Showing posts with label langebro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label langebro. Show all posts

11 October 2011

Bicycles On A Bridge

Crossing Langebro, Copenhagen.

langebro - 2 paa en cykel_redigeret

langebro abstrakt
Or solo.

7 March 2011

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Langebro Ascent Glancing at the Harbour
The bad news is that you have to go up one side of the bridge.
Langebro Ascent
Up, up you must go.

Langebro Descent - Gliding 902
The good news is that you get to glide down the other side.
Langebro Descent - Gliding

Langebro Descent - Blue Hat

The Copenhagener in the top photo is doing something that is hard to avoid. She's glancing out over the water and the harbour. No matter how busy you are, you have to glance at the water, it seems.

This is what the harbour looks like over a six-month period:

22 May 2010

Long Bridge

Over the Bridge 05
Heading over Langebro [Long Bridge] over Copenhagen Harbour.
Over the Bridge 04
Spring has finally sprung.

22 August 2009

What Are They Looking At?

Morning Rainbow Bridge
Langebro, or Long Bridge, is the main bridge over Copenhagen's harbour and around 20-25,000 cyclists cross it each day in both directions.

Personally, I find water to be an important factor when I travel to and from work. If I don't pass by a body of water, whether a coastline, a harbour, a lake or just a pond, something is lacking.

Bridge.Glance.Copenhagen Glamour Glide
All of these Copenhageners are crossing Langebro and they are all glancing to the right. Just like I do. Just like many people do. For no reason other than looking at the harbour. A sub-conscious desire to see the aesthetic qualities of... water. The different colours, the different seasons, the different reflections.

It's quite a nice feature on a morning commute.
So what are these Copenhageners looking at?

For the better part of about six months I stopped in the middle of the bridge and took a photo or two of the harbour. Almost every weekday. So this is what they're looking at:

Nothing to do with water, but be sure to read Velo Chic NYC's blogpost entitled Cycling 40 miles in heels... no problem!"