Showing posts with label ghostriding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ghostriding. Show all posts

27 September 2008

Signage and Suchlike

Got a kick out of this sign, based on those strange American 'No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service' signs. I'd love to see these posted to the doors of fashionable shops and cafés. :-) Why not? In some places, baggy trousers that expose underwear are not allowed and you can even go to jail for wearing them. So it must be kosher to require customers/guests to adhere to the Copenhagen Cycle Chic basics. As ever, this design is also available on t-shirts for ladies, gentlemen and as posters/postcards at the Copenhagen Cycle Chic Online Shop.

Meanwhile, back on the bike lanes of Copenhagen...

Over at the Interbike Bike Fair, Richard from took these photos of a cycle chic fashion show. The good word is spreading.

27 August 2008

Scarves and Helping Hands

Scarf Trend
Scarves are still hot this season.

Four Bicycles
I've heard this is called 'ghost riding' in other countries. Here we call it 'helping out a friend by either fetching their bike for them, or loaning your bike to a friend so they can fetch their bike'. Not quite the same ring to it, but the idea is nice as nice.
Helping Hand

Of course it's always nicer if the other bike has a friend on it.


19 June 2008

Bicycle Togetherness

I seem to have run into a flurry of cycling couples over the past few days. It only serves to underline how sociable cycling can be, whether they're both cycling or just one of them. It's not quite the same as driving down the motorway with your friend in the lane next to you. Here you're chatting, interacting, moving from A to B and back again together. To work, to the cinema, to a café, to a nightclub, what have you.
Golden Age
And you do it regardless of age.
With those you know or those you hope to get to know even better.
And you do it on bike lanes wide enough for two or even three.
Double The Ride
And if your friend or loved one isn't available, you can always take their bike for a ride instead.