Showing posts with label fashion show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion show. Show all posts

3 April 2014

Fort Worth Bicycle Fashion Show

Copenhagenize Design Company was in Fort Worth, Texas last week, attending Bike Texas' Texas Trails and Active Transportation conference. The good people from Momentum Magazine were there, too, and they put on a great Cycle Chic fashion show for the attendees. Showing cycling as normal, stylish and accessible to the 99%.

I kicked off the evening with a talk about the history of bicycle marketing and how lessons learned a century ago can apply to the modern situation.

The models were both locals as well as a number of conference attendees and it was a great event with a cool DJ providing the tunes. The clothes were sponsored by a local store and the bikes were of a great variety.

It was great to be a part of it.

20 September 2012

Budapest Here We Come

Budapest Cycle Chicsters
Budapest, you beautiful thing. We're coming to see you today. Get your game face on. The Cycle Chic Bloggers Conference is about to start. Hosted by our good friends at Hungary Cycle Chic.
Budapest Class

Budapest Cycle Chic Businessman

Budapest Classic

8 September 2012

From Critical Mass to Cycle Chic in Budapest

Budapest Critical Mass
Sometimes sudden news brings completely mixed feelings. This year's Cycle Chic Blogger's Conference will be held in Budapest in September. Heaps of events like a Cycle Chic breakfast for the Citizen Cyclists of the city, a fashion show, the conference and... the legendary critical mass ride held twice a year in the city. Nobody does a mass ride like the Hungarians. They can average 20,000 people on bicycles and have even hit the lofty heights of 50,000 and 80,000.

It was going to be one of the highlights of the weekend.

The organisers, however, have just decided to cancel the ride. Many people are disappointed but in their statement they say that Budapest has now reached a point of being a bicycle city with many daily cyclists. They cancelled it because they want the focus to now be on the amazing work done by the Hungarian Cyclists’ Club - Magyar Kerékpárosklub. The NGO needs more support in order to continue it's work and the critical mass organisers wished to place focus on the NGO by cancelling. What an accolade for the Hungarian Cyclists' Club, who are legendary for their positive promotion of cycling.
Budapest Crossing
Budapest is one of the poster children cities for what they have achieved in just five or six years. They are legends.

The critical mass in Budapest, like in many European cities, is far removed from the North American versions. It is a celebration of urban cycling and a powerful tool towards pushing for a more liveable city with more bicycles, rather than a sub-culture peacocking through the streets, irritating the other citizens and doing little to win hearts and minds. Indeed, the critical mass ride in Prague changed it's name in order to disassociate itself with the negative North American brand.
Budapest Critical Mass Cycle Chic
In Budapest, politicians join in, people from all walks of life ride. It became an accepted and even anticipated event in the life of the city.

Back to the conflicting emotions. The ride will be sorely missed and we hope that it returns again. However, in their official statement, they explained their cancellation by saying;

"Even more powerful new engines have emerged: The Cycle Chic Movement, which is successful in increasing ridership and breaking down stereotypes with greater visual impact in the city."

One of the most humbling things to read in almost six years of Cycle Chic. Stunningly so. The most successful "critical mass" bike rides in the world handing over the reins to Cycle Chic.

It must be said that Hungarian Cycle Chic is a flagship among the members of our Cycle Chic Republic. Operating out of the Hungarian Cyclists' Club, they have been instrumental in mainstreaming urban cycling in Budapest.

I have been at meetings with them discussing our sociological, anthropological and marketing approaches. Despite the massive responsibility handed over by critical mass, if there is anyone in Hungary who can do the job, it's the Cycle Chic team in Budapest, as well as the Hungarian Cyclists' Club.

If your city had just half of the vision that the advocates have in Budapest, you'd be ten times farther along the road to mainstreaming urban cycling. That's how brilliant they are.

Here's hoping that the mass ride will return. And that we can live up to their expectations whether they do or not.

Budapest Critical Mass Sept 2009 from Copenhagenize on Vimeo.
Here's a film I shot during the critical mass bike ride in 2009.

I love Budapest. I bike Budapest. from Cyclechic hu on Vimeo.
Here's a film made by Hungarian Cycle Chic.

More from Budapest:
Bike Love Street Signage
Hungarian Bike to Work ads

23 August 2012


CFW red carpet22
Catwalk. Bike Lane. Sidewalk.

16 August 2012

BikersRemix at Copenhagen Fashion Week

CFW bikers remix2
The first of 50 in the gold bicycle series.
It's not too often we get really worked up about bikes.  After all, its' about YOU on the bike.  But last weekend just outside the Royal Danish Theatre, overlooking Copenhagen's harbor, stood a gorgeous collection of Danish designed bicycles, iconically Scandinavian with their sleek minimalistic designs.  The owners, BikersRemix, have a strong appreciation for the bicycles, the culture, and the design that in part defines Copenhagen.  No wonder we couldn't help ourselves.
CFW bikers remix
The Georg Jensen Bike.
CFW bikers remix3

After discovering the newspaper holders in Ferrara, which were blogged about over at Copenhagenize, our love and fascination of them has never disappeared.  Which is why we were so pleased to see this black leather Danish version.

15 August 2012

Copenhagen Fashion Week - on the Street

CFW people7
Chic'sters in motion heading to the next show.  Most on bicycles.  The easiest way to get from event to event.
CFW people3CFW red carpet18
Literally, fashion week on the street, as the streets of the Grønnegade neighbourhood in central Copenhagen were closed.  Roads covered with red carpet.  Cars replaced with models.  
CFW velorbis2
This wonderworld had to be created somehow.  We found out it was partly via bike, like the Velorbis Long John cargo bike above helping to organise and advertise the show. 

14 August 2012

Copenhagen Fashion Week

CFW red carpet
The models...
CFW red carpet7CFW red carpet20CFW red carpet10
And a few of the people who went out to see the models...
CFW view
CFW cycle chicCFW people6CFW people5

8 August 2012

Dublin Cycle Chic

Dublin Cycle Chic_3
Copenhagenize was recently in Dublin on business.  Between meetings there was plenty of time for seeing the streets and people of Dublin.
Dublin Cycle Chic_2
Pretty certain this girl is riding the same bicycle as the gentleman in the first image.  Coincidence? Funkalicious new leopard print bike share bikes?
Dublin Cycle Chic_15
Looks like baskets beat out front racks in Dublin.
Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 05
This shot from an earlier trip to launch Dublin Cycle Chic. Here you can see a film from the fashion show.  Chances are you'll be seeing a few more photos like the one above as today kicks off Copenhagen Fashion Week.

14 September 2011

Tour de Fashion

We always look forward to the excitement and inspiration surrounding New York Fashion Week, and this year is no exception. A little something called Tour de Fashion, where you can borrow a designed-by-designers bicycle for free, though has got us a little extra buzzed about this year's fashion week. Here is an example of one of the bicycles, designed by Diane von Furstenberg:
Just for fun, we wanted to see if the designers' themes for the runway are apparent in the bikes.
Rebecca Taylor3
They are. Two lovely designs from Rebecca Taylor. Snakeskin, shades of cream and lavender, and a bit of floral for her Spring 2012 Collection.

But what really got us double-shot-of-espresso ready to go this morning was the most recent post from Tour de Fashion. The one where you can read this:

"New Yorker Elizabeth Marquez smiles for the Tour de Fashion camera as she tells us how she plans to buy her own bike once Tour de Fashion is over. We knew she looked familiar…she’s ridden the TDF bikes four times and counting. She had never ridden in NYC before this week and now she’s hooked."

Brilliant. Beautiful. If any of you lovely readers have bicycle photos from fashion week, and want to send them to, we would love to see them.

12 September 2011

Catwalk to Copenhagen: New York Fashion Week

Nicole Miller_stripes
Some stripey inspiration from the Nicole Miller runway show.

14 July 2011

Catwalk to Copenhagen: Paris Couture Week

Armani Privé
The first of our Catwalk to Copenhagen images from Paris Couture Week, Fall 2011: Armani Privé.

The pair of photos above is are our translation of runway couture to street style. Having been at the Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize headquarters for six months now, the Cycle Chic concept and the photographs are engrained in my memory. Nearly every runway photo I see provokes a Cycle Chic photo, so this sneak peak post and the posts to come tomorrow feature the runway shot on the left and the street style shot it brought to mind on the right.

26 October 2010

Cycle Chic Fashion Show - Hungarian Style

Our lovely and hard-working friends at Cycle Chic Hungary just sent us this film, hot off the catwalk. They understand the concept. Bicycles and Fashion, not bicycle fashion.

There are great and inspirational films encouraging people to cycle to work over at Copenhagenize.

28 June 2010

Cycle Chic Goes to Dublin!

Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 29
What an epic night I had in Dublin a couple of weeks ago. Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show kicked off at the splendid City Hall with a fashion show. The good people at Irish department store Arnotts supplied the clothes and top stylist Paula Hughes whipped up a feast for the eyes with the combination of cool clothes and cool Danish bikes - Biomega and Velorbis - as well as Dublin city bikes.

Bicycle advocacy 2.0.

Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 08
The models were brilliant and they rolled in and out in smashing ensembles. Well done them.
Dublin Cycle Chic Ambassador Dublin Cycle Chic Colville
Men in suits were present, as well, as they are at any dapper bicycle event. The Danish Ambassador to Ireland, Niels Pultz gave Ciaran Cuffe - Minister of State with special responsibility for sustainable transport - a ride on a Christiania bike and I was given the pleasure to address the crowd before the kick off.

Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 05 Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 28

Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 20

Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 17 Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 27

Dublin Cycle Chic Fashion Show 15

See the whole series of photos from the fashion show on Flickr as a slideshow!

Thanks to everyone for a brilliant night in Dublin! And remember to enter the Dublin Cycle Chic photo competition over at Flickr.

Dublin Cycle Chic - The Movie

The Velo-City 2010 conference has ended and life returns to normal. I now have time to catch up on some important stuff. Here's a little film made by Dublin City Council about the Dublin Cycle Chic fashion show ten days ago in the Irish capital.

What a town. What a cycling town! Dublin was once one of the great cycling cities of the world. She's well on her way to returning. The bicycle is back and the fact that the City Council and National government supported our Cycle Chic event, along with the Royal Danish embassy is a fantastic, promising sign.

There was also a nice article in the Irish Times about the event.

At the event we launched another photo competition. Upload your best Cycle Chic photos to the Dublin Cycle Chic Flickr group and on July 31, 2010 we'll pick the best one and reward the Cycle Chicness with a Boston bicycle from iconic Danish bike brand Biomega.

14 June 2010

Dublin Cycle Chic Winners!

A lovely day for a cycle : )
by Flickr user Lily-Heidi.

The Dublin Cycle Chic party is on Wednesday and, as promised, I've chosen five photographs from the Flickr group as winners of two tickets each.

I'll send a Flickr mail to the photographers. Congratulations! And thanks to everyone for participating. But don't put down the cameras just yet. We're announcing another competition on Wednesday evening.

In no particular order, here's all the photos.
Classic DublinBikes: Suit and briefcase
By Cian Ginty.

By Flickr user Markemcmullan.

Conors garden 041
By Hamley Foxx.

By Flickr user jspruitiii.

11 June 2010

Dublin Cycle Chic Countdown

Dublin Cycle Chic
We're only days away from the Dublin Cycle Chic bash in... well... Dublin. Next Wednesday we'll be kicking off at City Hall with a gorgeous fashion show. We had Isabelle, pictured, out on a photo call last week with one of the new Dublin bike share bikes. Classic Cycle Chic.
Dublin Cycle Chic
On Monday I'll be choosing some winners in the Dublin Cycle Chic Flickr Group and dishing out tickets to the Wednesday event. There's still loads of time to submit your photos. And, at the fashion show, I'll announce a competition where you can win a Biomega bike.

The fashion show will feature Ireland's top stylist, Paula Hughes and she's teamed up with Ireland's largest department store, Arnott's. In true Cycle Chic style, it's all about gorgeous clothes and cool bicycles. Not a thread of 'cycling clothes' or whatever it is people are selling these days.
Dublin Cycle Chic
Here are some of the press mentions in the Irish press about the event, although it must be said that the Cycle Chic fashion show is just one of many great events during National Bike Week in the country.

Get yer photos into the Flickr Group! Boy, am I looking forward to getting myself to Dublin on Wednesday.

Welcome to Bicycle Advocacy 2.0. In true Cycle Chic style.