Showing posts with label elderly cyclists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elderly cyclists. Show all posts

28 October 2013

Enter the Headwind

There's a storm warning for Copenhagen and parts of Denmark today. Here's a little prequel. While many parts of Denmark are hilly, the central area of Copenhagen is rather flat. What many people don't understand is that wind is a major factor. On a windy day, cycling into a headwind, it is equal to cycling up a hill with a 6% grade. And hills end. Wind doesn't.

Today, the storm strength winds will transform Copenhagen into the Pyranees. We will, however, just get on with it.
Superdad Headwind

Stormy Headwind

Langebro Ascent Headwind


Rainy Day2


All Hail Springtime

Danish Bicycle History - Wind
It's nothing new, of course. Wind has always been a factor in Copenhagen, as the vintage photo, above, attests.
Center For Traffic
Make sure your bike is not free-standing today, unless you have a proper kickstand.
The Wind Man
Some people are more prepared for the wind than others.
Human Battery - Bullitt with Wind Mill and Solar Panels

5 August 2013

Cycling Without Age

Picking up the folks
Today I'm going to dedicate the day to a start-up organisation called Cycling Without Age because I think there's nothing cooler than seeing citizens continuing to cycle right through to their senior years. CWA's mission is to extend the cycling life of every senior resident by setting up rickshaw-cycling-tour schemes in nursing homes across Denmark and hopefully abroad too.

It's a pretty simple idea, CWA links each senior resident up with a willing chauffeur from its online platform of volunteers and off they go in their allocated Christania bikes. They can choose to go in small groups or go solo, however, it's up to the passenger to decide which direction to take!

Torvil and team
Here's Thorkild and his neighbour on the way to the beach. What better way to enjoy the beautiful weather?

Anyone interested can volunteer and by doing so they can get a bit of exercise whilst putting a smile on someone else's face!

CWA is a great example of health promotion and not just because the volunteers get their fair deal of exercise, it's especially beneficial for the passengers too. Senior residents who usually spend their days indoors are offered a great multi-stimulatory experience just by being exposed to the fresh outdoors and re-engaging in their local communities.

Group hygge copy
Chilling out by the beach near Charlottelund. CWA's cycling tours are also a great way for senior residents to get out of their homes and meet new people. Volunteers soon transition from being a stranger to someone with a familiar name.

Chatting by the beach
Age really is just a number and shouldn't dictate your social life. CWA's initiative is innovative in that way as it attracts people from a range of ages and all walks of life.

CWA welcomes anyone to cycle along the main tours, particularly senior citizens who are still living independently. Cycling in a group gives them that extra reassurance as well as generally just being a bit more fun!

So who says that cycling should end the day you move into a nursing home? Well, Cycling Without Age certainly doesn't think so.

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

11 June 2013

Street Photography by a Five Year Old

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Everybody sees their city differently. What does the city look like through the eyes of a five year-old girl named Lulu-Sophia? She's my kid. She grows up in a home filled with cameras. So I decided to find out.

The Canon 7D is always on the window sill at our place and, when we're riding around on the Bullitt cargo bike, I let Lulu-Sophia carry the 7D in the box.

I never say what she should take photos of. I just say "take photos if you want". Totally up to her. I don't notice what she does but when I load the photos onto the computer, I get to see what she sees. It's wonderful.

I've made a little set of her street photography work on Flickr but here are some of her Cycle Chic shots from the urban landscape. Both from the flat and from the Bullitt.
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And of course, the set wouldn't be complete without a shot of your big brother, Felix.

29 November 2012

Firenze / Florence Cycle Chic

Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Our friend and photographer Zoe Ferguson sent us a fine little photo series of a cycling life in Firenze/Florance. From Kamloops to Florence is quite the culture shift. Her keen eye caught some of the cycling goodness in the city. Thanks, Zoe, for taking us on the ride with you.

Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Cycling is timeless.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
The Italians just get on with it.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Three-wheeler and two-wheeler.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Rolling through the urban theatre.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Calm, cool and casual.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Flip flops abound in mainstream bicycle cultures... in the summer.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Riding with friends.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Cycle Chic is whatever you want it to be.
Florence Firenza Cycle Chic
Planting the seeds of a cycling life early.

16 October 2012

A Ride in Style in Copenhagen

Ride in Style 2012 Enhedslisten_1
Not long ago we were on a little Ride in Style here in Copenhagen. Normally, bike rides are something that are associated with Emerging Bicycle Cultures. For Copenhageners it's usually just A2B on our trusty iron horses.

We've been on many a bike ride around the world in our Cycle Chic and Copenhagenize work but this one was a little different. It was very Copenhagen. The cool bike design shop Biker's Remix organised a cool little tour one Saturday. On bikes, of course, 'cause that's the way we all roll here, but with focus on design, food and drink. A pleasant afternoon with fellow Copenhageners cruising our beloved Copenhagen.
Ride in Style 2012_2

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First stop was the Biker's Remix showroom to check out cool designed bicycles and to sample the first sip of the day (above left).

Copenhagen Bikers Remix_7 Copenhagen Bikers Remix_6

Onward we rolled. To visit design studio MAIK in the Vesterbro neighbourhood.
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MAIK dished up some beers and we were invited to participate in a design process brainstorm.

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Back to the streets we climbed.

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It was time for ice cream.
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We stopped at Oswald's Ice Cream Bar.

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And off we went. To the Nørrebro neighbourhood. With beverages, of course. This is Denmark, not Afghanistan.

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Next stop was Urban Room No. 11. The groovy little design shop in Nørrebro. They dished up coffee and cake for us.
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We were never in a hurry. When it was time to leave, it just felt right.

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We visited the workshop of the coolest bicycle designer in the Kingdom. Cykelmageren (The Bike Maker), for more snacks and refreshments and a look at Rasmus' brilliant crafted bikes and bits of bikes.

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Then we returned to Vesterbro, to visit the Vess art gallery. It was now cocktail time.
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We wrapped up the afternoon back where we started, at Kødbyens Deli in the Meatpacking District, for chili con carne and beers.

Some of our lovely friends took their leave of us, as above, and others headed out for the evening at a bar in the centre of the city.
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Thanks to Biker's Remix for a brilliant day out with friends, design, sweet and savoury food, refreshing beverages and a super concept.
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We'll roll with you anytime.

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