Showing posts with label hood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hood. Show all posts

9 February 2017

Viking Biking in February

Some might say that they are urban heroes, but cycling all year round in Copenhagen is a common thing. 75 % of bicycle commuters do it. Snowflakes in your eyes while trying to pass by some slower bicycle user, or just perfectly created desire lanes on the street. Viking biking is exciting and snow on the ground or temperature below zero won't stop bicycles to roll on the streets, because still, it is the easiest and fastest way to get from A to B. Moreover, the winter city finally changes from grey to a layer of white. And there is no other way how to enjoy that then taking your bicycle and go outside.

Happy Cycling!

13 January 2016

Viking Biking

My morning commute this morning in the snow. #VikingBiking #copenhagen
Winter is upon us here in Copenhagen. Snow last week. Temperatures below freezing - and even farther with the inevitable wind chill. Still, the bicycles rolled on.

For more photos of Viking Biking - Copenhageners cycling in the snow and cold - check out our Copenhagen Viking Biking blog on Tumblr.

Viking Biking_5

29 February 2012

Under the Covers

Traffic by Felix_9
Spring is peeking around the corner but the chill is still in the air.
Traffic by Felix_8

8 March 2011

Winter Moments

In the Hood 2
The chill remains. We are ready for spring but winter isn't quite finished with us yet.
Have Guitar Will Cycle

29 November 2010

Snowpenhagen Transport

Dronning Louises Bridge 017
I love the people with whom I share this city. Snowstorm rolling in, -5 C (-15 C with the windchill) and yet they [we] roll on in style.
Dronning Louises Bridge 021

21 February 2010

Copenhagen Winter Fashion Bonus

Copenhagen February Traffic 2
This winter has been one long freezing snowfest with snowstorm after snowstorm rolling in over Copenhagen. Nevertheless, 80% of Copenhageners who cycle each day continue to do so through the winter. Granted, there are even fewer in weather like this, but there are still a few hundred thousand citizen cyclists out there going from A to B and on to C.

While our Nordic genes long hungrily for summer as they have done for millenia, we here at Cycle Chic prefer to be optimists wherever possible. One thing this grumpy winter weather has given us is a fanastic fashion insight into the wealth of accessorizing options out there on the streets. Hats and scarves and mittens and boots that may not otherwise see the light of day in a mild winter have been dug out of closets across the city. In the photo above we can see the classic Copenhagen scarves in action.

Digging them out is one thing, creating an ensemble is quite another. It's especially headwear that is enjoying a renaissance in the chill. This winter we've seen the fashion revival of the retro ski hat and a wave of Russian-inspired fur hats with flaps. Then there's the sequined flapper-style hats and that old evergreen, the beret. Lest we forget the hood.

Fur-cuffed gloves and funky, wooly mittens feature strongly in the city. The normally fashionable long boots of discerning fashionistas have been replaced in many cases by warm winter boots. Although this year's closed heels continue to spite the snow, as do the biker boots.

With eyes squinting into Arctic winds there is a feast for the fashion-hungry on the bike lanes of the Danish capital.

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20 February 2010

18 February 2010


In the neverending snow a Copenhagener rolls past the Zoo atop Valby Hill.

17 February 2010

In the Hood



And, indeed, Classic Copenhagen. A mum heading to daycare to pick her kid; a man sipping a beer as he walks along (legal in most countries, of course) and a Copenhagen dad pushing a pram.

15 January 2010

Bridges Heading North

Long Bridge Morning South
Langebro/Long Bridge.
Casual Winter Cycling
Knippelsbro/Knippels Bridge
Snowstorm Red Light
Heading towards Dronning Louises bro/Queen Louise's Bridge

12 January 2010

Cyclist - Pedestrian Conflict in Copenhagen

Pedestrian Cyclist Conflict
They didn't even say hello to each other. Not a glance, not a nod, nothing.

9 January 2010

Cycling Snowstorm Twosomes

Copenhagen Snow 050110_03
Cycling twosomes. Some of them together, others not but merely existing in the time and space as another cyclist. Like in the Snow-Covered Overtaking photo above.
Copenhagen Twosome
Two girlfriends heading north.
Snowstorm Wait and Go
Two others pushing off.

Bye Bye Sit and Stand
A man waving goodbye to his friend. He turned left, she continued straight on. And then two cycling tempi on the right.

Copenhagen Snow Duo
Two strangers sharing a pocket of time and space.

8 January 2010

My Hood

Copenhagen Snow Glance
In lieu of a warm fur hat, funky ski hat or a scarf around your head, a hood will do the trick in the snow.
Copenhagen Winter Cycling Clothes 02

14 March 2009

In The Hood

Blue Ridinghood

Hood N Heels

My bike was flat the other morning so I had to take it for a walk down the hood to hand it over to the bike mechanic guy... This is what met me on the way. Little Blue Riding Hood and her cousin, Little White Riding Hood.