Showing posts with label flip flops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flip flops. Show all posts

14 May 2016

Cycle Chic Color Combination

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2013 - 1252

Summer dress, hat and hula-hop ring - in matching colors!

Happy Cycling!

27 July 2013

Flop To The Beach

flip flop
Some cycle in sneakers, some cycle in heels...and others cycle in flip flops. Well if the beach is your destination why not? ladylike florals and flip flop
Dress down a floral dress with a pair of flops. woman in red
Lady in red keeps it casual with her Havaianas. flip flop_1
Beach look meets city look.
Couple3 and flip flop
No need to look concerned. Slip-on sandals were definitely the right shoes to go with the exotic jumpsuit! maxi dress and flip flop
Maxi dress + Flip Flops = Daytime Look. Swap the flops for some heels to achieve an evening look.

Wishing everyone a great weekend!

Over and Out!

K.E.G x

29 November 2012

Firenze / Florence Cycle Chic

Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Our friend and photographer Zoe Ferguson sent us a fine little photo series of a cycling life in Firenze/Florance. From Kamloops to Florence is quite the culture shift. Her keen eye caught some of the cycling goodness in the city. Thanks, Zoe, for taking us on the ride with you.

Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Cycling is timeless.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
The Italians just get on with it.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Three-wheeler and two-wheeler.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Rolling through the urban theatre.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Calm, cool and casual.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Flip flops abound in mainstream bicycle cultures... in the summer.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Riding with friends.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Cycle Chic is whatever you want it to be.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Planting the seeds of a cycling life early.

5 July 2012

Calgary Cycle Chic

Calgary Cycle Chic_1
And while we are still revelling in our meeting with The Ten Cent Designer, let's stay in Calgary for a spot of Cycle Chic, shall we?
Calgary Cycle Chic

Calgary Cycle Chic_4Calgary Cycle Chic_3

Calgary Cycle Chic_5

Calgary Cycle Chic

23 July 2011

Rio Cycle Chic Bike Ride

When I was in Rio de Janeiro last week I was picked up by bicycle at the airport and rode all the way into town on bike lanes. THAT is a sign of a cool city.

The next day my friends put on a fantastic Cycle Chic bike ride to celebrate the launch of Rio de Janeiro Cycle Chic. A 12 hour affair starting at five in the afternoon, we were around forty or so people at the peak. We rode along the bike lanes parallel to the iconic LeBlon, Ipanema and Copacabana beaches before heading around the bay to the monument commemorating the founder of the city where I gave a short speech about Cycle Chic and what it is all about and what it can achieve. After beers - and wonderful snacks provided by the bicycle-oriented La Biciclette Bakery in Rio - we moved on to various bars and nightclubs. A cracking event true to the Cycle Chic spirit. Rio is ready for Cycle Chic.

Here are some beautiful photos from the ride from our photographer, as posted on Sydney Cycle Chic.

We'll be posting some more shots from the city quicksmart.

23 August 2010

Summer Glance

The meteologists are warning us that summer is 'over' in Denmark. But the sun never sets on the Cycle Chic empire.

18 August 2010

Yellow Background Con't.

Yellow Wall 08
Bear with me while I get this Yellow Wall series out of my system. Loving this retro Schwinn. Funk is the new punk.
Yellow Wall 20
The timeless flip-flops of summer live on.
Yellow Wall 21
Red splashes on yellow.
Yellow Wall 17
The casualness of one-handed cycling. Style over speed, indeed.

4 September 2009

Morning and Afternoon

Heading towards the city one morning. The weather has been nice so flip-flops are still a popular choice around the city. And don't worry, that cyclist is in her own lane.
Red Light Grace
I really wish I'd see more of this. In the Red Light Posture Series, I called this posture "Classic Grace". This was standard Red Light Posture for ladies back in the day. Elegant and graceful. You hop off your bicycle with the step-through frame and place one foot on the pedal, ready to go.

23 July 2009

3 x 2




The social aspect of bicycling has been talked about many times on this blog, so I will just let these shots do the talking.

21 July 2009

Le Tour de Elegance

Neck and Neck
On the highways and byways of France these days, a group of men are riding towards Paris. It's often neck and neck in the pelaton. However, Copenhagen can offer the same experience. Slower, better dressed, but neck and neck all the same.
Neck and Neck
Cycle sport is great, but these are the real cycling heroes/heroines.

27 June 2009


The Danish Midsommer celebrations are a highlight in the summer season. This ancient celebration of the summer solstice is as old as homo sapiens. In Denmark it's called Saint Hans Evening and it takes place on the 23rd of June each year. But remove the recent religious hijacking and it's still just a pure celebration of nature and of summer. These two Copenhageners are heading for Frederiksberg Gardens for the midsommer festivities.
Midsommer Transport
Traditionally, Danes light bonfires at around 22:00 and burn an effigy of a witch - more recent religious hijacking of ancient traditions - but the important thing is that all across the nation people gather together on beaches and in parks to enjoy a lovely evening. Often dressed in style and arriving on bicycle, as the above photo attests.

La Famiglia Midsommer Midsommer Children
Here's the family heading home in the late evening light. The kids are trashed at this point but there's no place like a Bullitt to ride home in.
Midsommer Fest
In Frederiksberg Gardens, in the heart of Copenhagen, around 60,000 people gathered to picnic, sing traditional songs, hear speeches and then watch the bonfire. It's an amazing experience. I'll admit that we left a bit early because of the kids and many people show up just in time for the bonfire. Friends who stayed later reported that the number of bicycles parked out at the main entrance was like nothing they'd ever seen before. And these are Copenhageners. The weather was hot and lovely, so that encouraged more people to get out an enjoy it. Here's the bikes from last year, same place. May give you an idea.
Bikealicious Nightness
I'll bet that more than half of the 60,000 people came by bike, if not more. And that's just here. Then there's all the other midsommer celebrations around the city.

Incidentally, tradition dictates that girls must pick flowers on this day and place them under their pillows. Then they'll dream of their future husband. And you fancy bettering your odds for good health, you may want to lick the dew off the grass this day. It'll help. Honest.
Midsommer Transport
I love summer in Copenhagen.

27 May 2009

Dog and Bone

Wind in His Hair
It's a dog's life.
Bike Chat
Have a chat on the dog 'n bone at the red light.

20 October 2008

Look Behind You

Glance backwards. Summer still lingers but with every autumn leaf that falls, she gets farther away. Good thing we have photographs to remember her by.

16 October 2008

CPH Cycle Chic in A-dam

Marc @ Amsterdamize

This is Marc from Amsterdamize who was so sweet to show Copenhagen Cycle Chic around Amsterdam this summer. We can't wait to drink him under the table if he ever dares to show up here in CPH...

A series of Amsterdam beauties:
Light Bright Biking

Stripes x 2 Blond Duo
Cool Contemplation Hop On
Will It Not Stop? Texting Chic
Magenta Mademoiselle
Star Quality
Summer Whooosh
Having A Pastel Laugh
Feminine Foldability
Dora and Lola

To say whether Amsterdam or Copenhagen is the most cycle chic city is like having to choose between salty licorice and chocolate... (very difficult for a Dane, actually!)

But then, if you can combine the two (CPH & A-dam cycle chic), why bother?

Here's a video Marc shot while biking Velomama (aka Marie) around town. We're discussing the differences between Amsterdam and Copenhagen's bike culture - for instance the use of panniers and boxes vs. baskets, the use of bike locks and the extend of traffic regulation in the two cities...