Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

18 January 2016

Bird's Eye Cycle Chic

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This gent did a spot of window shopping as he rolled past a shop on his morning commute.
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These guys continued their conversation as they walked the last stretch to their destination.
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Finding a new playlist, checking a map or a crucial, dramatic text from a love interest? We may never know.
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Double basket action.
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Adjusting the dog on the back rack.

12 January 2016

New Year's Eve in Copenhagen with Bicycles

New Years Eve Viking Biking
New Year's Eve in Copenhagen. 2015 became 2016. We headed out in the late afternoon to some friends. There is a veritable rush hour in Copenhagen from about 16:30 to 18:00. Traditionally, you get to where you're going by 18:00 to hear the Queen speak on television, with a little glass of wine or champagne. The bicycle traffic falls dramatically after 18:00. Parties are getting started all across the city.

There was drizzle when we left, which meant an umbrella was needed.
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Unfortunately, the umbrella didn't work so... an alternative style was required.

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The Biomega cargo bike was loaded with food and loads of wine for the evening ahead.
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The cycle tracks were filled with revellers heading off to their parties.
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Later... much later... it was time to head home. We saw this group of friends parting ways at an intersection. Saying thanks for a great night to each other.
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We rolled through the city, which was still bustling with life even at three in the morning.
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These three girls asked for directions to their next party.
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They spotted their destination after some discussion and off they went as we headed home.

29 December 2014

Winter Cycle Chic in Copenhagen

Copenhagen Snow Cycling Left to Right 05
A blue skirt looks lovely against all that white snow.

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Warm fur hats have been pulled out of the closets all over the city.

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Battling a snowstorm and headwind is ALWAYS cosier if you have someone to chat with.

13 January 2014

Copenhageners in New York

Copenhagener in New York
Our very good friends Ole and Lærke from the company Purpose Makers headed to New York City last week for some work. Being Copenhageners, they immediately acquired bicycles - and from a cool local company, of course. All their transport was done on their bicycles. Here we have Lærke - six months pregnant, by the way, enjoying cycling in the city despite the -15 degree temperature.
Copenhagener in New York
A trip to New York is not complete without a photo of an NYPD vehicle parked in the bike lane. It's as New York as a hot dog stand.
Copenhagener in New York
A practical bike was necessary when you're riding around going to meetings all week.
Copenhagener in New York
Sometimes it was all Copenhagen-esque when riding around.
Copenhagener in New York
Sometimes, you're not in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Nevertheless, it was a brilliant trip by all accounts. And cycling whilst pregnant? Yeah, we've covered THAT before here on the blog. Have a look at the articles on the Bicycles and Pregnancy tag.

26 October 2013

Heels on Wheels - Copenhagen Style

Heels on Wheels from Nanna Nike Kindtler on Vimeo.

Heels on Wheels is a film showing Copenhagen bicycle culture. The film is an example of how four Danish girls use bicycles as transport - dresses, high heels and freezing weather is no barrier to arrive at the party by bike.
It was shown at Bicycle Film Festival 2010.

The film was made by: Anna Bisgaard-Nøhr, Naja Bjørn Nielsen, Line Røijen and Nanna Nike Kindtler

6 October 2013

You Can't Describe Copenhagen Living Without Saying The Word 'Bicycle'. Ever.

Nothing stops us cycling in Copenhagen... from Grit Tind on Vimeo.

So here's a short film that I made with a crazy and talented group of friends studying Performance Design at RUC University, Denmark. We just wanted to depict what it's actually like cycling around the beautiful city of Copenhagen (even on a grey day!)

We thought to be on the safe side by filming this during August when the weather was warm and wonderfully sunny but of course, according to Sod's Law, on the actual day of filming it rained so so hard! We persisted anyway because at the end of the day, whether it rains or even snows, the reality is that Copenhageners will cycle through anything - "Sådan er det...!" (That's just how it is!)


Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

9 August 2013

All Aboard!

Throw your best friends in your Christania bike and ride on!

Copenhagen mums are just too cool for school.

The lucky ones who get to balance on the bicycle back rack whilst their friend does all the hard work! Oh the easy life...

And this is why I love Christania bikes!

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

22 July 2013

Do Danes Make Good Friends?

fav photo
Just like the rest of Europe the sun is strong in Copenhagen and everyone seems to be back from their holidays!
First thing to do? Catchup with friends. good friend
What makes a good friend? Someone who's there to get you places when you just can't seem to get there yourself. good friend2
Stylish mini-ambulance. good friend4
"Pick it up, places to be!"

Just a shout out to all my Copenhagen friends - you guys are rockin' my summer!

Over and out!

K.E.G. x

2 July 2013

Catching up on the streets of Copenhagen

Hey all!

My name's Kristina and I'm interning with Copenhagenize for summer 2013. I grew up in West London and am currently a student at the University of Manchester. I took a gap year (which may have turned into gap years...) in Copenhagen before starting university. Only upon starting uni did I realise how ingrained the cycling lifestyle had become in me. Now I'm back in Copenhagen and hitting the streets to find out what the latest cycling trends are.

Two Girls With Bicycles
It's the beginning of July and two girls can be seen here taking their bikes out for a stroll in Frederiksberg. No summer dresses to be seen as even the Danish summer has gone on vacation. However the girls show how to keep it casual in the cool.
Girl in The Purple
Casual Copenhagen look. Keepin' it simple. Keepin' it chic.
Cycling on the wild side of life...
Woman With the Pink Sneakers
Colourful sneakers. Check. Hair bun. Check. Bang on trend.
Girls in Christiania Bike
Hitching a ride in style... Girl Cycling By the Lakes
Fifty shades of green.

Man With the Cool Bike
Someone's pimped out their ride...check out that colour combination!

So that sums up my first day on the job.

Over and out!

K.E.G x

16 October 2012

A Ride in Style in Copenhagen

Ride in Style 2012 Enhedslisten_1
Not long ago we were on a little Ride in Style here in Copenhagen. Normally, bike rides are something that are associated with Emerging Bicycle Cultures. For Copenhageners it's usually just A2B on our trusty iron horses.

We've been on many a bike ride around the world in our Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize work but this one was a little different. It was very Copenhagen. The cool bike design shop Biker's Remix organised a cool little tour one Saturday. On bikes, of course, 'cause that's the way we all roll here, but with focus on design, food and drink. A pleasant afternoon with fellow Copenhageners cruising our beloved Copenhagen.
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First stop was the Biker's Remix showroom to check out cool designed bicycles and to sample the first sip of the day (above left).

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Onward we rolled. To visit design studio MAIK in the Vesterbro neighbourhood.
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MAIK dished up some beers and we were invited to participate in a design process brainstorm.

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Back to the streets we climbed.

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It was time for ice cream.
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We stopped at Oswald's Ice Cream Bar.

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And off we went. To the Nørrebro neighbourhood. With beverages, of course. This is Denmark, not Afghanistan.

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Next stop was Urban Room No. 11. The groovy little design shop in Nørrebro. They dished up coffee and cake for us.
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We were never in a hurry. When it was time to leave, it just felt right.

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We visited the workshop of the coolest bicycle designer in the Kingdom. Cykelmageren (The Bike Maker), for more snacks and refreshments and a look at Rasmus' brilliant crafted bikes and bits of bikes.

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Then we returned to Vesterbro, to visit the Vess art gallery. It was now cocktail time.
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We wrapped up the afternoon back where we started, at Kødbyens Deli in the Meatpacking District, for chili con carne and beers.

Some of our lovely friends took their leave of us, as above, and others headed out for the evening at a bar in the centre of the city.
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Thanks to Biker's Remix for a brilliant day out with friends, design, sweet and savoury food, refreshing beverages and a super concept.
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We'll roll with you anytime.

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