Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview. Show all posts

23 January 2013

Designing Bicycle Culture

The city on bike from Bicycle Innovation Lab on Vimeo.

As ever, it's not all about how Cycle Chic continues to inspire Citizen Cyclists around the world to open their closets and dress for their destination. Here's an interview about Design and how it can help our cities - and our bicycle culture. Together with Danish designer Jens Martin Skibsted. An interview for Bicycle Innovation Lab and their "The City on Bike" lecture series.

You can also see my TED x talk from Zurich about Bicycle Culture by Design in this earlier post.

14 January 2011

Knack the Copenhagen Code

CPH by Diego Franssens
The cool Belgian lifestyle magazine supplement Knack Weekend was in Copenhagen recently and Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize feature in the mag. The photographer on the gig, Diego Franssens, took some cracking shots of the world's cycling capital.

Interview in Knack Interview in Knack Interview in Knack Interview in Knack

CPH by Diego Franssens CPH by Diego Franssens
To learn about what the man on the right is leaning on, here's an article about it on It's one of the ways we like to spoil our urban cyclists in this city.

Diego worked his photographic on yours truly, standing with my Bullitt cargo bike. Although I'm not sure if I prefer this other shot.

Stefan over at Belgium Cycle Chic translated some of the quotes:

‘Us Danes like it simple, esthetical and functional. It’s the case for furniture, can-openers and mobility. If the bicycle is the fastest way to get from point A to point B, then we’ll use it.’

His advice to cities who want to promote bicycles: ‘It really is all about spoiling the bicyclists.’

And finally, on the power of the bicycle: ‘It’s a universal thing: everybody learns to ride a bike at some point in his or her youth. It’s a rite de passage, and a beautiful symbol of anarchy and freedom.’

And only because I've been asked to by some readers, here are some fashion details:
Bike: Bullitt by Larry vs Harry.
Coat: Bruuns Bazaar
Shoes: Zara
Jeans: Bertoni
Scarf: No idea.
Underwear: Next
Socks: H&M

4 September 2010

Cycle Chic Interview

On my recent visit to Melbourne for the State of Design Festival, the good people from shoved me into a chair at Denmark House and engaged me in a chat about Cycle Chic. The origins and the philosophy and all that.

24 May 2010

Cycle Chic in Copenhagen and Beyond

New film from the very good people at about the fantastic development of the Cycle Chic 'movement' that started right here on this site oh so many years ago... :-)

Wonderful to see Kristin [Charleston], Witek, Henrietta and Kristin [San Francisco] doing their funky thang.

'Xander from Toronto was meant to be in it, too, but the birth of his second child was a bit more important. :-)

We're rolling closer to the third anniversary of the Cycle Chic - Copenhagen blog, in mid-June. This is a lovely way to start getting ready. Thanks to Streetfilms.

[Disclaimer: I don't normally look THAT tired... :-) It was in the middle of the Climate Conference last December and I was working hard, it was cold, blahblahblah]

25 September 2009

Wall Street Journal Goes Cycle Chic

Copenhagen Cycle Chic Goes To Paris
Article in the Wall Street Journal about Cycle Chic, with focus on Paris.
'New Cyclist Styles Pedal Their Way Into Paris'
Paris Bike Culture - Cycling Sociably
Nice to see the old WSJ with their finger on the pulse. You can read our take on Paris Cycle Chic and the transformation of the city right here.