Showing posts with label japan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label japan. Show all posts

21 October 2012

Top Three Cycle Chic Police Forces

We were asked a good question the other day. "Which cities have the cycle chic'est police officers on bicycles?" After some thought and a look in our photo archives, we thought we'd whip up a list based on what we've seen over the past five or six years. We admit we haven't seen every cycling policeman in every city, so there may be more out there. Please let us know in the comments.

Finding the number one spot was not difficult. Off to Japan we go.

1. TOKYO, JAPAN (and other Japanese cities)
Tokyo Policeman
Leave it to the Japanese to excel in uniforms. Perfectly pressed shirts and trousers, shined shoes and dapper caps abound on the cycling police officers.

We love the bicycles they ride, too. Sensible steeds, with proper chainguards and an upright position. We'd love to have a look in that box on the back rack, but we've never dared asking.

The cycling Japanese police officers are everything a cycling police officer should be. A uniform that commands respect and authority and that allows the police officer to blend in with the citizens. If you're stopped by a cop as you walk or cycle through the city - or have to approach one for directions - it is certainly best if they are dressed in a uniform that regular citizens can relate to. As opposed to a spacey outfit made out of stretchy, artificial fibers and all sorts of sportif gear.

So dapper are the gentleman policeman in Japan, like in the above photo, that we have to repress the urge to salute and stand up a little bit straighter as they pass.

Police on Bicycles in Ferrara, Italy
Che sorpresa that we're going to Italy for the number two spot. In Italy's premier cycling city, Ferrara, with 30% modal share for bicycle users, these two police officers commanded our respect and admiration. Pillars of calm in a world of chaos. And helpful as wayfinders to boot. 

It was autumn when we were last there and sensible, styled jackets were de rigeur for the cycling police force. Not to mention impeccible uniforms and splendid hats. And my goodness, we love their bicycles, too. Matching his and hers models.

Amsterdam Cycle Chic - Police
These two police officers were casually watching the crowds wander past on Dam Square, having a chat as they did so. Like every Amsterdammer, they exuded a cool and approachable demeanour. If you don't feel like you could sit down and have a coffee with a police officer then they aren't doing their job right.

The bicycle cops we see in Amsterdam roll along with the flow, blending in with the urban landscape. You don't doubt, however, that when they need to muscle it - chasing a suspect or responding to an emergency - they will do so with vigour and graceful speed - they're Dutch after all.

Vitoria Policeman
While a bulletproof vest may be a bit of an exaggeration rolling along the beach on a Saturday in 35 degree heat in a lovely, beach city like Vitória, these police officers don't look like it bothers them. That's the key, really. If their dress code dictates that they have to carry around all manner of police equipment, you as a citizen don't want them to look like they're some Rambo bumbling through the jungle. They have to make it look effortless and even stylish. Citizens should be able to reflect themselves in their law enforcement officers and this chap appears approachable and calm, cool and collected.


Police Recruitment Poster
While we haven't recorded a cycling cop in Barcelona, we love this recruitment poster stating that the city was recruiting 150 new officers. Lovely, sensible bicycles placed firmly and proudly alongside the police cars and scooters. That earns an honourable mention in our books.

23 June 2012

Ukiyo-e (Japanese Style Chic)

uliyo-e double panel 1
Ukiyo-e wood prints first impacted the Impressionists and later the Manga cartoonists. Today its our turn to show some inspired Copenhagen Chic Ukiyo-e panels!

The fun of its all is of course creating your own Chic fantasy adventures. A little French Noire Chic. Spooky - N'est Pas?
uliyo-e double panel 2

One Impressionist idea was that the half cut faces and bodies could help focus our attention to the details that are revealed; here the decorative flowers that adorn these bikes.
uliyo-e double panel 3

Pure Turbo Chic.
uliyo-e double panel 4

Red vs. Red. Remember to have fun!
Ukiyo-e double panel 5

Happy Cycling!

24 December 2011

There is Safety in Numbers

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2963

In Japan I was often ask about how to get more people to bike. Unsurprisingly, safety is the main concern. If people feel safe they are perfectly happy to bike - and to let their children bike. So is the answer bike lanes, bike traffic lights etc.? Absolutely. And they lead to the best - free - solution: Numbers. The more people who bike the safer it gets.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2962

We know by instinct that there is safety in numbers. True for Cyclists in Copenhagen as well as Wildebeest in West Tsavo. And our instincts are backed by statistics and science. Even in Copenhagen we have seen the number of accidents drop as the number of cyclists rises.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2965

Cars are the real danger. Their big, bulky steel structures do not mix well with cyclists. In Japan the drivers are very considerate towards cyclists - if they see you. But often they do not because they are not used to bikes. In Denmark drivers are used to keeping a watchful eye open for cyclists from all sides. And doing so is essential for anyone trying to get a driver's license.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin 2011 - 2964

Take care and happy cycling!

[Wildebeest pictures found at Creative Commons thanks to "Rainbirder" alias Steve Garvie / "amanderson2" alias Mandy / Dom Cram / "biggles621" alias Steve Johnson / all at Flickr - Thank you!]

23 December 2010

Japan Cycle Chic - Encore!

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Some more Japan Cycle Chic from the steady photographic hand of Uncle Allan.
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Japan Cycle Chic from Uncle Allan

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A fellow Copenhagener, known as Uncle Allan, recently returned to Copenhagen from Japan. He had promised to take some shots for Cycle Chic whilst in the Land of the Rising Sun and he certainly didn't disappoint. After all, Tokyo is at #2 on the Cycle Chic Cities list, so we knew we were in for a treat.
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Much is said and written about Copenhagen/Amsterdam & Denmark/Netherlands from a bicycle culture perspective but Japan is the third great bicycle nation in the industrialised world. Add to that a high fashion bar and you're ready for Cycle Chic.
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25 August 2010

Cycle Chic Global: Tokyo

Outside CycleSquare Tokyo
Tokyo Cycle Chic from Flickr user puck.ananta.

Cycle Chic goodness from the Cycle Chic™ Flickr group.

29 November 2009

Fukuoka City Cycle Chic from Stephen Crawford

Just can't get enough. Here's another installment of Japan Cycle Chic from my mate Stephen Crawford, the photographer living in Fukuoka City, Japan.

The perfect respite from a cloudy Sunday afternoon.

The stylish cyclists of Japan are, in my opinion, second only to their counterparts here in Copenhagen.

Go Nippon! Thanks Stephen.

7 September 2009

Tokyo is All White

Another series of Tokyo Chic Chic brilliance from Stephen Crawford.

From the looks of it, everything's all white in Tokyo these days.

The fashionistas of the city go hand in hand with the thriving bicycle culture.

Style over speed, indeed.

6 August 2009

The Nippon Nordic Alliance

Denmark and Japan, despite their cultural and geographic differences, have so much in common. Both cultures appreciate fine style, design and minimalism combined with practical usage. Here's a fine marriage of Denmark and Japan. A Velorbis Scrap Deluxe in action in Tokyo.

Ditto. This time in Shibuya Crossing.

And a Christiania Bike navigating the Shibuya Crossing.

9 June 2009

The Copenhagen Cycle Chic Tokyo Film

Addendum: has 'issues' at the moment... so the videos may not play.

Right then. Got THIS out of my system. A video of Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes To Tokyo. Featuring the unsung heroes of bicycle culture, the fine citizens of a city completely saturated by bicycles.

On my last evening of my Cycle Chic tour of Japan I spent about 40 minutes outside my hotel on Shibuya Crossing - the world's busiest pedestrian crossing by the way - and filmed the locals on two wheels on an average Wednesday night.

Tokyo is everything. The fixie fad is at home here but there are scores of bicycle types whizzing past. Mamacharis for kid transport, cruisers, folding bikes, sit up straights, you name it.

Cycle Chic-wise, Tokyo gives Copenhagen a run for her money, what with the uniquely Japanese culture for being impeccably dressed.

Wifealiciousness and I couldn't decide which music was best so I just made two versions. The pop-a-delic one above with Turning Japanese by The Vapors and this version with the theme song from Get Carter, the classic cool film with Michael Caine.

Whatever works for you.

8 June 2009

I Love Yu, Harajuku.

Tokyo Socks
This girls OWNS her personal style utterly and completely. Respect.
Tokyo Solo
Stylish knickerbockers on the move.
Carry all Tokyo.
Launching into Traffic
My favourite moment. The launch. The bicycle set into motion. This time, Tokyo style. Heading off into traffic.

All shots from Harajuku, Tokyo.

7 June 2009

Suitable for Cycling

Fukushima Race
Hands up... who would love to see flocks of men in suits on bicycles heading off to work in their city? As seen in Fukushima, Japan... and other bicycle nations.

On another note, do have a read of this fascinating post comparing Cycle Chic with Front Porch Republic.

"Something I'd never before imagined myself seeing was a philosophical kinship of any sort between Copenhagen Cycle Chic and Front Porch Republic. But that was before this morning. "

6 June 2009

Simply Tokyo

Tokyo Unlocked
The simple, graceful act of unlocking a bicycle. As seen in Omotesando, Tokyo.
Tokyo Simplicity
Simplicity in Omotesando. And on a fine, MUJI bicycle. With the spectacular Prada flagship building in the background.

5 June 2009

Fukushima School Chic - Japan Cycle Chic Week Continues

Fukushima Wind
These shots are from Fukushima, a few hundred kilometres north of Tokyo. Even the youth of Japan got it all going on with the bicycles. What a great way to head home from school in the sunset.
Fukushima Crossing
Stand and deliver, brother.
Fukushima Roll
Cool cat, this one. And note the all important umbrella on the bicycle. Standard issue in any real bicycle culture.
Fukushima Cool
An MP3 player moment.
Fukushima Double
Give your girl a ride home. Well done him.

4 June 2009

Four Tokyo Supermums [and a Superdad]

Tokyo Supermum
The Supermums of Tokyo. Just getting on with it. Over at we've posted about the political power of these gorgeous supermums. They're not to be messed with. In many cities in Japan it is not allowed to drop off your kids at daycare/school by car because of traffic safety and pollution so the bicycle is a very important transport option in the country, especially for mothers.

To read about the bikes they use, the mamachari, here's a review from
Supermum Japan
Getting the kid settled in.
Supermum Japan2
Having a chat.
Supermum and Street Scene
A lot of Japanese supermums have these handlebar grip covers on their bikes. Go figure. And off topic... what's up with the dog stroller on the right? Quirky.
Father and Son
And a superdad in Omotesando.

A little film featuring the Japanese supermums. Just click past the guy yapping at the beginning - he yaps for about 1:18 minutes - to see a parade of supermums.