There is something relaxing, visually pleasing, satisfying even, about objects that are organised nicely and neatly. Probably why we are fans of the photo blog,
Things Organized Neatly. So, we set out to find examples of bicycles organised neatly. Something like this...
Photo shoot for Jopo Bikes.
or this...
Bamboo getting ready to be made into bicycles in Sao Paulo.
Occasionally the City of Copenhagen does a nice job cleaning up and organising the bikes for us. Not least with their
Bicycle Butlers.
One of the closest every day sights we found, was this arrangement at a Copenhagen train station. Adequate, efficient, and typical Scandinavian minimalism.
More often than not, it's slightly more chaotic, bicycles ending up like a heap of stuffed animals. Loved, well-used, lost, sometimes forgotten.
Do you have examples of good design? Design that encourages order and aesthetics and would organise all these bicycles neatly. We'd love to see it.