Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

6 October 2013

You Can't Describe Copenhagen Living Without Saying The Word 'Bicycle'. Ever.

Nothing stops us cycling in Copenhagen... from Grit Tind on Vimeo.

So here's a short film that I made with a crazy and talented group of friends studying Performance Design at RUC University, Denmark. We just wanted to depict what it's actually like cycling around the beautiful city of Copenhagen (even on a grey day!)

We thought to be on the safe side by filming this during August when the weather was warm and wonderfully sunny but of course, according to Sod's Law, on the actual day of filming it rained so so hard! We persisted anyway because at the end of the day, whether it rains or even snows, the reality is that Copenhageners will cycle through anything - "Sådan er det...!" (That's just how it is!)


Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

5 June 2013

Cycle Chic Films - Vancouver Cycle Chic

One of the proud members of The Cycle Chic Republic - the good people at Vancouver Cycle Chic - have produced a series of wonderful portrait films.

Here is the first film in the series. Meet Simon.


14 May 2013

Cycling the Frame in Berlin

Back in 1988, a short film - part documentary part art-film - was made, called Cycling the Frame. It was about the Berlin Wall back when West Berlin was still isolated from the West. The film follows a young girl (Tilda Swinton) and her thoughts as she cycles around West Berlin alongside the 96 mile long, iconic, symbol of the cold war.

The above trailer is for the 2009 follow up to the original film. Tilda Swinton cycles once again along the same route, commenting on what she sees. Brilliant stuff.

Check out for more about these two works.

23 January 2013

Designing Bicycle Culture

The city on bike from Bicycle Innovation Lab on Vimeo.

As ever, it's not all about how Cycle Chic continues to inspire Citizen Cyclists around the world to open their closets and dress for their destination. Here's an interview about Design and how it can help our cities - and our bicycle culture. Together with Danish designer Jens Martin Skibsted. An interview for Bicycle Innovation Lab and their "The City on Bike" lecture series.

You can also see my TED x talk from Zurich about Bicycle Culture by Design in this earlier post.

22 October 2012

Designing Bicycles & Urban Lifestyles

How to design a lifestyle? from Bicycle Innovation Lab on Vimeo.

It's hardly a secret that Cycle Chic® is run by Copenhagenize Consulting, the mobility consultancy that works with cities around the world in becoming more bicycle friendly. While this blog came first, it is now an extension of our work in promoting cycling around the world.

I'll be speaking here in Copenhagen - at the Danish Architecture Center - on October 30th, 2012, together with designer Jens Martin Skibsted from KiBiSi. It's a part of the lecture series from Bicycle Innovation Lab - Denmark's cultural centre for cycling that we co-founded last year.

Jens Martin will be talking about bicycle design - based on his work with Biomega. I'll be talking about designing streets instead of engineering them. Designing lifestyle is the theme.

The film, above, is a teaser for the event.

The lectures are free and they will be in English, so feel free to come on down if you're in Copenhagen.

24 April 2012

Join Us.

What a strangely appealing little film. Promoting Jacksonville Bike Month, apparently. Cycle Chic it is.

7 December 2011

Red Light Moments

This little film has been frightfully popular on Flickr - seen almost 30,000 times.

To my surprise, I found another version from the same spot in my archives today:

Red light moments in the City of Cyclists.

9 November 2011

Tissue Chic

Cute little advert featuring a bicycle.

4 September 2011

Bondi Beach Cruisers

This is brilliant. A cool film feat. Australian Cycle Chic for Bondi Beach Cruisers made by +61 Collective. Cycle Chic is lovin' this on this, the last day of summer in Copenhagen. So says the weather gurus, anyway.

27 August 2011

Copenhagen Picnic

We're loving this little film about a group of friends going for a picnic in Copenhagen. Makes us love Copenhagen just a little bit more.

26 August 2011

New York Cycle Chic

Manhattan Bridge Morning 2 Sometimes we just miss places. Today it just happened to be New York. We're aiming on getting back in the new year with some cool Cycle Chic events. Brooklyn Bridge NYC BIKE NYC Bikes Cycle Chic Brooklyn Manhattan Bridge Morning Bo and Chaka Khan Not NYC but Janette Sadikh Khan on my Bullitt cargo bike in Copenhagen last year.
And here's a couple of films of Mikael riding in NYC.

23 July 2011

Rio Cycle Chic Bike Ride

When I was in Rio de Janeiro last week I was picked up by bicycle at the airport and rode all the way into town on bike lanes. THAT is a sign of a cool city.

The next day my friends put on a fantastic Cycle Chic bike ride to celebrate the launch of Rio de Janeiro Cycle Chic. A 12 hour affair starting at five in the afternoon, we were around forty or so people at the peak. We rode along the bike lanes parallel to the iconic LeBlon, Ipanema and Copacabana beaches before heading around the bay to the monument commemorating the founder of the city where I gave a short speech about Cycle Chic and what it is all about and what it can achieve. After beers - and wonderful snacks provided by the bicycle-oriented La Biciclette Bakery in Rio - we moved on to various bars and nightclubs. A cracking event true to the Cycle Chic spirit. Rio is ready for Cycle Chic.

Here are some beautiful photos from the ride from our photographer, as posted on Sydney Cycle Chic.

We'll be posting some more shots from the city quicksmart.

3 April 2011

Noa Cortes from New York Cycle Chic

A moving, brilliant portrait of Noa Cortes from New York Cycle Chic. Defining everything Cycle Chic is about and everything it should be and everything I've always wanted it to be.

Thanks, Noa.

7 March 2011

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Langebro Ascent Glancing at the Harbour
The bad news is that you have to go up one side of the bridge.
Langebro Ascent
Up, up you must go.

Langebro Descent - Gliding 902
The good news is that you get to glide down the other side.
Langebro Descent - Gliding

Langebro Descent - Blue Hat

The Copenhagener in the top photo is doing something that is hard to avoid. She's glancing out over the water and the harbour. No matter how busy you are, you have to glance at the water, it seems.

This is what the harbour looks like over a six-month period:

31 January 2011

7 December 2010

Faith, Hope and Love

Ah, the oddities of the internet. Bill over at District Citizen Cycling, a DC bicycle blog, has dug up this clip from a Danish film directed by Bille August in 1984. It's called 'Twist and Shout' in English and 'Tro, Håb & Kærlighed'. Which translates as 'Faith, Hope and Love'. It takes place in 1963.

Perfect title for the context presented here. As Bill writes ironically on his blog, "This short scene is pretty charming, but does serve as a stark reminder of one of the real perils of bicycling: you may not be able to catch up to your girlfriend on the bus."

Faith in the bicycle as a tool for transforming our cities. Hope that rationality will prevail. Love. Period.

24 November 2010

Cycle Chic Guide #10 - Cycling in Winter

So, winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere. We here at Cycle Chic think it's high time for a little repost of our film we made last year. A little peek into cycling in winter in Copenhagen - or any city with mainstream bicycle culture. The film spells out our Cycling in Winter Guide for us.

Every winter we find ourselves dispelling misconceptions about bicycles and winter. As though it's something quite bizarre. You know how we ride in winter? The same way people have been riding in winter for 125 years. In this country and in every country with snow.
Copenhagen February Traffic 3
Clothing? Easy. We wear the same clothes cycling around our city that we wear whilst walking around our city. Why would we need anything different? We have winter clothes and they're great on foot or on two wheels. Anyone who tells you otherwise probably wants to sell you something.

Winter is unavoidable and only avoided by purchasing plane tickets to warmer climes. So let's just suck it up, buttercup and get on with it. Summer is, as always, just around the corner.
Copenhagen Winter Cycle Chic
There are a couple of bikey things to mention, however. Firstly, most bicycles in Copenhagen don't have the razor thin wheels associated with sporty types. Our tires are thicker, which makes it easier to ride in the snow.

Going straight is rarely a problem but when approaching a corner, we tend to slow down more than we would on a dry surface.

Sure, it helps that the City clears the bike lanes here long before they clear the roads so you can almost always rely on the bike lanes being clear. In case of snowstorms you may find yourself riding on snow or ice, so just take it easy.

Whether rain, snow or shine, Cycle Chic is all about Style Over Speed. This is a little more applicable in the winter. :-)
Snowstorm Style
Although you might want to leave it up to the Copenhageners to ride in a snowstorm, on snow, in killer heels whilst holding an umbrella. :-)

This is one of our favourite bicycle + snow adverts. Ever. Crappy beer. Great advert.