Showing posts with label guide book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guide book. Show all posts

13 June 2010

Cycle Tracks Launch Party

Cycle Tracks Red Yellow Green
Last Wednesday, 50 of us went for an evening bike ride to celebrate the launch of our Copenhagen Cycle Tracks guide book to Copenhagen, which I wrote with three friends. It was a great night out and fit perfectly with the concept of one of my other babies - The Slow Bicycle Movement. We went for a ride out to the Nordvest neighbourhood, stopping off at various locations we write about in the guide book, including a great Turkish bakery and an impromptu park on an empty lot. There was a poetry reading outside a bar and loads of rolling down cool urban streets and parks, enjoying beers from a cargo bike.
Cycle Tracks Kristine
Here's Kristine, one of my co-authors, with her groovy-cool bicycle.
Emma and Francine Bicycle Ride
Here's some other friends, including Emma, at far left, whom you may recognise from this previous post.
Cycle Tracks Bike Ride
A nice easy pace, perfect for conversing with friends.
Cycle Tracks Corner
This is Kristine and one of the other co-authors, Simon, on his cool Longjohn cargo bike.
Bike Lane Art Cycle Tracks Couple
Some Cycle Chic street art and a chic cycling couple.

Cycle Tracks Beer Handoff 3 Cycle Tracks Beer Handoff 4
The man carrying the beer is always a popular fellow. There are various ways to acquire beer whilst in motion. You can serve yourself [at left] or you can have it served for you [at right].
Cycle Tracks Beer Handoff Cycle Tracks Beer Handoff 2
You can also get a beer from the cargo bike and then hand it off to your friend, before taking one yourself.
Tunnel of Bike Love 4
It started to rain a bit so we ducked into a underpass for some more beers and some dancing.
The music was, of course, mobile and propelled along the streets on this Sorte Jernhest cargo bike.
Dancing on the Bridge
Riding a bike in heels is, of course, incredibly simple. Sometimes, however, it's best to take them off whilst dancing on a bridge in a park, before heading off into town to continue the festivities.

There are some more photos in this Flickr set. Thanks to everyone for a great night out!

11 June 2010

Copenhagen Cycle Tracks Guide Book

Copenhagen Cycle Tracks
The guide book is now available for purchase online RIGHT HERE, BABY!

A few months ago three friends and I decided that what visitors to Copenhagen needed was a decent guide book. Not one written by a tourist who passed through the city for a week and published in foreign countries, but rather one written by locals. An insider's guide to all the nooks and crannies you don't hear about in Rough Guides, Lonely Planets and brochures from the tourist information office.

We launched Copenhagen Cycle Tracks a week ago and we're well pleased. The book is a collaboration between Cycle Chic and Baisikeli Bike Rental. The latter is a development agency that sends used Danish bikes to workshops in Africa and if you're ever in Copenhagen, this is where you rent your bike. Got it?
Cycle Tracks 2010

The book is written by me, Henrik Smedegaard Mortensen, Kristine Baas and Simon Post. I did the art direction and took most of the photos. Each of us have chipped in with personal recommendations, identifiable with a colour code. Want to see which beach Mikael recommends? Look for the red boxes. Keen to see which bars Kristine fancies for a night out dancing? Look for the purple. And so on.
Cycle Tracks 2010
It is available from Baisikeli, the tourist information office and selected hotels and youth hostels. It costs 35 kroner - cheaper than a pint of beer.
Copenhagen Cycle Tracks
In a way it's a bicycle guide to the city, but then again, not really. The bicycle is the preferred transport form so it's kind of silly to write a bicycle guide. We have a page with cycling tips, but other than that we're expecting people to use the bicycle to get around to the 121 exciting places. When in Rome, as they say.
Copenhagen Cycle Tracks
To celebrate the launch of the book we went for a bike ride with 50 friends last night. I'll blog about it shortly.

If all goes according to plan we'll do it again next year, complete with mobile phone apps and a website.