Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dog. Show all posts

15 December 2016

With The Dog in The Basket

You see her riding with full basket in the front and the box in the back. It is no surprise when you see a dog in the basket here in Copenhagen. The dog owners are not afraid to take their pets in their bikes so they can enjoy and experience the ride together. Smaller dogs in front baskets, bigger in cargo bikes. There is no excuse.

This lady proves it. She is on her bike with her best friend in the front basket. However, pay attention to the their outfits. They both are matching army green jackets. True spirit of friendship!!! Safe and chic ride for both of them.

Happy Cycling!

18 January 2016

Bird's Eye Cycle Chic

Cycle Chic Copenhagen_80
This gent did a spot of window shopping as he rolled past a shop on his morning commute.
Cycle Chic Copenhagen_36
These guys continued their conversation as they walked the last stretch to their destination.
Cycle Chic Copenhagen_30
Finding a new playlist, checking a map or a crucial, dramatic text from a love interest? We may never know.
Cycle Chic Copenhagen_26
Double basket action.
Cycle Chic Copenhagen_44
Adjusting the dog on the back rack.

22 August 2013

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Awwww. Cutie! And may I say how impressed I am by this dude cycling and holding/cuddling his pup at the same time. Nice!

Hey there hipster and hipster dog! Where you guys off to...? Okay you're on the run, no worries!

Lady taking a stroll across Dronning Louises Bro with lady dog.

So gorgeous!

This dog's stealing the limelight! Okay, I'll stop now...

Forget the car. Dogs love being outdoors and on the run! Duh.

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

16 August 2013

Summer Games on Dronning Louises Bridge

We're a bit weird in Copenhagen. Some of our favourite spots to hang out include cemetery gardens like Assistans Kirkegaard where famous Danes are laid to bury in paradise. Then there's Dronning Louises Bridge connecting cosmopolitan Nørrebro to the city centre.

Bring some friends and beer, or friends with beer to hang out on the bridge and enjoy eyeing up other Danes as they cycle by. If you're lucky some random guy may turn up with a boombox on wheels...

Watch young people cycle by and better still, guess which Copenhagen district they're probably from. These lot...Nørrebro?

Elegant hair bun up high and sleek sporty look. Hmmm...Østerbro?

On trend with electric blue coursing through this look (even the bike!)...dare I say Frederiksberg?

Okay, okay. It's not a bike...but this guy deserves some credit for being able to skateboard and send SMS's to his mates simultaneously.

Again, getting around on eight wheels instead of two! Best way to 'walk' your dog if he's a bit faster than what you were expecting...

Okay this is turning out to be a terrible game. Damn I give up! But cool glasses bro...where are you heading?

Hmmm...I guess it's back to eye-spy then!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Over and Out!

K.E.G. x

22 July 2013

Do Danes Make Good Friends?

fav photo
Just like the rest of Europe the sun is strong in Copenhagen and everyone seems to be back from their holidays!
First thing to do? Catchup with friends. good friend
What makes a good friend? Someone who's there to get you places when you just can't seem to get there yourself. good friend2
Stylish mini-ambulance. good friend4
"Pick it up, places to be!"

Just a shout out to all my Copenhagen friends - you guys are rockin' my summer!

Over and out!

K.E.G. x

28 August 2012

Tour of Denmark

Tour of Denmark  Fans
Last weekend the Tour of Denmark took over the streets of Frederiksberg.  The race is quite an entertaining one to watch as the riders whip past every seven to eight minutes, doing 10 laps before making a sprint for the finish.  Above, the peloton, and Lulu-Sophia cheering them on.

A few highlights from the day...
Tour of Denmark _5 Tour of Denmark _6
Tour of Denmark_5
Tour of Denmark _4Tour of Denmark Espana
Champions of the bike lane :)

26 August 2012

Waterproof Dog

2012-08-25 17.05.29
Just when I thought I'd seen it all in Cycle Chic/Social Documentary of Urban Cycling. After six years, it's tough to see something new, but yesterday, this gentleman rolled past.

Check that out... handlebar-mounted mini umbrella for his dog in the basket. Fantatsic!

18 August 2012

It’s a Dog’s Life

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7591

People love their dogs and so it’s no surprise that they get taken every bit as well care of as children. Including a chauffeur ride on the family bike.

Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7437

Of course Tin Tin’s famous dog gets to ride his own private cycle box.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 5166

Sometimes I wonder who’s really in charge; master or dog. Except like here where the answer is cut in stone!
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 8100

And finally – as the saying goes – like owner, like dog.
Copenhagen Bikehaven by Mellbin - Bike Cycle Bicycle - 2012 - 7224

Happy Cycling!

22 December 2011

Vesterbro Nights

Velorbis Night_1
My friend Sille (the owner of the Invisible Cycle Chic bicycle) and I were playing around in the Vesterbro neighbourhood one evening. We may or may not have consumed red wine.
Velorbis Night_2
We may or may not have had the camera on the correct settings for shooting at night. We did have bicycles, though. That's my Velorbis - posing like it knows there's a (blurry) camera around.

Velorbis Night

Nighttime Basket_2

Nighttime Basket

24 November 2011

26 October 2011

A Dog's Life

A Dogs Life_1
Now this is a dog who effing loves riding in the basket. Lovin' that enthusiasm.

Don't forget the 40 Photos of Dogs on Bicycles from 6 Countries medley of super photo hits.

21 October 2011

The Cycle Chic Invisible Bicycle

Something Furry Something Blue
A good friend of ours, Sille, is in the process of personalising her bicycle. Her building has just been given a fresh coat of blue paint and she decided that her (crappy/rusty - in her own words) bicycle was clashing with the blueishness.

So, enter a can or two of spray paint that matches the colour of the facade and off she went. It's a work in progress. And it covers up the rust, too.
Something Blue
If she paints it well enough it just may become camouflaged when leaning up against the building. A kind of water-based invisibility cloak to prevent theft. What a brilliant idea. Sure beats this bicycle protection solution. I suggested she spraypaint Willow, the dog at top, and get him to act as a bicycle guard dog but strangely she wasn't keen on the idea.

26 April 2011

A Dog's Life

Spring Sunshine 27
Here's an addendum to the post about dogs and bicycles.

24 February 2011

Who Let the Dogs Out? Canine Cycle Chic

Animal Ride
I know we have a lot of photos in the Cycle Chic archives. Sometimes, however, it is amazing how many. It's nice to put them into themes once in awhile. We figured we'd do a Bicycles & Dogs article. Simple enough. Until we realised how many photos that would involve. So... here's a Best of Bicycles & Dogs series. Canine Cycle Chic, if you like.
Rome Cycle Chic - Uomo 7
When the bicycle is the preferred transport form - and the most convenient - it is second nature to take your dog with you wherever you may be headed. Most of the photos are from Copenhagen, but it's not just us. The dapper chap, above, is in Rome.
Dog Basket

Pushing Off Doggie

Dog Transport

Race Day Doggie

14:20 - 19 Copenhagen Minutes A Hub of Copenhagen Cyclists


Melbourne Helmet Demonstration 12
Above: Melbourne, Australia
Race Day Dog Doggie Dog Cargo *

Wind in His Hair
Above: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Svajerløb 2009: Dog Basket Dog's Life

Reforma Sunday Dog Neckwarmer
Above and below: Mexico City.
Reforma Sunday Dog

Demo Dog Classic Copenhagen [with pet]

Nagoya Pet
Above: Nagoya, Japan.
Walking the Dog Doggin_1 Man Bikes Dog

Shopping Basket Dog

Find the Dog

Bicycle Central

Dog Curious Glance

Walking the Copendog
Carrying your dog with you in your basket or whatnot is one way to do it but it's not the only way. Here's a series of shots of people walking their dogs on their bicycles.
Reforma Sunday DogVesterbro

Bike Lane Inhabitants Four in Black

Girl. Dog. Dog Walking

Copenhagen Dog Walking

Room For Everyone

Bike Guard Dog
And dogs are handy to have in the city. Like this one tied to the very busy bike racks outside the Central Library. Great for guarding much sought after parking spots.

And let's wrap up with the Man Bikes Dog video: