Showing posts with label infants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infants. Show all posts

15 March 2012

Copenhagen's Future Cycle Chic'sters

Baby Transport
Copenhagenize had a visit with an architect and urban planner from the States yesterday. From our cafe window perch we saw supermoms and superdads coming and going from all directions. Some with little ones too small to sit up on their own, but none too small to enjoy the ride cosied up near mom or dad.

Oh Baby - Copenhagen Transport


21 February 2011

Oh Baby!

When a bicycle culture is mainstream, strong and thriving the bicycle is part of every stage of life. Cycling whilst pregant is recommended - just short of prescribed - by doctors in Denmark and I've heard a number of stories about women cycling to the hospital with contractions. Here's a previous post about cycling whilst pregant and you can also check out the Bicycles and Pregnancy tag.

This post is about how to transport the little ones around once they're out. Again, the bicycle is key in Copenhagen, as is the classic cargo bike. If you have kids in Copenhagen you either own a cargo bike or have considered buying one. In fact, 25% of all families with two or more kids own one. Either as primary transport in a car-free family or as a second car.

The child in the top photo has just mastered the art of sitting up it would seem.
Copenhagen Mobility
But they aren't born sitting up, now are they? You still have to go about your daily business. Like my friend Søren, above, who used his cargo bike while on paternity leave. Yes, men in Denmark get a generous paternity leave. The cargo bike provides comfortable, pratical transport for getting around town with a baby.

Søren uses a classic Copenhagen solution. He takes the top half off of the baby's pram and merely sticks it in the cargo bay. Easy.

Here's another version of the same concept. Many parents also just use a car seat in the cargo bay.
Baby Transport
This gentleman - also on paternity leave - had a clever combi-idea. He built a custom box for his Bullitt cargo bike and, on top, he placed the same click-system that is on the bottom half of the pram. So he just clicks the top half off the pram and clicks into onto the bicycle to transport his four-month old baby around by bicycle. Maintaining that all-important eye-contact if the youngster is awake.
This is a variation on the theme. A kids bike seat propped into the cargo bay. Add an adult friend and you're off around the city.
Three Generations
Or bring grandma along for the ride.
Reforma Sunday Piggyback
Nobody is saying you need a cargo bike. This gentleman was enjoying a casual Sunday bike ride in Mexico City with his sleepy kid on his back.
Hey Baby
And this chap in Amsterdam has his infant on his front.
Oh Baby - Copenhagen Transport
This is a similar solution using a classic Danish short john delivery bike, with the baby on the front rack.