Showing posts with label kiss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kiss. Show all posts

31 July 2013

End of July: Take Your Time

In summer it's still the right time to enjoy life! Take your time... to kiss your beloved one at the traffic light.

Take your time... to wait for your friends when you're just too fast.

Take your time... to enjoy the landscape from a bridge.

Take your time... to call your friends to join a chic picnic.

More pictures of Copenhagen everyday on Byliv in CPH

27 July 2012

A Nocturnal Urban Intersection

Copenhagen Goodbye
In a mainstream bicycle culture like in Copenhagen, bicycles are never far away. They're beneath you, beside you, behind you and between you. This is an intersection between two main streets and it's a place many people say goodbye before parting ways. Here's a noctural hug.
Copenhagen Goodbye_1
And here's something more substantial. A solid kiss - one that suggests it's not the last time they'll see each other - before they rode off into the night.

Sub-cultures talk of bike love. We prefer love on bicycles.

For more love on bicycles, check out this earlier post: All You Need is Love - And Bicycles.

8 May 2012

Cycle Chic Postcard - Zagreb

Zagreb Cycle Chic Tomislav
Tomislav works at the Danish Embassy and he deftly and elegantly led me around the city when I was there for to give my Bicycle Culture by Design talk and open my Monumental Motion photo exhibition. The bike belonged to his grandfather and was so cool it was painful. Suits the man, though, doesn't it?

Zagreb Cycle Chic-003
A bicycle made for two.

Zagreb Cycle Chic
Balkan cool.

Zagreb Cycle Chic-004
A young Zagreb-ian ... uh... Zagrebite... um... Zagreber... uh... citizen of Zagreb out for a spin.

Zagreb Cycle Chic-001
Unfortunately, I found myself in a car at one point. Fortunately, I only spend about 15 hours a year in automobiles.

Zagreb Cycle Chic Kissing
It's scientifically proven... bicycles make you want to kiss more.

Zagreb Cycle Chic-005
Or just flirt.

12 February 2012

Ice Kiss

Copenhagen Ice_1
They took their time with it. As well they should.
Copenhagen Ice

4 July 2011

Sandy Toes

Cycle Chic Bloggers Conference Beach _3
Boy, do I ever miss Barcelona. Riding around on the Cycle Chic bicycle, down to the beach, on to a café.

Fortunately, I'll be speaking in Brazil on Saturday, in Sao Paulo. Followed by a great party in Rio de Janeiro next week. So I'll get my fix of barefooted bicycle riding with sandy toes. Which is tough this summer here in Copenhagen.

Here's a few other barefoot bicycle shots:
Barcelona Cycle Chic Barefoot

Christiania Bike

A Little Slice of Bicycle Life

1 April 2011

Springtime Love

Cycle Lane Kiss
We need to take a break from the Berlin Cycle Chic extravanganza to bring you this shot from the cycle tracks of Copenhagen. Intelligent and aesthetic use of your time while waiting for the light to change.

Love in the springtime.

1 June 2010

Ottawa Cycle Chic

The Kiss
Some lovely shots from my friend, Joel, in Ottawa, with the Parliament buildings in the background.
Cute Couple
Tomorrow - June 2, 2010 - there will be a Best Dressed Commuter prize at the Commuter Challenge / Clean Air Day event in the Canadian capital.
From the National Archives
Sepia tones, but that wicked cool Bullitt cargo bike betrays the old school mood.

9 May 2010

Better Months of May

Woman in Red
So far, it's been a crappy month of May, 2010. It's as though Spring is stuck somewhere else because of volcanic activity on a bankrupt island in the North Atlantic and just can't seem to get home to us. The temperature is a measly 5 degrees, it's grey and drab and, frankly, it sucks.

So... let's fire up the Cycle Chic Wayback Machine and have a look at how May can be and should be. We'll start with the above photo from May 11, 2009. Beautiful weather with temperatures pushing 30 degrees, if memory serves.
Kiss Her Even if She Doesn't Have a Bicycle
Do we kiss more when the springtime is balmy and lovely? I daresay we do. This photo was taken on the same day.

Three Generations
Here's a Cycle Chic classic from May 6, 2008. Three generations all on one tricycle.

Cyclo Shado
And here's a shot from May 2, 2007.

There is hope for gorgeous weather. May ain't over yet. We're crossing our fingers.

9 October 2009

Greetings in Paris

Paris Cycle Chic - Greeting
She was looking around for him, and he for her. He spotted her first. Rang his bell. She caught sight of him. Waved. Smiled.

He rolled gently up and it was cheek kissing all round.

2 September 2009


Two Copenhageners saying goodbye on the bike lanes. Embracing but still with each one hand on their bicycles.

The body language seems to tell a story.