Showing posts with label climate conference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate conference. Show all posts

24 December 2009

Competition Prize Winner

Prize and Felix
Rest assured, the winner of the Cycle Chic/ Velorbis Climate Conference Gorgeousness Competition has contacted us. Lauren, from San Francisco, will be in Denmark for a while and the logistics of getting the Velorbis Studine bicycle to her were tricky, so we're going to do it after New Years.

In the meantime, Felix and I picked up the bicycle from our friends at Velorbis yesterday and the fine bicycle will be parked in one of our bicycle sheds until which time Lauren will take possession of it.

And isn't that a cool snowman we made?!

12 December 2009

Climate Demonstration Cycle Chic

Demonstration Cycle Chic Queen
Hot off the presses - or rather the memory card - are these Climate Demonstration Cycle Chic shots.

Earlier today Felix and I rolled out to what was expected to be a highlight of the current climate conference here in Copenhagen. A massive demonstration that walked from the parliament to the conference centre.

The photo, above, is the demonstration's finest, chic'est Copenhagen avec bicyclette.

It's worth mentioning that the temperature was just above freezing.
Demonstration Cycle Chic 1
Here's another excellent cycle chic Copenhagener.
The news here in Copenhagen is reporting that 100,000 people took part and it really was a brilliant demonstration. It was amazingly global with different languages spoken all around you. Many people stood along the roads and watched. Felix and I walked with the crowds for a while and then pulled over to just stare in awe at the masses of peaceful demonstrators.

It was great that he could see this. You have to go back decades to find a demonstration of this size in Copenhagen.
Cool Demo
The number of bicycles was amazing, too. Families with cargo bikes, citizens of all ages walking their bikes, you name it. This chap is the clear winner of the Cycle Chic pour hommes award today.

Felix Demo
Here's Felix standing in the cargo bay of our Bullitt cargo bike, from where he watched the world - literally - go by.