Showing posts with label lodz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lodz. Show all posts

24 May 2010

Cycle Chic in Copenhagen and Beyond

New film from the very good people at about the fantastic development of the Cycle Chic 'movement' that started right here on this site oh so many years ago... :-)

Wonderful to see Kristin [Charleston], Witek, Henrietta and Kristin [San Francisco] doing their funky thang.

'Xander from Toronto was meant to be in it, too, but the birth of his second child was a bit more important. :-)

We're rolling closer to the third anniversary of the Cycle Chic - Copenhagen blog, in mid-June. This is a lovely way to start getting ready. Thanks to Streetfilms.

[Disclaimer: I don't normally look THAT tired... :-) It was in the middle of the Climate Conference last December and I was working hard, it was cold, blahblahblah]

5 April 2009

Round the World Cycle Chic

Thanks to Raquel from Gratis Total - the Spanish fashion blog, our intrepid correspondent, for her latest installment of Iberian Cycle Chic. This time from San Sebastian.

Thanks to Rhys, in Manly, Australia, for these photos of bicycle culture in his town. Featuring his Danish girlfriend on the left.

The very latest shots, hot off the bike lanes, from our friends Witold and HuBar at Lodz Cycle Chic in Poland.

Thanks to our reader, Will, for these cracking shots from Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

And thanks to Kristoffer for these great shots of our neighbours in Stockholm.

7 March 2009

From Bergen to Poland via Austin and Vancouver

The Norwegian singer Silje Nes, from Bergen, has a wonderful press photo. Cycle Chic to the max, even though 'to the max' is a mad retro expression. Check out Silje's Myspace. Even though Myspace is rather last century, Silje is definately now.

Cracking delicious funkaliciousness from, believe it or not, Austin, Texas. From a travel article in the Norwegian newspaper Dagsavisen.

As ever, you've seen it here first. Coming soon to other blogs near you. Thanks to one Norwegian, Per, who wrote about Silje in Dagens Næringsliv and another Norwegian, Morten, for the Austin photo. Morten is the head of the Icelandic Cyclists Federation.

Here's a shop window for a Canadian clothing company Le Chateau, as seen in Vancouver by Lisa:

A little splash of Cycle Chic on the West Coast of Canada. Every little bit helps towards normalizing urban cycling.

And on the booming Polish Cycle Chic front, Lodz Cycle Chic have a correspondant in Copenhagen at the moment. Check out the Lodz angle on Copenhagen Cycle Chic here. And a warm Cycle Chic welcome to another blossom on the Cycle Chic flower - Wroclaw Bicycle Chic. We're blowing you kisses across the Baltic Sea.

Add Wroclaw to Warsaw Cycle Chic and Krakow Cycle Chic.

Boy, do I ever need to set up a Cycle Chic blogger conference. Not so much chat, just a lot of good wine, cocktails and dancing. What a party that would be. Marc from Amsterdamize will foot the bill.

14 January 2009

Poland Cycle Chic

Warsaw Cycle Chic
A big Cycle Chic witamy to two new members of the cycle chic family. Upstairs we have Warsaw Cycle Chic with a brilliant example of everyday European cycling.

Downstairs we have Krakow Cycle Chic, featuring all the everyday cycling news from... not surprisingly... Krakow. They're both newish so they'll be getting more content as the months pass.
Krakow Cycle Chic
Add to the Polish potpourri Lodz Cycle Chic and you're off rolling.

Which reminds me of a week I spent in Warsaw back in 1992. I had heard that the Soviet Intourist office in Warsaw, and only Warsaw, could be bribed to issue visas to parts of the Soviet Union that were previously impossible to get visas for.

I was working as a travel writer and journalist at the time so I was the first one to make the overland journey from Europe to China, travelling exclusively through the then Soviet republics, now countries in their own right, of Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakstan.

Travelling third class [illegal for foreigners] but armed with conversational Russian and the all important phrase, in Russian, "I'm from the Baltics" to explain why I didn't speak better Russian. Worked like a charm and it was an amazing journey.

Back to Warsaw... I stayed in a high-rise block of flats in a 'bed and breakfast' with a lovely older lady with whom I could barely communicate and remember watching reruns of Dallas dubbed into Polish, but dubbed with one, monotone male voice who merely recited the lines for the all the characters and with the original sound just audible enough to catch snippets of the real actors. All while drinking excessive amounts of tea and eating bread and sausage.

Okay, okay... back to the cycle chic...