Showing posts with label italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label italy. Show all posts

22 November 2016

CycleChic in Italy

CycleChic in Italy. Small city in North of Italy, not having an decent infrastructure for cyclists and still - plenty of people using their bikes to get from A to B. Older people, younger people, man and woman... Everyone cycles and they look good!!!! 

Happy Cycling!

29 November 2012

Firenze / Florence Cycle Chic

Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Our friend and photographer Zoe Ferguson sent us a fine little photo series of a cycling life in Firenze/Florance. From Kamloops to Florence is quite the culture shift. Her keen eye caught some of the cycling goodness in the city. Thanks, Zoe, for taking us on the ride with you.

Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Cycling is timeless.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
The Italians just get on with it.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Three-wheeler and two-wheeler.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Rolling through the urban theatre.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Calm, cool and casual.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Flip flops abound in mainstream bicycle cultures... in the summer.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Riding with friends.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Cycle Chic is whatever you want it to be.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Planting the seeds of a cycling life early.

21 October 2012

Top Three Cycle Chic Police Forces

We were asked a good question the other day. "Which cities have the cycle chic'est police officers on bicycles?" After some thought and a look in our photo archives, we thought we'd whip up a list based on what we've seen over the past five or six years. We admit we haven't seen every cycling policeman in every city, so there may be more out there. Please let us know in the comments.

Finding the number one spot was not difficult. Off to Japan we go.

1. TOKYO, JAPAN (and other Japanese cities)
Tokyo Policeman
Leave it to the Japanese to excel in uniforms. Perfectly pressed shirts and trousers, shined shoes and dapper caps abound on the cycling police officers.

We love the bicycles they ride, too. Sensible steeds, with proper chainguards and an upright position. We'd love to have a look in that box on the back rack, but we've never dared asking.

The cycling Japanese police officers are everything a cycling police officer should be. A uniform that commands respect and authority and that allows the police officer to blend in with the citizens. If you're stopped by a cop as you walk or cycle through the city - or have to approach one for directions - it is certainly best if they are dressed in a uniform that regular citizens can relate to. As opposed to a spacey outfit made out of stretchy, artificial fibers and all sorts of sportif gear.

So dapper are the gentleman policeman in Japan, like in the above photo, that we have to repress the urge to salute and stand up a little bit straighter as they pass.

Police on Bicycles in Ferrara, Italy
Che sorpresa that we're going to Italy for the number two spot. In Italy's premier cycling city, Ferrara, with 30% modal share for bicycle users, these two police officers commanded our respect and admiration. Pillars of calm in a world of chaos. And helpful as wayfinders to boot. 

It was autumn when we were last there and sensible, styled jackets were de rigeur for the cycling police force. Not to mention impeccible uniforms and splendid hats. And my goodness, we love their bicycles, too. Matching his and hers models.

Amsterdam Cycle Chic - Police
These two police officers were casually watching the crowds wander past on Dam Square, having a chat as they did so. Like every Amsterdammer, they exuded a cool and approachable demeanour. If you don't feel like you could sit down and have a coffee with a police officer then they aren't doing their job right.

The bicycle cops we see in Amsterdam roll along with the flow, blending in with the urban landscape. You don't doubt, however, that when they need to muscle it - chasing a suspect or responding to an emergency - they will do so with vigour and graceful speed - they're Dutch after all.

Vitoria Policeman
While a bulletproof vest may be a bit of an exaggeration rolling along the beach on a Saturday in 35 degree heat in a lovely, beach city like Vitória, these police officers don't look like it bothers them. That's the key, really. If their dress code dictates that they have to carry around all manner of police equipment, you as a citizen don't want them to look like they're some Rambo bumbling through the jungle. They have to make it look effortless and even stylish. Citizens should be able to reflect themselves in their law enforcement officers and this chap appears approachable and calm, cool and collected.


Police Recruitment Poster
While we haven't recorded a cycling cop in Barcelona, we love this recruitment poster stating that the city was recruiting 150 new officers. Lovely, sensible bicycles placed firmly and proudly alongside the police cars and scooters. That earns an honourable mention in our books.

21 January 2012

Milan Bicycle Style - Sonia's Travels

My friend Sonia has a new episode of her Sonia's Travels. This one takes us to Milan and it's all about bicycles and style in that oh so stylish town.

3 January 2012

Cycle Chic Extreme Hardcore Stunt

Here it is. The outer limits of extreme Cycle Chic hardcore bike stunts. Do not try this at home. But only because you probably don't have a lovely sloping Italian hill in your living room on which to coast down...

Grandma Lina is her name and she is our favourite Cycle Chic freerider, shopping and all...

7 November 2011

Search Party

Ferrara Cycle Chic_58 Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (15)
While walking through Ferrara, Italy, I was snapping photographs of the many bicycle users. I snapped snots of these two.

Ferrara Cycle Chic - Where are you? Oh, right there...
Moments later I realised they were looking for each other and caught the moment when they made visual, rather than telephonic, contact. And off they went on their bicycles together.

1 November 2011

The Dapper Gents of Ferrara

Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (4)
We're not going to let the Fantastic Female Cyclists of Ferrara run off with all the Cycle Chic glory. Their male counterparts have it ALL goin' on, too. Here's a tribute to the stylish older gents of the Italian city.
Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (12)

Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (20)

Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (10)

Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (21)

Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (18)

Ferrara Cycle Chic_Uomo

Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (17) Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (13) Ferrara Cycle Chic Uomo (11)

31 October 2011

Ferrara's Fantastic Female Cyclists

Ferrara Cycle Chic Couples (5)
The City of Ferrara - Italy's leading bicycle city with 30% modal share for bicycles - is rather extraordinary in many ways. One of the sure signs of a healthy bicycle culture is the so-called "gender split" featuring an equal number of female and male cyclists. In cities like Amsterdam and Copenhagen there are more women on bicycles than men and in Ferrara, the statistics match those two cities - 55% women and 45% men.

While Ferrara has over 20,000 students at the university and the nightlife is suitably lively, it was amazing to see so many "older" bicycle users in the city. Men and women alike. In fact, I've never been anywhere in the world where I've seen so many elderly bicycle users in one spot. Dutch and Danish cities would be hard pressed to match Ferrara on this point.

This has been the case for many, many years but having influential female politicians certainly helps maintain it.
Cyclelogistics Ferrara_27 Cyclelogistics Ferrara_26
We met with the vice-mayor of the city - at left - and the president of the Province of Ferrara - at right - while in the city. The vice-mayor joked that they don't have a female quota in their politics - but rather a male quota.

Here are some photos of Ferrara's healthy and fabulous bicycle users over "a certain age". Brava!
Ferrara Cycle Chic_24
Impeccable style in traffic.
Ferrara Cycle Chic_13
Red rush with splendid hat.
Ferrara Cycle Chic_25
Still going strong.
Ferrara Cycle Chic_36
Heels and wheels.
Ferrara Cycle Chic_35
Brilliant coat.
Ferrara Cycle Chic_34
Rolling to the market.
Ferrara Cycle Chic_19
Flowers on the basket.

29 October 2011

Banking on Ferrara

Ferrara Cycle Chic_74
Just got home from a visit to Ferrara, Italy's great bicycle city with 30% of it's citizens moving around by bicycle. Like in the previous post, banking is done from the saddle.
Ferrara Cycle Chic_75

29 November 2010

Rome Cycle Chic 004

Rome Cycle Chic - Donna 2
Here's some more Cycle Chic-esque shots from Roma. The bicycle is alive and well in the Italian capital. More separated bike lanes would really make the numbers of Citizen Cyclists boom. I'm loving this lady at the top. She was so very cool.
Rome Cycle Chic - Donna 4

Rome Cycle Chic - Donna Rome Cycle Chic - Donna 3

Rome Cycle Chic - Casual