showing posts with label marc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label marc. Show all posts

23 August 2011

Amsterdamize Copenhagenizing

Amsterdamize We were pleased to see our friend Marc from in Copenhagen recently. We didn't have time for a rematch of the Slow Bicycle Race, but we certainly went out on the town.

20 May 2009

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes to Amsterdam 02

Dutch Locks
No surprise really that my camera's memory card ended up with a slough of Cycle Chic photos from my visit to Amsterdam. What to do but post them here. Dutch locks. In more than one sense. It's strange for a Copenhagener to see people riding around with big old chain locks when all we use is our wheel locks. But I guess you get used to it.
Smooth Rider
Riding in smooth style, straight-backed, just like our mothers taught us.
A splash of Cycle Chic funkaliciousness.
Growing Pains
When you're the "Father of Urban Cycle Chic" [F.U.C.C] :-) it's important to check up on all the copycats and collaboraters now and then. Marc from Amsterdamize does a fine job and we love him madly. There are, it appears, some minor technical details that need to be worked out, as illustrated above. I gently went over to him and turned him around so that he was actually facing the bicycles. Poor boy was a bit knackered after the Copenhagen drinking lesson he recieved the night before, bless his little cotton socks.


I've now reverted the RSS Feed to full, by popular demand. I did it a couple of days ago. Is it working? Do let us know.

19 May 2009

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes to Amsterdam

Amsterdam Waiting
After four days in Brussels - a black hole on the Cycle Chic map - I took the train to visit Marc from Amsterdamize. It was fantastic to return to a real bicycle culture. I felt quite at home.
Amsterdam Hat
I'm still sorting through my photos but figured I'd get a couple up today.
Here's Marc from Amsterdamize. Bloody cyclist got in the way.