Showing posts with label launch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label launch. Show all posts

23 January 2016


Cycle Chic Copenhagen_50
That magical moment when the bicycle is propelled into motion.
Cycle Chic Copenhagen_18

27 August 2012

Lift Off!

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 4816

Getting your bike into motion is maybe the most tricky thing to learn when you learn to bike. And the elegance with which you take off is the hallmark of the proficient rider.

Simple kick above and side stand below.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 5683

Directly onto the pedals.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 4814

Standing kick off.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 0527

Another side mount.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2012 - 3282

Happy Cycling!

8 March 2012

Windy Launch

Windblown Launch Moment
If you've been around this blog for awhile, you'll know our affection for the launch moment. Bicycle pushed into motion, foot rises to the pedal and then momentum takes over.

5 October 2011

The Launch & The Dismount

Launch Moment
A classic Cycle Chic launch moment when the bicycle is propelled into motion.
Which goes hand in aesthetic hand with the elegance of the dismount.

30 May 2011

Getting Started

At Cycle Chic headquarters, one of our favorite themes is pushing off, that initial movement to propel your bicycle in the right direction. We found this photo appropriate as Mikael heads off to Canada for the launch of Montreal Cycle Chic. Between his presentations and 24 hour photo shoot, I doubt he'll have much time for blogging, so this week you've got me, and of course lots of photos of beautiful people on bicycles.

12 March 2011

19 February 2011

Off the Light

Off the Light
A cluster of Copenhageners move into motion just as the light changes on Nørrebrogade. Temperature was about -15 C today with the wind chill.

Lovin' the classic Copenhagen scarves.

26 September 2010


A classic Cycle Chic launch moment.

22 September 2010

Great Moments in Cycling

Night Launch
Late night, outside the always cool Galathea Kro bar, I saw a lovely launch moment when a bicycle was propelled into motion.

12 July 2010

Café View

Excell Acceleration
Whilst munching a delicious lunch at a corner café, these are some of the things I saw.

19 March 2010

Copenhagen's Seasonal Early Warning System

Cycling in Copenhagen
Wooly stocking combinations, begone. The seasonal transitions bring all manner of clothing-related transitions with them. When the weather is getting colder in the run up to winter, there is an inevitable week or so when you keep forgetting your gloves or scarf.
His and Her
What we're seeing now on the streets of Copenhagen is a more conscious transitional shift signalling warmer weather and springtime goodness. The woolen stockings of winter are being replaced by the thinner stockings of spring. The jackets are still warm and toasty and the footwear likewise, but this subtle shift is a sure sign of spring.
There are scores of signs signalling springtime. Bare hands on handlebars, with gloves tossed happily in baskets, the first sighting of bare legs, hats pulled off at red lights and shoved into pockets, open jackets, etc.
Heel Launch
But these photos represent an early warning system heralding winter's exit stage left.
Sunshine Spring
Bring on the springtime.
Almost Spring

13 February 2010

Anticipation and Release

I love this shot. Look at the pent up energy in it. Five Copenhageners on bicycles. None of them are speed demons. They're just people heading to work in the morning. Nevertheless, this is the moment when the light is about to change. Bodies tensed. Eyes narrowed, waiting for the moment. Urban life, urban tension, urban ballet.
Magic Moment
And all resolved with one graceful launch moment when the bicycle rolls off with a push of the foot and momemtum is achieved.

11 February 2010

That Launch Moment

Pushing Off
There it is again. That magical moment when the bicycle is propelled into motion.

25 November 2009

Pushy in Pink

Pink and Blue Launch
The fine art of performing an overtaking whilst pushing the bicycle into motion off the light.

24 November 2009

Les Nuits Nordiques

Rainy Day
Just a fraction of a second too quick. I was aiming to get this Copenhagener framed in the middle of the passing van. Oh well.
Nighttime Concerto
Rainy nights, a symphony of lights and motion.

23 November 2009

Launch Party

Blue and Green
The all-important moment where the bicycle is pushed into motion.

18 October 2009

Paris Trois

Paris Triple Launch
Regular readers know I love that launch moment when the bicycle is pushed into motion. Here's two and half moments in Paris, feat. Vélib.

Paris Girlfriends
Here's the same girls at the next light, discussing where to go. Ahh, urban cycling is sociable, lovely and fine.

8 June 2009

I Love Yu, Harajuku.

Tokyo Socks
This girls OWNS her personal style utterly and completely. Respect.
Tokyo Solo
Stylish knickerbockers on the move.
Carry all Tokyo.
Launching into Traffic
My favourite moment. The launch. The bicycle set into motion. This time, Tokyo style. Heading off into traffic.

All shots from Harajuku, Tokyo.

4 April 2009

On and Off

As any dedicated reader of this blog knows, I love this magical moment when a cyclist launches into motion.
Although dismounting is an art form that is much underrated.

In other cycle chic news, here's an article from the New York Times about bicycle fashion.

And a warm Cycle Chic welcome to the newest bud on the Cycle Chic Tree - Romanian Cycle Chic. It warms our hearts to see Cycle Chic spreading out around the globe, inspiring people to take to their bicycles in their normal clothes and make a difference. Taking back the bike culture.