Showing posts with label cycle chic contest. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cycle chic contest. Show all posts

18 November 2012

Winners of Cycle Chic - the Book! Congratulations!

Rio Cycle Chic Book Launch_6
Cycle Chic - The Book - in a Rio bookshop

First and foremost, thanks to everyone who took part in the Cycle Chic - The Book competition! We're thrilled with the passionate entries and trying to find winners hasn't been easy.

We're awarding three books here on the blog, two in the Facebook group and one on Instagram. There are a couple of bonus prizes for honourable mentions, too. Because choosing was so damned hard.

All of the entries were touching and humbling. We shortlisted them and then I went to the expert - The Lulu - aged five - and read them for her. We simply went with the ones that touched us the most.

The Blog Winners
Cycle Chic - The Book and a "Bicycle" CD by Nora & One Left.

1. "I think there are probably lots of people on here who deserve a book or CD, but I would like to tell you why I think my dear husband is one of them.

Although I think all of us believe in bicycling as a sustainable, sociable, and healthy means of transportation, and clearly we are all fans of Cycle Chic, my husband stands out for his remarkable ability to connect with people and persuade them to start bicycling.

While most of us, myself included, tend to feel discouraged at changing the minds of others who are steadfast in their beliefs against cycling and feel a sense of disconnect from them, he has a different mindset and a better attitude. He doesn’t feel those who don’t immediately take to cycling are closed off to him. Instead, he sees their potential and patiently tries to listen and explain why it could work for them. He makes a bridge to who they are as a person, and over time is able to help them imagine that bicycling can truly be a part of their life.

With a friendly greeting, he comes around the way and asks them if they are ready to look at some bikes. He wheels his folding bicycle over for them to test ride. His friendliness and enthusiasm towards bicycling is contagious."

From "minicute"

The verdict from The Lulu: "That was long. But it's nice that the man likes bikes alot and likes talking to people. And I think the lady likes him."

2. "I would like to nominate my wife, Christine St-Jacques, who commutes 8 km to work every day. That's a decent ride for anyone first thing in the morning, but we live in Ottawa, Canada and when she hopped on her DeVinci this morning, the temperature was -2C.

Now, I love riding my bikes, but I am just not as dedicated as Christine is, and I admire her toughness. She even rode to work downtown while she was pregnant with our daughter a couple of years ago, right up to the 8th month (despite my objections!).

She'll put her bike in hibernation when the snow flies in a few weeks. Until then, she keeps rolling along, red lights blinking in the rush-hour darkness, and while she may not be as fashionably dressed as many Copenhageners, she's a vision of silent speed inspiration to all those in their cars.

Christine gets antsy after a couple of months of not riding, so I am hoping that the Cycle Chic book will tide her over until springtime. Congratulations on 6 years of inspirational photos!"

From Jeffrey

The verdict from The Lulu: "What's hibanution?" (I explained hibernation...) "Oh. Okay. Maybe the lady will ride in the winter if she gets a book. If she doesn't she has nice music to listen to. Do they have candles in Canada?..." (the conversation wandered elsewhere from there... :-))


3. "I write from Italy, in a region where cycling is part of a rich tradition in the foggy Po Valley up to "passi" of the Dolomites. But it is in Copenhagen, despite the cold, where I lived in the spirit of riding in freedom and happiness and experiencing nature.

Four years ago I flew to Denmark to have the child that unfortunately nature denied me. Now, thanks to an anonymous Danish donor I'll never know, I have a beautiful daughter who has the spirit of the north in her blood and on her face.

In Denmark I realized my dream and, thanks to your blog, I keep updated often on what happens in Copenhagen, dreaming of one day becoming half Danish, like my daughter.

The book i'll give to Bianca, whose eyes remind me of the blue sky and the fresh air of a spring ride in Copenhagen."
From Sauro

The verdict from The Lulu: (after explaining donors and babies, etc.) "So the baby is four? I'm five. I'm bigger. I could be her big sister." (got her back on track...) "That's a long way to come to have a baby. Give them a book."


Honourable Mentions from the blog - Winners recieve a Cycle Chic poster or t-shirt of their choice.

1. "I would like to get a copy to donate to a new coffee/bike shop that just opened here in Omaha Nebraska. It is the first of its kind and I believe it will do a lot to change the culture here in Omaha. (Though I will probably read it before passing it off!)"

From Tiffany Paddock


2. It would be Niceness to win this book for Oana, who contributed to the most important days of my life: the day I was born and the day she put the bike in my arms. Oana insisted that her mother gives one more time life of a child, to have a beautiful sister and also a playmate. And she had this chance… 21 years later, she helped me, her little sister, to discover the pleasure of cycling. Even if cycling in Bucharest is not always a bliss, Oana encouraged me. After that, we created together a chic movement inspired by Copenhagen Cycle Chic called‘Skirt Bike‘- a skirt ride on two wheels which is held every year in 8 cities in Romania and encourages women to cycle. (you can read more about it in this interview – English version)

From today, Oana is also a mother and she will continue to inspire moms to pedal. I think I’ll make her happy if she receives this beautiful gift from you."
From velobello


3. "I'd love to have one to give to my brand-new husband. He reluctantly started riding along with me on my old teen-sized mountain bike four years ago. Now he has his very own city bike and commutes even farther and faster than me, in style nonetheless. The book and CD I hope will continue to inspire him."
From Lindymegan


The Winners from the Facebook group!
(The Lulu was unavailable for jury duty from here on. She wanted to play instead...)

1. I would like to nominate my cousin Angela Cox of Phoenix, a city in great need of city cyclists. Angie has greatly reduced her reliance on her car, in an auto-centric city. She combines light rail with a folding bike to get around and recently arrived for jury duty on her Dahon. Naturally, she was wearing her normal clothes, a stylish ensemble of pieces she found at local consignment shops - she's a passionate advocate of recycle and reuse!
From Karen Voyer-Caravona


2. Happy birthday! I'd like to nominate my husband, Kevin, who inspired me to ride! so much more after I met him. We tandem, and he has bought me several bikes in the last 15 years - my latest, a commuter bike for my birthday after being inspired by Mikael at Pro Walk Pro Bike in Long Beach this year. Kevin is a all-round cyclist who can help shape the landscape in our growing northern California community."
From Linda Burke

Honourable Mentions - Cycle Chic poster or t-shirt

1. "I would love my bike-loving boyfriend to have this inspirational book and cd first - then I'd like to do a bookcrossing kind of thing where he'd pass it on to someone he thinks would love reading it or would be interested in it with the idea that they must pass it on to someone else etc...that way heaps of great people get to enjoy it."
From Danielle Julianna Smyth


Winner from Instagram!

1. "My mum is 73 and has been riding a bike all her life. She taught us to eschew cars and love cycling! And she is never, ever seen without her trousers tucked into her socks."
From @mockduck 


To all the winners here on the blog... please contact us at - with "Book Winner" in the subject field, please - and we'll figure out how to get your prizes to you!

14 November 2012

Cycle Chic Turns 6 - Win a Book & CD!

Today, Cycle Chic turns six. On this day in 2006, that one photo that launched it all was taken on Åboulevarden in Copenhagen.

We're eating lovely Danishes and drinking coffee here at our offices this morning and enjoying the birthday. In celebration of the day, we're giving away six copies of Cycle Chic - The Book and six copies of the lovely album "Bicycle" by Nora and One Left. This morning, I was taking a photo of the books and The Lulu stepped in and suggested that she hold them. I happily agreed.

We're inspired by our friend Lars AP and his growing Fucking Flink movement here in Denmark. "Flink" means "Nice" in Danish and Lars encourages people to just be nice to each other.

Here's Lars at TEDx Copenhagen this year.

So, in the spirit of Niceness, you can win a book and a CD for someone you love. A friend, a member of your family or your main squeeze. Whoever inspires you.

Tell us why you think they should get the book and why you want to give it to them.

The best, most inspired pitches will win a book.

You'll have to check back on Friday to see if you won. We'll post the winners and tell them how to contact us about receiving the book.

We'll give away two copies here on the blog, two on the Facebook group and two on Instagram - @zakkatography.

Enter to win in the comments. We'll choose a winner on Friday!

Thanks to everyone for making Cycle Chic what it is and what it has become. It's been a wild and delightful ride for the past six years and we're still loving the tailwind.

21 June 2011

Cycle Chic Breakfast Winners!

Winner Cycle Chic 001
The first order of business at the Cycle Chic Bloggers Conference in Barcelona was an event organised in conjunction with BACC - the Catalonia Bicycle Club. The Cycle Chic Breakfast was a part of the city's Bike Week. In the morning last Friday at three locations around the city red carpets were rolled out for the city's cyclists from 7:30 to 10:30. To thank them for cycling in the city and to make them feel loved. Free beverages and breakfast were handed out, too. The Cycle Chic bloggers were dispatched to the three locations to photograph the Citizen Cyclists. At the end of the brilliant day we selected winners in two categories.
Winner Cycle Chic 002
The first is the Most Chic Cyclist and when you're in Barcelona that is a tough job to find a winner. But a winner was needed and it ended up being Paulette. The judges said:

"Cycle Chic is about looking fabulous on a bicycle but it is also about personal style. Paulette looks wonderful in her outfit and sunglasses and the fact that she rides a cool, old bike that she hand-painted herself made it easy for us to choose her as the winner."

Paulette is the proud owner of a cool new bicycle from Hood Bikes and a rain coat from Italian brand Abici.

Winner Crazy
In the Most Fun category, the winners were Raul and Greta. The judges said:

"This guy was brilliant. He really went to an effort to go crazy and we love his daugther on the back. We see it as cool irony that he is wearing spandex shorts. We have humour at Cycle Chic, and this guy has it all going for him. His daughter was adorable, too!"

Raul won a selection of bicycle accessories from cool Barcelona brand Ramonas and a rain coat from Bordeaux brand
We're still working on the runners up, too.

Here's a slide show of many of the photos our Cycle Chic bloggers took on the day.

The Spanish newspaper El Pais featured this article on the event and this blogpost on the El Pais bicycle blog. TV Espana reported live from the Cycle Chic Breakfast, too. It's about 1/4 of the way into the clip. Txell from Barcelona Cycle Chic demonstrates how to ride in a skirt. :-)

Copenhagenize Consulting has more great Cycle Chic events and bicycle events on the way.

15 September 2010

Winner! Cycle Chic Doodle Contest

Well THAT was fun! A little brief, a bit too easy perhaps, but a load of fun. The contest was won in a flash by Mathieu from Brussels, not least thanks to the fact that he got wind of the contest in a flash on the official Cycle Chic twitter feed.

You can see how the Cycle Chic collective drawing turned out, above. Thanks to everyone for doodling! You can still add your drawing over at the world's largest online collective doodle pad. You still have to find the Cycle Chic doodle, though.

Mathieu chose this Cycle Chic t-shirt as his prize for being the first to find our doodle. Not a bad choice. Felicitations, Mathieu!

14 September 2010

Cycle Chic Doodle Contest

So we discovered the very cool website today and couldn't help doodling the Cycle Chic logo on the massive collective doodle pad. The site is the largest doodle pad in the world. No registration required, you just find a space and doodle whatever your heart desires with your mouse.

Here's a little contest.
If you can find our logo (as pictured above) on SuperFreeDraw and you're the first to write your name next to it, together with a big number '1', we'll send you a poster or a t-shirt of your choice from the Cycle Chic online boutique!

If you're the first, please send us an email with "Doodle Contest" in the subject field and your name and address and we'll figure out the prize stuff from there. The email is copenhagenize [at] gmail [dot] com

If you find the logo and you're NOT the first, doodle your name anyway. Or a doodle of a bicycle!

Happy hunting!

28 June 2010

Dublin Cycle Chic - The Movie

The Velo-City 2010 conference has ended and life returns to normal. I now have time to catch up on some important stuff. Here's a little film made by Dublin City Council about the Dublin Cycle Chic fashion show ten days ago in the Irish capital.

What a town. What a cycling town! Dublin was once one of the great cycling cities of the world. She's well on her way to returning. The bicycle is back and the fact that the City Council and National government supported our Cycle Chic event, along with the Royal Danish embassy is a fantastic, promising sign.

There was also a nice article in the Irish Times about the event.

At the event we launched another photo competition. Upload your best Cycle Chic photos to the Dublin Cycle Chic Flickr group and on July 31, 2010 we'll pick the best one and reward the Cycle Chicness with a Boston bicycle from iconic Danish bike brand Biomega.

14 June 2010

Dublin Cycle Chic Winners!

A lovely day for a cycle : )
by Flickr user Lily-Heidi.

The Dublin Cycle Chic party is on Wednesday and, as promised, I've chosen five photographs from the Flickr group as winners of two tickets each.

I'll send a Flickr mail to the photographers. Congratulations! And thanks to everyone for participating. But don't put down the cameras just yet. We're announcing another competition on Wednesday evening.

In no particular order, here's all the photos.
Classic DublinBikes: Suit and briefcase
By Cian Ginty.

By Flickr user Markemcmullan.

Conors garden 041
By Hamley Foxx.

By Flickr user jspruitiii.

1 June 2010

Ottawa Cycle Chic

The Kiss
Some lovely shots from my friend, Joel, in Ottawa, with the Parliament buildings in the background.
Cute Couple
Tomorrow - June 2, 2010 - there will be a Best Dressed Commuter prize at the Commuter Challenge / Clean Air Day event in the Canadian capital.
From the National Archives
Sepia tones, but that wicked cool Bullitt cargo bike betrays the old school mood.

15 May 2010

Dublin Cycle Chic Party & Photo Competition

Dublin Cycle Chic
Dublin Cycle Chic, here we come! I'm arranging a Cycle Chic bash in Dublin in a little over a month. Together with The Royal Danish Embassy in Ireland, Dublin City Council and the Department of Transport. Alchemy Events is arranging the cool gig.

The date? 16 June 2010. The venue? Dublin City Hall.

Git yer stilettos sharpened and yer cravats ironed.

Dublin Cycle Chic
Dublin Cycle Chic. Photo by Cian Ginty on Flickr.

The Cycle Chic event will be held in association with the Dreams on Wheels exhibition and we'll take it one step further. A groovealicious party celebrating Cycle Chic and that fine and good transport option, the humble and gorgeous bicycle.

We've just launched the Dublin Cycle Chic Flickr group and I'd like to invite people to send in photos of Dublin Cycle Chic. In the week before the Dublin Cycle Chic party I'll choose the ones that most adhere to the Cycle Chic pathos and happily dish out some tickets to the event to the winners.
P9180043Cyclechic Grafton Street Dublin Ireland
Dublin Cycle Chic. Photo by Norbert Malone on Flickr.

Get snapping. Get documenting the blossoming return of the bicycle - and cycle chic - to the streets of the Irish capital. I'm looking forward to going to Dublin to celebrate the possibilities.
Dublin Cycle Chic Dublin Cycle Chic
Let's say that this is the goal. These photos are from Dublin, 1961. Citizen Cyclists on bicycles, in style. Vintage Dublin Cycle Chic, if you will. This is where we're headed.

7 May 2010

Mexico Cycle Chic - Photo Contest Winners!

So there you have it. We have finally wrapped up the super-thrilling Mexico Cycle Chic Photo Competition. There was a flurry of uploads to our Flickr group in the final stages and a buzz of activity in the Mexican blog world.

Launched by the Royal Danish Embassy in Mexico City, the Cycle Chic photo competition was in collaboration with Cycle Chic (me), Danish bikemaker Biomega and the Institute for Transportion & Development Policy [ITDP].

There were three judges - me, Sussi from Biomega and Bernardo from ITDP. [See Sussi Cycle Chic right here...:-) ]

I can tell you it was a tough job picking winners in the two categories - Gentleman and Lady. Two Biomega bikes were up for grabs - the Biomega Boston.


Here we go. Here's the brilliant winning photo in the Gentleman category by Flickr user carlossagh.

The judges said:
"If this isn't the Joy of Cycling and La Dolce Vita all at once I don't know what is." Mikael Colville-Andersen, creator/owner of Cycle Chic.
"Mexicano style at its best."
Sussi Poulsen, Global Sales Manager at Biomega
"Music, freedom and moving on a bike, what else do you need?"
Bernardo Baranda, Director de ITDP Mexico

grace bici
And here's the winner in the Lady category, by Flickr user Supersube.
The judges said:
"There is Cycle Chic and then there is Cycle Chic Deluxe/Extreme/Brilliance"
Mikael Colville-Andersen
"Cycle chic sublime. The guys in Guadalajara must have a strong neck pain turning their heads for this girl."
Sussi Poulsen
"It's the most "cycle chic" picture I saw. Great colors (especially the blue) and beautiful girl."
Bernardo Baranda

Both of the winners hail from Guadalajara, Mexico. Congratulations to both photographers! The Danish Embassy will contact them and work out how they get their new Biomega bikes.

The bar was raised high in the competition. Be sure to check out all the Cycle Chic goodness in the Flickr group. Here's some more examples of photographic brilliance from the competition.

B_05 3. Mikael B_02' BiciActitud Hombre Cycle Chic 2 Primer viaje

Saeta Love is on the Bike Bici008 282 Inicio 2010 Pedaleando en Reforma... Jane Jane

Cycle Chic wishes to thank the Royal Danish Embassy in Mexico, ITDP and Biomega for a wonderful collaboration. And thanks to everyone who took part in the contest! The Flickr group lives on, so keep on documenting Mexico Cycle Chic for all the world to see.

10 March 2010

Cycle Chic Goes to México 01

Mexico Wedding Cycle Chic
It was a wild, thrilling and rewarding trip to México City. I was invited by the Danish embassy to take part in a conference at UNAM university with my Copenhagenize hat on but there was ample Cycle Chic activities on the programme as well. The Cycle Chic brand/trademark is growing in leaps and bounds and it's thrilling to see how it appeals to so many people, not least in México.

My head hurts trying to figure out how to blog the wealth of photos from the trip effectively but I suddenly felt like starting at the ending.

Last day. Just ate with some friends and we're heading back to their place before I shoot off to the airport. 25 degrees, sunshine. Tired, hungover, happy but regretting the imminent departure. Walking through a park when Arlette says, "Look!" and Peter added an urgent "Take a picture!"
Mexico Wedding Cycle Chic 04 Mexico Wedding Cycle Chic 03
What a way to go. What a sight to send me on my way. A just married couple pedalling and laughing on two mini penny farthings bicycles, complete with tin cans rattling behind.
Mexico Wedding Cycle Chic 02
I couldn't possibly have invented a better send off gift for myself.

México Cycle Chic Contest - Win a Biomega 'Boston' Bicycle.

Whilst in México City we launched México Cycle Chic at a cracking party last Saturday. Mexicans - in México - can submit their best Cycle Chic shot to the group on Flickr and win a Biomega Boston bike.

Check the group on Flickr here. There's a bike for the best Gentleman shot and another for the best Lady shot.

17 January 2010

L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague

L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
Finally. At long last I was able to hook with Lauren, from San Francisco, who is the proud winner of the Cycle Chic / Velorbis Climate Conference Gorgeousness Competition. Christmas and the holidays got in the way of the bike handover so we finally met up a few days ago on the harbour in Copenhagen.

In the photo above, Lauren and her Studine bicycle check each other out, ready to embark on a fruitful relationship.
L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
Lauren and I had a lovely chat as we walked about in the icy cold weather and took photographs on the harbour by the new Royal Theatre [Skuespilhuset] with her and new red Studine bicycle from bespoke Danish bikemaker Velorbis, who were kind enough to offer up a bicycle for the competition.

I learned that Lauren, whilst growing up in the States, discovered that she loved badminton and was good at it. Must be a lonely life as a badminton player in the States. Kind of like being an American gridiron football player in Denmark. You have to go where the game is played professionally if you wish to make a career out of it.

Badminton-wise, you have Asia and you have Denmark or the UK. Lauren ended up here and currently plays in the national leagues for Herlev Badminton Club. So she's figuring out life in Denmark and writes about it on her blog The Dansk Badminton Life.
L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
We had a brilliant time despite the cold. Lauren's outfit certainly signals her deep and complete understanding of Cycle Chic and the red Studine bicycle from Velorbis certainly looked extra good against the grey skies and white ice on the harbour. We agreed that the pannier bags were a bit out of place here in Denmark and that a basket was a necessity here in Copenhagen, but I could certainly tell that Lauren was thrilled about the new bicycle.
L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague L'américaine et sa bicyclette à Copenhague
Congratulations once again, Lauren! Great to meet you and I hope you enjoy your new bicycle. And I'll take you up on your offer for more photo shoots later in the year. Be warned! :-)

Check out Lauren's prize winning entry here.