Showing posts with label documentary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label documentary. Show all posts

14 May 2013

Cycling the Frame in Berlin

Back in 1988, a short film - part documentary part art-film - was made, called Cycling the Frame. It was about the Berlin Wall back when West Berlin was still isolated from the West. The film follows a young girl (Tilda Swinton) and her thoughts as she cycles around West Berlin alongside the 96 mile long, iconic, symbol of the cold war.

The above trailer is for the 2009 follow up to the original film. Tilda Swinton cycles once again along the same route, commenting on what she sees. Brilliant stuff.

Check out for more about these two works.

23 November 2009

Beauty and the Bike

This brilliant documentary called Beauty and the Bike wanted to answer one simple question: "Why do British girls stop cycling?"

The film follows two groups of girls, one in Darlington, UK and the other in Bremen, Germany, looking for the answer and the solution to the problem.

Above is an 8 minute version of the film. What an inspiration.